how to pay shopify bill with paypal

How to Set Shopify Payment Options - ShopPay, PayPal and Amazon Pay Tutorial today payments and shop

VendLab eCommerce School

Updated on Feb 12,2023

How to Set Shopify Payment Options - ShopPay, PayPal and Amazon Pay Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how to pay shopify bill with paypal

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How to Set Shopify Payment Options - ShopPay, PayPal and Amazon Pay Tutorial

today payments and shopify will require,setting up your payment options this is,done under settings and then payments,on the payments page you see all the,different payment options available to,you,the default payment is shopify payments,shopify payments can be set up without,requiring the use of any third-party,payment providers to accept shopify,payments you need to complete the,account setup you will enter details,like your name your bank account details,and your business details after that you,can view any payouts once you have set,up shopify payments you can then manage,your payment options,here you'll see your standard rates and,you'll be able to choose the kind of,cards you will accept,standard cards all have the standard,rates but american express will be,charged at different rates shot pay is,an option where customers who have,bought previously shopify store have,their address and payment details saved,to enable a faster checkout this is a,popular option and it is a good idea to,select this you can choose whether to,choose apple pay and google pay and also,the countries that you sell to so if we,add a country region let's add say,austria,you will then accept austrian euros,here you will see the exchange rate,which is set for this country and you,can choose whether to increase or,decrease your prices by a set percentage,under these countries regions you can,set rounding,now this sets rounding for shipping,rates or prices which have been,converted,you can choose to enable or disable this,here you set the bank which your,payments will be remitted to and also,under this you can set how payouts are,described on your bank statement you can,also choose your payout schedule by,default it's every day but you can,choose less frequently than that,on credit cards there are two types of,automatic forward prevention,the first is the postcode verification,this compares the numbers on the address,given by the customer to the numbers on,their card address so for example if,someone lives in 75 parkdale,it will compare the number 75 with the,address which is on the customer,statement and do the same for the,postcode by declining charges that fail,this kind of verification you will,ensure that your transactions are more,secure but you will also have a lot more,decline transactions i would recommend,not ticking this box a second one is the,cvv code or the cv2 code,this is the three digits on the back of,the card if someone has their card then,they will know this code and therefore,is an important forward prevention step,to ensure that they must enter this code,when making a payment the last option,here is the customer billing statement,this shows how the payment will appear,on the customer's bank statement another,payment option is paypal express,checkout the default payment email but,the only one you use to create the,account you should make sure this email,is set up on your paypal account you can,click here to complete the account setup,another option is amazon pay if you,click on this button here you'll be,taken to set up an account,you could also threaded third party,providers and alternative payment,methods these are things for example,like strike or and by,clicking on these options you will enter,your account details which will then,allow you to take payment shopify allows,you to set up a number of manual payment,methods for example a bank order or a,money order if we click on bank deposit,you will enter the details here which,your customers will use to use this,payment method so for example under bank,deposit you'll put the details of the,bank account they need to make the,payment to once you've entered those,details you can activate bank deposit,and will be shown to customers when they,make a purchase,thanks for watching this video for more,content please subscribe to our channel,or check out our amazon playlist you can,also see more hints and tips on our,website which is,blog

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