how to open a drop shipping store on shopify

How To Start Shopify Dropshipping in 2022 (FOR BEGINNERS) drop shipping has become more of a,common

Ac Hampton

Updated on Feb 28,2023

How To Start Shopify Dropshipping in 2022 (FOR BEGINNERS)

The above is a brief introduction to how to open a drop shipping store on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to open a drop shipping store on shopify

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how to open a drop shipping store on shopify catalogs

How To Start Shopify Dropshipping in 2022 (FOR BEGINNERS)

drop shipping has become more of a,common thing over the last couple years,and with that more and more people are,wanting to learn how to get started and,if you're new to it it can be very,confusing and difficult and even,overwhelming to know what direction to,start especially when you're learning a,new skill well that's exactly why i'm,making this video for you my goal,through this entire video is to teach,you step by step a through z everything,that you need to know to start drop,shipping in 2022 so you can have a,profitable e-commerce business that's,creating you sustainable passive income,by the end of this video you should have,full confidence in knowing exactly how,to start and what steps you need to take,to run a successful drop shipping,business not only am i going to help you,know exactly what steps you need to take,to run this business the correct way but,if you smash that like button below and,get this video to a thousand likes i,will give you guys 10 trending winning,products that you can sell today that,you can take full advantage of with your,drop shipping business so with that,being said if you want that smash that,like button below and subscribe to my,channel as i have never missed a single,week on this platform without further,ado let's go ahead and strap in grab a,pen and paper and let's go ahead and get,into the value,i need to know everything who in the,world and where i need everything,what's going on everybody my name is ac,hampton and i'm an eight figure marketer,where i help people test build and scale,up profitable e-commerce businesses if,you're new here welcome and make sure,you subscribe for new value pack videos,each and every single friday if you're a,part of my supreme family welcome back,and thank you everybody for continuously,showing love before i get into this,video i want to remind you that each and,every single week i give out a free,consulting call with myself and the,supreme econ team to streamline your,success with ecommerce and get all of,your questions answered if you want the,opportunity of winning a free consulting,call this week all you have to do is,three simple things the first thing you,must do is in the comment section below,comment the word 2022 and what your goal,is for next year with drop shipping and,running your ecommerce business the,second thing you must do is go to my,instagram ac underscore hampton and go,ahead and follow me and the third thing,you must do is smash that like button,below and subscribe to my channel i'll,be announcing the winner from last week,somewhere inside of this video so make,sure you stay tuned the entire way we,officially only have a week and a half,left in november and my spots and my,one-on-one mentorship are completely,filling up if you're ready to learn how,to make an additional passive income,from your phone so that you can live the,life that you deserve you can head over,to my instagram at ac underscore hampton,and dme mentorship so i can reach out,with a couple questions to see if you're,a good fit for my one-on-one mentorship,again spots are extremely limited so,make sure you take action today while,these spots are still available so you,can finish off 2021 strong okay without,further ado let's go ahead and jump,right into it now first and foremost,there are a lot of components that go,into running a successful drop shipping,business and there's a lot of,information out there that you're going,to need to know but none of this can,happen if you don't get your store off,the ground we'll hop over to my screen,i'll show you guys exactly how i'll,build a store from complete scratch even,if i was a beginner so that it can get,as much success as possible so the first,thing that you'll need to do is start a,trial on shopify shopify does typically,offer a 7-day free trial but you can tap,the link in my description to get 14,days free with no credit card needed on,file shopify is a platform that your,website will be built on where all the,orders will come in so with that being,said it is definitely an essential part,of your drop shipping business there's,definitely other ecommerce platforms but,shopify is by far my favorite as it is,extremely reliable and beginner friendly,i'm gonna go ahead and put my email in,that i made specifically for this video,so i can start a free trial and show you,guys exactly what to do next so the only,thing i'm doing is i'm just entering my,email address enter the simple password,and just the name of your store now mind,you this is not going to be the domain,name of your store just a name for,shopify to integrate you with so i'm,going to go ahead and start this free,trial and you guys will see exactly what,to do next so this is the next screen,that you'll see and it will say tell us,a little bit about yourself it'll say,are you currently selling i typically,just put i'm not selling any products,yet do you want to sell products through,drop shipping yes in addition to your,shopify store what else would you like,to sell so just i'm not sure yet what is,your current revenue zero dollars what,industry will you be operating in you,can just put other next step you do is,just enter my store now i'm officially,on the home page of shopify and this is,what you guys should be seeing so the,first thing that i do after setting up a,shopify store is i come over here to the,app section and i start visiting