how to optimize shopify for china

How to Optimize Your Shopify Product Page To Convert in the previous lesson you learn how to,import

AutoDS - Automatic Dropshipping Tools

Updated on Mar 22,2023

How to Optimize Your Shopify Product Page To Convert

The above is a brief introduction to how to optimize shopify for china

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How to Optimize Your Shopify Product Page To Convert

in the previous lesson you learn how to,import products to your store using the,autods platform to help optimize and,automate the process in this lesson you,are going to learn how to create a,powerful product page which will help,you convert one-time viewers into buyers,now for those of you who don't know the,product page is a very very important,page which showcases your product this,is the page where the viewer will view,the product and decide if he wants to,click on that add to cart and proceed,with the checkout process therefore it's,very crucial to know how to create a,very good converting and powerful,product page also don't forget that in a,few lessons from now when you will,finally learn how to create your own,facebook ads you are going to target,your ads to the product page and not to,your home page or any other page so,let's go ahead and get started in the,previous lesson your assignment was to,add those products from the product,research spreadsheet and import them to,your stores using auto ds,now that that's done let's head over to,the platform and on the left side click,on drafts and here we have that product,from the previous lesson you should be,seeing your products from the product,research spreadsheet let me just add,another product just for the variety,this time instead of using the import to,auto ds i'm going to show you the second,method where you just copy the web,address click on add products and simply,paste it over here now just simply click,on next,and keep clicking on next until you get,to the last option add as a draft,instead of publish it straight to your,store,here we go here it is very quick and,very efficient so now we have two,products in our drafts page now let's,start optimizing them and import them to,our stores click on the arrow that you,see over here,to begin the edit process you can also,do it on multiple items at once,so let's start with this one,the two dog reflective retractable pet,leash so first of all let's work on the,product's title because at this point,it's copied just as we saw it on the,source site i'm going to start off by,deleting the brand name two dog,reflective retractable pet leash this is,a product feature which we don't need in,the title at this point two dogs each up,to 50 pounds that's more technical,information that we do not need at the,title at this point reflective orange,green leads,dual lock let's see if there's anything,else that we can add to the title,so it has an untangling mechanism so,let's just add,tangle free okay and this title looks,good now let's move on to the next tab,we have collections so on shopify you,can add your products to certain,collections and then showcase those,collections anywhere you want on your,website so in this case i will just add,it to the home page collection in the,next lesson we're going to go over the,home page and you'll have a clearer,picture of what's going on now the,product tags is an important feature,where you will be able to tag your,products and then you'll be able to,later on come back and see exactly how,those products performed for example,since we're in the pet niche let's,create a tag for pets and let's say i,want to add a whole bunch of dog leashes,onto my shop so i also want to check out,how the dog leashes are going for me in,my store so let's create another tag,called,dogleash,next choose your shipping method so,autods will know exactly how to price,this product for you so i'm going to go,with the cheapest with tracking because,providing tracking information is very,important for your own protection next,in the country location choose which,country this product is being shipped,from so since in this case i went with,amazon us i'm going to keep it in the,united states and here you have to,choose the city location which connects,to the country location which the,product is being shipped from,if you don't know the city location you,can just leave it as it is just make,sure that the country location is,correct because you don't want customers,complaining that you said that the,product is going to be shipped from the,us and at the end they're going to see,from the tracking information that it's,being shipped from china so just make,sure that the country location is,correct and moving on to the brand you,can choose if you want the customer to,see the brand's name and if you don't,want the customer to see the brand's,name you can just change it for example,to branded since it's a small brand and,nobody's going to go and look for that,specific brand anyway but that's just,another way to do it and here on the,bottom stock monitoring is enabled price,monitoring is enabled and auto ordering,is enabled so that's it for the products,tab now we're going to move on to the,product's description and here is where,you have to get creative now for,starting off autods took all of the,products description from the source,site as we can see it over here on the,right side so all of the product,subscription that you see over here is,exactly what we can see here on the,products page but we're not going to,leave it exactly like this because once,again we want professional product pages,and it's not that there's nothing not,professional with amazon's product,descriptions but you simply do not want,to work in a copy and paste form this is,not smart for the drop shipping business,model i've seen many drop shippers who,just copy and paste the product,descriptions without going over them and,it just doesn't look good and i really,doubt that they're making any good cells,this way so here's the product,description that we already have let's,just go over it really quick and see,what we can improve,okay so i wrote a product description,i made bullet points that are similar to,the bullet points that already existed i,simply wrote them in my own words and,made it sound a little bit more,convincing so that's pretty much what,you need to do in the product page keep,in mind that you have to use your,creative mind in the product page to,convince the customer why he needs to,buy this product and what problem it,solves so let's see the opening line the,struggle of walking two dogs with two,separate leashes is over,no more tangles no more hassle with this,dual dog leash you have full control,over each dog your dogs have the freedom,to enjoy their walk and you have an,extra hand to help you open doors or,hold your umbrella this is the problem,that it's solving for many many people,when they're walking two dogs with two,separate leashes they have no hands,available to help them with anything,that they may need practical convenient,cheaper than having two separate leashes,and much more comfortable join the,thousands of satisfied customers who are,enjoying their dual dog leash and their,pets then you have the bullet points,which are showing all of the products,features i will delete the bullet points,that the supplier wrote since we already,have our own much more convincing bullet,points and don't forget to add the,product specifications every,specification that you have from the,supplier page make sure that you're,adding it to the product page because,most viewers have questions that they,may want to ask and when you answer,those questions in advance they won't,have to bother reaching out to you and,most of them won't reach out to you,they'll simply move on to the next,competitor so make sure that you're,adding all of the information that you,have possible from your source page now,let's go to our source page and see if,we missed out anything that might be,relevant so we have the products title,we have bullet