how to put collection description on bottom shopify

How to Move Collection Description in Shopify Debut Theme i'm going to show you how do you take a,co


Updated on Mar 01,2023

How to Move Collection Description in Shopify Debut Theme

The above is a brief introduction to how to put collection description on bottom shopify

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how to put collection description on bottom shopify catalogs

How to Move Collection Description in Shopify Debut Theme

i'm going to show you how do you take a,collections,description and,move this down to the bottom of,the page so what i'm going to show you,is i will take this,description will remove it from here,we'll keep the,collection title up top but we'll move,the description down below,right here so we'll have it somewhere,down below,that way it's not taking up all the,space,up above the first thing that people see,are all of the product images now i'm,using the debut theme here,if we go into our admin panel right here,we have our debut,actions edit code,and what we'll want is to go into our,collection template right here,if we just open up our sections right,here,go to collection template where's the,code,that is showing that description that,collection description,you can see there's a lot of code right,here but this is what is,is happening this is what's showing that,description,if i go ahead and just delete it real,quick here just to show you,and then save it ctrl s,refresh oh i have to go back,and,preview my theme so just give me a quick,second here,actions preview here we are,let's go to shop women's here it is,it's gone we no longer see that,if i undo it ctrl z save it,refresh now it's back,let's move the description down below,what i'm going to do the easiest thing,to do right here,it's within a an if condition,but the easiest thing i'll just show you,the easiest the the,lowest uh the easiest path,the least path of resistance is what i'm,trying to say,is to not take all of it but,maybe actually you know what let's take,all of this i'm just going to copy it,and then if we bring it all the way down,to the bottom at the very bottom,where this end paginate is,right above it ctrl v,oh let me go grab it again,ctrl copy ctrl c,ctrl v and i'll just make sure it's,nice and formatted correctly and what we,can do is just remove this,collection title right here now if i,save this,refresh we still see that we have the,top part,let's remove that before we look at,our changes here let's go up to the top,and all of this,we can delete,and actually the filters we might we,probably want the filters to be still up,top to remain up top,so let's just get rid of this,description,get rid of the description scroll all,the way down to where we,pasted our code,and we don't have the header anymore,let's get rid of,this filter there we have it,and i'll just indent that one more in,now if we save this and refresh,here we are we see women's up top if we,scroll down to the bottom,we have our collection description,now you can see it's right up against,this pagination,that's happening what you can do just,as a very simple fix for now,is to put in here,an hr tag just like that,ctrl s to save it,refresh there we have it we have this,little horizontal line right underneath,that,is the description of the,collection we still kept the collection,title,at the very top now all of our images,are pushed a little bit closer to the,top,making sure that the users see our,products first and then when they get to,the bottom,that's when they'll see the description,so very simple,it's just editing some liquid code,and just moving it around in,our file here that's how you move the,collection description down to the,bottom,of the page

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