the,shopify app store go to customize your,store and this is what the shopify app,store looks like now that you have the,app store loaded the most important app,that you need to add right away is,oberlo so you just come over here you go,to apps you type in oberlo and you just,come over here and click on oberlo,oberlo is an app that allows us to,import our products from aliexpress and,allows us to fulfill orders from our,customers directly through it it is a,must-have if you're testing products,from aliexpress as that's what i use,whenever i first started off and it's,something that i would recommend you to,do as well i'm gonna go ahead and add,this app to my store and i'll be back,with the setup after it is finished,downloading now that we have overload,downloaded and ready to go you're gonna,want to find your first product that you,can import to your store you're going to,do that exactly by coming down here,heading down to find products and,clicking on this tab this will allow you,to source through different products,that oberlo is sourcing through,aliexpress today but you can also find,winning products that you can sell right,now by checking out this video to find,hot and training winning products that,can work for you today after you're,scrolling through and finding a product,that really catches your attention all,you have to do is simply just come over,here click this little add to import,list and it will direct you to this,screen and you'll see all of your,products imported right there on the,screen you're able to directly change,the name of the product and i always,suggest giving your product a catchy,name and then describing it so just for,this example would be like combat touch,tactical gloves,that's all you have to do on this page,and the next thing i like to do is come,over here to this variant section and,choose what variants of the product i'm,going to sell it's always important to,know what variance of the product that,you want to sell before you completely,import it to your store so for example,you can see that there's a black variant,here a brown variant a green variant if,i only want to choose these two which i,will for this example this is how i'm,going to set it up so i'm simply just,going to come over here and just turn,off all these variants,even in the same page i can come over,here to pricing and change the price of,each variant that i'm selling so the,price isn't necessarily based off of,what the product costs that you're,getting from aliexpress but you always,want to make sure that you're getting a,certain margin when you're selling any,product and for me for my selling price,i'm always looking for it to be two and,a half times the cost of goods that i'm,selling also when i'm trying to choose a,selling price for this product i think,what are my competitors selling this,exact same product for and what can i,base my price around to do better than,them with that being said most of the,time i'm really just looking at my,competitors and seeing what they're,selling this exact same item for and you,can see this exact example of how you,can do that right here in this video so,for this example you can see the cost is,17.15,so i'll come over here to 1715 i'll,multiply this by two and a half and,that's going to give me forty two,dollars and eighty cents so forty two,dollars and eighty cents is the bare,minimum that i can sell this product for,so i'm gonna come over here to price i'm,gonna go to change all prices and i'm,gonna go to 42.99,after you change the price the next,thing that you want to make sure you,don't forget is adding a compared price,you want to make sure that you're adding,a compare price so when customers are,coming to shop from you they think that,they're getting a really good sale so i,typically just make this 50 off so all i,have to do is take my selling price of,42.99 and i multiply that by two and,that's going to give me 85.98 which is,what i'll put over here in the compare,price every shopper loves a great deal,so you want to make sure that your,customer thinks that they're getting one,so right after choosing your variants,and changing the pricing the next thing,you want to do is select the photos that,you want to import to your store so you,just come over here to images and you'll,see they have already all these images,that you can have on your store you want,to make sure that this section of the,pictures that you're adding are only the,variants that you chose so for example i,took off this variant right here for,anything that showed any fingers so i'm,not going to make sure that those images,import and just side note you can always,add or remove images that you import on,your shopify so you're not just stuck to,these images even if you just choose one,that you don't like or maybe you wish,you added you can always go back and fix,this after you find out what images you,want to use on your website the next,step you do is just simply come over,here to this button and click import to,store it after you've imported it you,should see this screen right here you,should see a little check and then just,edit product on shopify so now as we,head back to shopify you'll just come,over here to products and you will now,see your first product that you imported,to your store once you click directly on,this product it will take you to,something called the product description,this is the part of your store that you,will be leading customers to from your,advertisement as they will be landing,directly on the product page not on the,home screen of your store now building,your product page and making it as,shopper friendly and informative as,possible is one of your main priorities,as an advertiser but i know you're,probably sitting there wondering well,how do i do that and before we jump into,how to build a high converting product,page i know that this video is filled,with a lot of information so if you have,any questions at all or you're feeling,stuck