how to migrate from big cartel to shopify

How to Migrate from Big Cartel to Shopify With Cart2Cart welcome to cart to cart an automated,shoppi

How to Migrate from Big Cartel to Shopify With Cart2Cart

The above is a brief introduction to how to migrate from big cartel to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to migrate from big cartel to shopify

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how to migrate from big cartel to shopify catalogs

How to Migrate from Big Cartel to Shopify With Cart2Cart

welcome to cart to cart an automated,shopping cart migration service designed,to help you move your store from one,shopping cart to another with no,programming skills necessary no software,to download and free demo migration,available for you at one this video,tutorial is going to show you how easy,it is to migrate your product customers,and order history from your existing Big,Cartel store to Shopify,with karke to cart to get started with,cart to cart all you need to do is to,sign in with your existing Facebook or,Google account you can also register a,new cart to cart account and you'll be,on your way to creating your,long-awaited store migration you can,choose between two options if you would,like to perform migration on your own,then click start migration now if you,would like to get assistance from the,cart to cart team then choose one of the,data migration service packages this,video tutorial will show you how to,perform migration on your own now all,you need to do is follow the simple,step-by-step wizard to start your,migration first of all set up your,source shopping cart that is your,current cart from the drop-down list,select Big Cartel platform then include,your shopping cart default URL address,now click proceed set up your target,shopping cart from the drop down menu,select Shopify then include your target,cart URL at this step you will have to,provide the API password from your,Shopify store please log into your,Shopify admin panel go to apps menu and,click on the link to the left bottom,corner for private application,activation here you can see your API,password copy and paste it into the,corresponding field in your migration,wizard now click proceed at this step,you're ready to proceed with selecting,the entities you'd like to migrate those,can either be your products product,categories manufacturers customers and,orders and other corresponding,information or everything altogether as,an example I'm gonna check all the,entities you can also select additional,options for migration some of them are,provided,for additional cost so make sure you,have enough funds on your account now we,can click proceed to the next step,if you've selected to migrate orders or,customers you will need to import this,data in CSV file as an example I will,show you how it works with the orders to,get the file log in to Big Cartel admin,panel go to orders tab scroll down the,page and click export CSV on the right,bottom save the file to your computer,and go back to migration wizard after,that upload orders and proceed to the,next step with cart to cart,you have a chance to map currencies set,in your source part to the ones that,will be displayed in the Target cart if,you selected to migrate your orders the,service will provide you with the chance,to map your order statuses change them,around for your best convenience or,leave them as they are and proceed to,the next step and so as easy as that you,are all ready to start your demo,migration at this point you can check,all the entities again for your,convenience and safety it's highly,recommended you actually proceed with,the demo migration if you'd like to,migrate all your entities right away you,can skip this step,I'm not going to skip the demo migration,to show you how it worked the service,will start transferring data right away,you'll be able to track the migration,process from the same window at this,point you have an opportunity to see the,list of migrated entities you can also,check the result of your demo migration,at your target Shopify store now you can,evaluate the results of demo migration,we would really appreciate your feedback,so please don't skip this option on this,step you can select migration insurance,plan choose one of the options and get,an opportunity to restart the same data,transfer again in one mouse click it,will help to save your money in case of,data interrupting,during store customization after,migration now you can go ahead and start,your full migration if there's not,enough funds on your account you will be,asked to charge it with more credits if,you have a discount coupon code check,the appropriate field otherwise double,check the entities that are about to be,migrated and click start full migration,button,you're full migration is on and you can,track the data transfer process right,there,at this point you can close your browser,window as soon as the full data transfer,is completed you'll receive an email,notification to check the result right,after that you can check your newly,established Shopify store right away so,that's it it's as simple as that so what,are you waiting for go ahead and start,an automated migration right now go to,WWE,- cart - migration calm - make your,dream store come true

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