points,we have a good converting product,description all of the features that,we're seeing here 360 degree technology,control each leash individually,color-coded reflective up to 50 pounds,each dog 10 foot length each one and a,soft and comfortable handle so all of,these features i already have it on the,product page and here is a converting,product description in words which we,already did also so there's nothing left,to be added the product description is,on point make sure that you're going,through all of the text options that you,have available to change up the text the,sizes make some words bald italic,underlined and so forth you can even add,links and images and videos to your,product page and i definitely encourage,you guys to add product videos and gifs,if you have them available because on,shopify it's super easy to add product,videos to your product pages but more,importantly it's playing a crucial role,in convincing the viewer to buy this,product but don't worry you're going to,learn all about product videos soon i'm,going to teach you guys how to create,your own videos for your products and,then we'll also add them to the product,page so let's skip that for now,next you have your product variants so,since there's only one variant here,we're just gonna go with that one and,click on edit,and here you can change the product's,quantity,the break even which is how many fees,you're paying for this product you have,to make sure that you know exactly how,many fees you're paying it depends which,platform you're selling on which in this,case it's shopify and it also depends on,your payment providers and if you want,to know how much fees you're currently,paying simply head over to shopify click,on settings and payment providers and,you'll be able to see your third-party,payment providers over here,and also check out your shopify,subscription where here you can see your,shopify payments the subscription that,you chose will show you the transaction,fees that you're paying for that current,subscription as you can see over here,so calculate your break even add it to,the break-even line over here next you,can choose the price that you want to,sell for and if you don't know exactly,how much you're going to profit that's,exactly why you have your break even so,auto ds knows that if the product costs,dollars and 24 cents and on that you,have to add another 17 percent because,that's your break even fees then your,total profit will be 3.52 cents if,you're selling for 43 dollars and nine,cents so for example on this product i,want to make 20 profit and another 30,cents,because that's another fee that paypal,takes for me which is not counted in the,break-even percentage,so in order to make 20 profit i need to,sell this product for 46.97,my total profit will be,6.75 and i have no problem with that,whatsoever here you can choose if you,want to include the shipping price,inside the product sell price so let's,keep it as it is and click on save,so now we've priced out our variant and,we're making exactly the profit that we,want to make,now let's move on to the images,and here are the options that you have,for each image,first you can add more images by,clicking the plus button,and if you hover over each image you'll,have the option to copy this image which,means make another copy of this image on,the product page you can rotate it if,it's not straight you can flip the image,which means make a mirror flip like this,and you can add a watermark if you have,one and you don't want people to steal,your product images now if you want a,different picture to be your main image,it's also no problem simply hover over,it and click set as main image,so that's pretty much it when it comes,to product images in this case i'm not,going to change the image i'm going to,keep it as it is and we're going to move,on and here last but not least you have,your item specifics now as you can see,here auto ds took the item specifics,from the source page and edit it over,here so it's already saving you guys a,lot of time from going to your sources,page and trying to find that information,it has the exact dimensions and the,product's weight and if you have any,more information on the product which,isn't showing up on the products item,specifics you can simply add more,specifics by clicking on add item,enter the exact specific that you want,to write for example,color and in the description,you can write black green and red,because it's a combination of all three,colors,click on add,and that's it you can edit each item,specific one by one delete them one by,one or edit all of them at the same time,as you can see here,edit whatever you want finish editing or,cancel editing so once we're done,filling in all of these columns we know,that our product is ready to be,published to our stores so the next step,is to simply click on save just to make,sure that nothing will be changed or,deleted and now click on the import,button,now what auto ds is doing is it's taking,the product from the draft page over,here on the left and it's going to move,it to the products page there we go that,is done now if we click on the products,page here it is now this means that,autods is monitoring this product it's,monitoring the stock it's monitoring the,prices but more than that the product is,now live on your store and viewers can,already go in and start buying this,product because they see it available in,your store not that they can yet because,you're probably still under your free,trial and you didn't open any shopify,subscription yet but once you do your,store will be live and this product will,be live inside that store so now that,the product is live on our stores let's,head over to shopify and check it out,from there,so here you have your shopify dashboard,click on products on the left side,and here as you can see the product is,available the status is active which,means it's alive and people can go in,and buy it if you click on it you'll be,taken to the product editing page,through shopify and here on the top,right go ahead and click on more actions,and preview to get a glimpse of how the,product page looks like so you have your,title you have your price you have your,product photos and you have the product,description which you wrote going over,everything that the product does and the,problem that it solves don't worry about,how everything else looks for example,the logo and the banner and the links on,the side this is just a rough draft of,your first product what's important is,to nail down all of the important things,a good title high quality photos and a,good description which goes over,everything as you can see auto ds did,all of this work for us we didn't have,to use shopify's platform everything was,done through auto ds and that's how,simple it is to create your own product,page with the help of the autods,platform which helps you automate and,optimize your product page without you,having to do all of the hard work all,you have to do is be creative know,exactly what problem your product solves,make sure that it's written out really,well in your product description make,sure that you have enough photos and,regarding a video for the product once,again we're going to get into that soon,we're doing everything step by step so,make sure that you understood each and,every step that you need to take in,order to create a good high quality,converting product page and that is,definitely good enough for the stage,that you are on your assignment for this,lesson is to create a product page for,each and every one of the products that,you added to your stores using the auto,ds platform,once again everything needs to be done,through auto ds so that everything will,be optimized auto ds will do most of the,hard work for you so go ahead and do it,on each and every one of the products,that you added to your stores and i'll,see you in the next lesson where you,will learn how to create a killer,homepage see you in the next lesson

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