or just need some questions,answered you can go to my instagram ac,underscore hampton and dm me the word,youtube dm me the word youtube so i can,give you solutions and answers to all,the problems that you're having as it's,not about how much money you can make in,this world but how much knowledge you,can teach others to change their lives,so what i typically do is just search,for my exact same product on google and,find other competitors and the easiest,way for you to do that is type the name,of your product and type in shopify at,the end of it it'll bring you all,different people who are selling that,same product who have a shopify store,that you can base yourself off of so,i'll just come over here i'll open up,three different examples so from there,i'm simply just going to look at what,they're doing well and allow it to work,for me from there we can dive deep into,their product images and their product,description and see everything that,they're doing on their website and,literally i'm just going to put myself,in a position to not reinvent the wheel,i'm allow whatever's working for them to,allow it to work for me and get rid of,the things that are not now disclaimer,i'm not going to just copy somebody's,entire store and just paste it on my,store that's not what we're gonna do,after all you're trying to make your,store better and more competitive than,your competitors and you can't do that,at all if you're just going to copy and,paste you want to make sure that you're,rewording the text adding different,images and different gifs surrounding,your product so that you can stand out,from your competition and win every,single time remember if you want to wipe,out your competition you need to look,more trustworthy than them and this is,the step that you do that at so let me,go ahead and find some give some images,a little bit of product description text,and show you guys a live example of how,i would do this you can also watch this,video right here on a step-by-step,walkthrough on exactly how i build all,my stores from scratch now as i'm,putting in some of this information i,want to make sure i'm bolding and,highlighting the key features and,benefits of why a customer wants this,product in the first place you want to,make sure that you can stick out to your,customers and i'm going to go ahead and,finish this up and we'll get right back,to it now i've officially finished the,product page and one step that you want,to make sure you do every single time is,come up here and click the save button,now let's go ahead and check out and see,what i was able to work with as you can,see this is coming together pretty,quickly so we can go ahead and check out,this product description but i just want,to be clear it's the best thing that you,can do is inspect it on the mobile view,over 90 of your customers are going to,be purchasing from you on their mobile,view so let's go ahead and check it out,on there so this is a little bit of what,it looks like right now that's not too,bad is it one thing about this is we're,using the basic free theme on shopify,and there's so many themes that you can,use and let's go ahead and check it out,so you simply just come over here you go,to online store and then you go to,themes now as you can see shopify does,have a lot of themes that you can take,full advantage of that are absolutely,free so all these themes yes they are,free but free does not always mean,better i personally enjoy using the,beautify the beautify is the theme that,i use on all my stores and you guys can,check that out with the link in my,description as you can choose any plan,and get a free trial as well as 20 off,and it's very simple to add to your,store all you do is come over here go to,google and type into and,it's very simple to add to your store,once you get to their website all you,have to do is press try to beautify,theme and enter your information and,make sure to put your store link in so,then right here is where you'll enter,your store theme after entering your,store it will bring you right to this,page and you just click install unlisted,app so then it will bring you directly,to this page so all you have to do is,come over here to download theme and,then you'll click this button where it,says add to theme library right then,there theme successfully downloaded so,the next steps i will do is just come,back over here to shopify go to online,store i will see the beautify theme i'll,click action and then i will publish and,now this theme is officially live on my,store so then the next steps is i come,over here to customize and it will take,us to the home page of our store and,that we're able to customize it exactly,how we want but before we get into,customizing you want to go over here to,this little button where it shows the,viewer and you want to make sure you,change this to mobile again this is,where most of your shoppers are going to,be looking at so you want to make sure,that this looks absolutely perfect first,now that you have your store ready to be,designed the next thing you need to come,up with is the name of your store don't,make this harder than it needs to be you,can literally just come up here to,google and type in store name generator,you can either use the store name,generator or you can just come up with,it yourself but again this should not,take you much time at all the most,important part for you when it comes to,choosing this name is keeping it as,broad in general as possible as you are,starting a general store where you're,testing all different types of products,finding out which one will work and then,you will eventually brand it and just,remember you don't want to start a one,product or a niche focused store around,one single product if you don't even,know if it's gonna sell in the first,place a general store can be whatever,you want it to be named again but just,for this example we're gonna name it,shop smart store now that we've chosen a,domain name the next