hello everybody if you're on the shopify,platform and you want to migrate to big,commerce,you're watching the right video at,optimum 7 we've done hundreds of these,migrations and the way we do it is a,little bit different than other agencies,we actually validate all the data,through api and we check for special,characters character limits your product,options we also migrate your customers,your orders your products and tie them,all together so that when your users or,when your customers log into the new,platform they see their orders on their,my account pages and everything is,seamless and it works really well the,last step is 301 redirects,a lot of the agencies or a lot of our,competitors miss this step and this is a,very important step your url structure,is going to change so you want to make,sure that you do the three zero and,redirects properly that way you don't,lose any organic visibility or organic,traffic or keyword rankings that you,might have achieved over the years,remember execution plan during a,migration process is everything so watch,the rest of the video to see at what,level we do this type of my risk,this documentation shows migration from,bcommerce to shopify,but it's essentially the same,documentation that we've created for all,the different platforms,the steps might change the details might,change the api might change but the,process remains the same so if you look,at the big commerce to shopify,process here as you can see we have,database com commands we have,migration commands and we have the,entire url structures and everything,because different platforms have,different url structures and the,different special characters limitations,there are so many exceptions right not,only that if you look at our github,account,on github we have done these migrations,before so we have full code on how we,validate the products the customers the,orders how we tie them together how we,process html if you have html on your,product pages on bigcommerce that need,to move over to shopify now bigcommerce,and shopify manage,options and variables differently right,there is actually some sort of,limitation on shopify with your options,where you cannot have unlimited options,so we evaluate all of this information,through our code because we've done this,thousands of times and if you look at,this you'll see all kinds of migration,processes here and every single piece of,code basically makes sure that we,validate this information through the,api this is not an export import of a,csv file you cannot do migration for a,website that does millions of dollars,annually through an automated software,software is not going to validate any of,this,now if you want to look at the,documentation there's a more detailed,documentation that we have here it has,all these types of manual links it has,the different exceptions based on you,know what you can do on b commerce but,what you cannot do on shopify vice versa,again character limitations the special,characters the errors,um that you might have and we do all of,this through our process here as you can,see this is a very very detailed,execution,why do we do it this way because it's,very important that you don't,lose organic ranks and you don't get,404s because your,traffic is going to drop your sales are,going to drop it's very painful we have,a lot of prospects that use automated,software and the migration did not go,well and they didn't work with an expert,and they come back and they're like well,we lost 50 of our traffic we want we,lost 60 of our sales so you don't want,that to happen to you,the last thing is if you actually again,go to optimum 7.com forward slash,migrations page you will see let me show,you that really quickly you will see a,detailed checklist that you can download,here the 125 step platform migration,checklist and that checklist looks like,this it will help you throughout the,process you know the platform selection,the planning,uh the actual migration the storefront,the backend the checkout the data the,integration and anything that has to do,with the marketing social media tracking,as well i strongly suggest that you,download this because it will help you,plan your entire migration process now,of course we want everybody to do their,due diligence you know whenever you do,this kind of migration,look at examples look at case studies of,whomever you're going to work with,i'll show you some from optimum seven,you know we migrated rc super store it's,the site that we worked on specialist id,good console t's to your door echoing,close and if you actually look at this,like what happened after the migration,process i think we migrated this site in,2016.,i think we migrated this in 2017 you'll,see the database growth in terms of,organic visibility so their metrics have,actually improved because whenever you,do a platform migration you want to go,to a speed and mobile first,website and you have to pay attention to,the to the mobile usability metrics and,you have to make certain improvements to,design and from a conversion standpoint,you have to implement certain,functionalities like search and filter,and this is all an effect of that,because google pays attention to how,peop because everybody has analytics,google pays attention to how your users,and your customers interact with your,website okay so do your due diligence,definitely to go through the process but,this is very very important please,please make sure you do the 301,redirects properly at the end as one of,the most important aspects of this you,don't want to lose your ranks you don't,want to lose money you don't want to,lose the authority that you've worked so,hard to build and if you have any,questions please let us know thank you,i hope that this video was helpful if,you have any questions please reach out,to us at optimum7.com you can always,email info optimum 7.com or click the,link below,thank you for watching this video,subscribe to our channel for more videos,on marketing e-commerce custom,development and much more,plus new episodes of search our weekly,e-commerce and digital marketing podcast,released every wednesday
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