hey scott austin here from jade puma,in this video i'm going to show you how,to combine,two products if they're the same product,but in shopify,they exist as two separate products uh,i'll show you the method that i use to,combine them right you can manually do,it inside the shopify admin,or you know you copy images from one to,the other and that i just find that,too much of a hassle right i usually,just do this through excel,and that's the process i'm going to show,you here so in this store here,fraggle tribe um we migrated the content,from magento,and then we started combining each,product,color you know used to be its own,product and now we're turning color into,a variant,and this one product i i haven't,finished it yet i've got the alice board,shorts it's actually the same product,as the board shorts and they're just,different colors showing here so i want,to combine,these two products to be one product so,what i'm going to do is i'm going to go,into the,shopify admin and i've brought up,already the products for women's shorts,and here's the two products,that i want to combine so what i'm going,to do is go check them both,and i'm going to say export so i want to,export,the selected two products as a csv,export products,there it goes it downloads it right,there i'm going to open that up,in the folder so now what i'm going to,do is i'm going to open,up this csv file in excel,so and it only has the two uh,different products which are the same,product that i want to combine right,and you'll notice there's you know tons,of photos in both so what i'm going to,do,and we've also got sizes and skews right,so i'm gonna,the nice thing about this process is i,won't lose any of my information about,skus,photos and inventory and all that good,stuff so,what i'm gonna do is i'm going to create,a third,new product from these two old products,i could overwrite one of the existing,ones but i'm going to create a new one,and the way you do that is create a,unique handle,so i'm going to call this women's board,shorts,women's alice board shorts is the the,handle that i'm going to,create,and i'm going to apply that to both of,the products,so now that alone will combine the,products there'll be some mistakes if i,just,imported this up but that's the first,step is give them all the same product,handle,now the next thing i'm going to make,sure is that the variants,are in the right order so size and size,and color and color,using the same name so that's good um,this information here is not needed you,only need that,on the first line of the product right,so i'm going to get rid of those,values there and these values here,and also i'm going to go over to the,photos with lots of photos here right,so you notice in column z i've got this,image position,one two three four five and then it,starts over again for the new product so,i need to,keep that sequence going,continuously across both of them so now,this one product will have 40 photos and,i also know that there's a couple fields,right here,to delete,and also the active one right there,get rid of that that's a product level,entry not a variant level,these these are variant level entries,that you can see here,this one's a product level one so i have,to delete it from this other product,from the second product that i'm,combining,and that is all i need to do so now i'm,going to save that csv file as it is,and it's it's current format and close,that out,i'm just going to change that to import,and i'm gonna go back to my products in,the shopify admin and i'm going to,import,from the download section where download,there's the import file right there,i'm not going to overwrite right because,i created a new handle for this one,so i'm going to hit upload and continue,i'm going to get a little verification,screen that shows up here,that all looks good i'm going to say,import products,now if there's a lot of products this,process can take a little bit of time,but because it's only one product being,uploaded this shouldn't take us too long,at all,before it actually shows up so i'm gonna,go back,to my shorts on the front end,and refresh that,not showing up yet,i'm surprised this actually hasn't,finished by now but sometimes,shopify can be a little slower than we'd,like,all right none of these videos i just,run them straight through and don't edit,them at all so we're just going to wait,here for another 30 seconds or so,there we go all right so now you can see,the uh,new shorts have been added now one thing,i didn't do was change the product name,all right so let's go back to here,refresh that,so this is the new one that got added,you can see it's got the,higher you know quantity in stock but i,want to rename this one to be,board shorts make sure it's active,i'm gonna call that the alice board,shorts,save,now go ahead and preview that,and it's got more colors than the other,one did and there should be that whole,you know,massive number of 40 product photos in,there to go through,so that that's the combined product so,then i get to go back to the admin,and take the two shorts,that are the originals right and now,what i'm going to want to do,is archive those so i'm just going to go,here and say archive products,and those will go into the background,now,now our shopify server is a little bit,slow here today so we'll see if it's,caught up to us,on all these changes here when i go back,into that shorts collection,yep now i've only got the one pair,that's the combined one i got more,colors for it,so that's that's the process that i go,through to combine,two products into one i use excel i,export those two files,out to a csv edit in excel do a couple,little manipulations to combine the,information,without losing any data for things like,skus and inventory and photos,and upload that back in under a new,handle,and then i also archive the two original,files so that's it thanks for watching
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