step that we have,to do is build the logo my favorite,website to build logos is canva so let's,go ahead and jump right into it so come,over here and just go to this,is the home page that you'll see and i,simply just come over here and i click,on logo i like to find logos that are,going to stick out to me so i simply,just come through these different,templates and i just choose one so i,could just choose this one right here i,always suggest when you're building your,logo you only use three colors black,white and one other separate color you,want a nice clean and professional feel,on your store and that's exactly what,you're gonna get with this logo i'm,gonna go ahead and build this and show,you exactly what i mean and it's as,simple as that so i'm gonna go ahead and,click download now now that we have our,logo built we're just going to come back,over here to customize next thing we're,going to do is going to come down here,to header and then we're going to go,ahead and enter our image so just come,over here upload an image upload your,logo boom as simple as that and just,keep doing that for all of them so you,want to make sure you do that for,default inverted as well as mobile and,as you guys can see right here on the,mobile version you guys can see my logo,is already on my store and just for,building it that quick i'm not gonna lie,it looks pretty good after we enter this,logo and we have everything placed in,the right position the next thing we're,going to do is build the remaining of,our store this part right here can,definitely be overwhelming if you've,never done it before but the best piece,of advice i can have is section this off,and work one piece at a time i like to,start off with the top of my home page,and make my way down so that's going to,start off with the announcement so,here's the announcement section and,within this section i like to add a,banner of what type of sell the customer,is going to get and why they should want,to shop for me right away so typically,something i'll do right here is i'll do,free worldwide shipping,sale ending soon,let me go ahead and fix that shipping,and then just simply just save that the,next thing i like to do is start off,with the welcome section on my store and,you can either use the free images that,shopify uses or you can find,non-copyrighted images all around google,so you simply just add featured image,you go to select images you can go to,free images and you can just shop around,all the different ones that they have so,this image right here looks pretty good,so i'll just stick with this so remember,you're starting a general store so you,want to make sure your image is just a,general image something that probably,will go with the same colors as your,logo so you see this has a little bit of,blue in it my logo has a little bit of,blue in it so again it just goes well,with each other and then right after,that i like to add a section called,featured content so in this text section,what i like to do is grab the attention,of the customer and this is the perfect,place to do it so i might just do a,heading like spin less smile more,here at shop smart,so just like this spend less smile more,here at shop smart store we focus on the,happiness of our customers first that's,why we have multiple products that you,can enjoy today winter cell ending soon,just something simple right after you,have the announcement the header the,featured image the featured content next,thing you're gonna do is add a featured,product so you'll come over here you'll,go to add a section you'll come over,here to feature product and then guess,what product you're gonna add the same,product that you just added from oberlo,so you'll simply just come over here to,select a product and you'll just click,the same product that you just added on,oberlo after that you can really just go,ahead and hide everything else on your,store so you'll just come over here,you'll literally take these little eyes,and you'll mark them off the only last,section that you want to add is a,newsletter so you'll just come over here,and you'll just add this last one when,you add this newsletter you want to make,sure you add a simple text in here so,that you can convince the customers to,shop from you and even just give you,their email in the first place so i can,just put customer service is very,important to us,as well as keeping our customers up to,date on deals that we currently have so,then after adding that to your,newsletter you are officially done with,your home page now the last thing that,you need to do on your website is set up,your footer so simply just come down,here to footer i go to about us i'll,upload my image right here then you'll,scroll down here to text i like to just,enter a simple text like this and then,after that you want to go ahead and,click save you can get rid of the quick,links you can get ready to subscribe to,our newsletter because you already have,that on your store now that we have our,store set up we're going to go ahead and,change the colors to match the logo in,the theme of our brand so in order to,change your colors you're going to come,over here to theme settings on your left,you're going to come over here to colors,and this is where you match the color of,your logo so really you just come over,here you find the color of your logo,within here and you can just copy and,paste the same code and post it every,single place that you need to so,basically with the beautify every single,one of these colors that is a dark,purple you just replace that with your,color so i'm gonna come over here to,background and i'm just gonna do this,all the way down,again this is going to give your store a,nice neat and professional feel so now,look at our completed homepage you can,see that this is completely built now,and you can see even on your homepage,when you're scrolling down you click,this added cart it's going to bring you,directly to the product page of the,product that you just added which now,looks like this so one thing that you,need to make sure that you always do on,your website is make sure that your,customers can trust you and the easiest,way to do this is by having high,converting reviews with that being said,we're gonna go back to shopify we're,gonna go to the app store and we're,gonna add one of my favorite review apps,so we're just gonna come back over here,to apps customize your store and we're,gonna add my favorite review app a,reviews this app will allow you to,import reviews directly from amazon,aliexpress all over different areas so,that you can have direct views right on,your store before you even sell the,product this is a step that you cannot,forget when you're setting up your store,as this app is going to make customers,think that you're credible trustworthy,and that they can buy from you think,about how much time you pay attention to,reviews before you buy something well,when customers come to your website,they're going to be thinking about the,exact same thing so simply just come,over here to add app so when you're on,this app the next thing you do is go to,reviews and then import reviews you then,go back to aliexpress and you type in,your exact same product so then once you,find your product on aliexpress you're,gonna go ahead and copy this hyperlink,you're gonna paste it in here on a,reviews and then click import so then,after adding those reviews you want to,come over here to online store and then,go to pages and then add a couple more,pages to our store which will give our,store that professional feel that we're,looking for under these pages we're,going to add a couple legal pages like,contact us shipping pages and faqs and,i'll go ahead and show you how i set up,my contact us page so i simply come over,here to add page i name it contact us,then we go from theme template to,contact and this is exactly what your,contact us page should look like so,after clicking save i'll go ahead and,show you what that looks like on the,website and this is simply what the,contact us page looks like you can see,this is some general information the,customer can enter their information,here and get a direct response back from,your customer service team the next page,that i'm going to create is the faq page,so let's go ahead and jump right into it,and here's my faq page and as you can,see these are typical questions that you,should be having right away for your,customers so how long does shipping take,do you ship to foreign countries how can,i cancel my order before ships i messed,up on my order can i change an item will,my credit card be charged and when will,it happen just all these questions that,you're gonna get all the time the reason,why you have this faq page is so you can,save yourself time with this customer,service as long as you have this,available you can send this to people,all the time now the last two policies,you want to make sure you add on to your,website is the shipping and refund,policy and i'm going to go ahead and,create those now now that we have our,pages set up we want to make sure that,people can actually see them in the,first place so what you want to do is,you want to come over here to navigation,click footer and then this is where you,add the pages that you just created so,add menu item we're gonna do contact us,faq,refund policy and last but not least,shipping policy now that you can see,that saved you can see that we have,these exact links right here at the,footer of our page you can also see when,i click on these three dots all of these,pages are available here again clean,professional and just making it easier,for your customer now the last thing you,need to do to set up your store is have,set shipping times so in order to do,that you just come over here to settings,you click on shipping and delivery and,then manage rates so the easiest thing,you can do right away is just delete all,of these so for my stores i like to,allocate free shipping to them so i just,come over here to add rate i'll name it,free shipping and it's just as simple as,that now that only covers domestic but,remember as an advertiser you're,probably going to be shipping to,different countries so you want to make,sure to do the same thing for rest of,the world when you're done with that you,just simply come over here and click,save now the store i just showed you,guys that we just built today is one of,the most simplistic versions of a,shopify store but this is perfect for,you to go ahead and get started off of,now you've officially set up your first,store and the next step is running your,first advertisement and i have a lot of,videos on my channel about this but this,is my favorite one that you can check,out that's going to go in specific,detail on what you need to do next i,hope that this video was able to help,all of you know exactly how to start,drop shipping in 2022 with your first,shopify dropshipping store take,advantage of these strategies take some,of the examples i gave you guys to put,you in the best position to take,advantage of all of 2022 and before i,head out don't think that i forgot about,the free consulting call from last,week's video and the free consulting,call winner from last week's video is,arena gregor arena congratulations on,winning go ahead and reach out to me on,instagram at ac underscore hampton let,me know that you won we can hop on a,zoom call get all of your questions,answered and make sure you can take,action this year if you want the,opportunity of winning the same giveaway,to streamline your success with,e-commerce make sure to do all three,requirements that i mentioned at the,very beginning of this video i'll see,you guys all next week for another,banger in another value pack video this,is ac and i'm out,when you got it like that like said we,gonna spend it right back stack that,internet money to the site,talk they just crash fast

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