welcome back graduates to another video,so today i'm going to teach you how to,add an instagram feed so far we've,already taught you how to add this uh,beautiful parallax feature that supports,both video from youtube vimeo as well as,images and it also you know has a lot of,different options overlay options,animations go watch the video here,you'll see a video here a link here to,go and see that video if you haven't,seen it already and we also taught you,how to add an faq to your uh your dawn,theme and this now these two sections,work on all themes a lot of tutorials we,teach you are that that we're going to,be teaching you uh work on all themes,there's going to be some things that,will not work on all themes but we'll,always let you know but today we're,going to be focusing on this instagram,feature where you have you can display,your images the likes the comments so,it's gonna be a good good tutorial and,you also have this little area here,where you can follow and you know add a,little uh kind of a message so anyways,let's get right to it as always we have,i have the files ready for you i'm going,to show you how to do this step by step,by step so please follow along if you,have any issues please comment below and,i will try to get to all of you out you,know as soon as possible it's always you,know difficult to comment back to all,those comments,all right i'm rambling already so as,always we start off in our dashboard,under home you're going to want to click,on online store you'll automatically,select themes and you want to go to the,theme that you want to edit and this is,the theme that we want to edit so i'm,going to edit code in a new tab and then,i'm also going to have the customizer in,a new tab ready to rock and roll,all right so,here we are let me close out all these,we don't need these open at all,and this is a customized i'm going to,show you that does not have an instagram,feed shopify you take forever to load i,don't know why,we have gigabit internet and this thing,still crawls,i don't know comment below do you guys,have trouble loading your uh your online,editor,i don't know if i'm the only one,so add section and you'll see that there,is no,instagram we got the faq from the last,video as well as the parallax image,video uh media content section i need to,come up with a better name for that all,right so what we want to do is we want,to go to sections,and we're going to call this,eg hyphen instagram,hyphen,feed,hit enter now you're going to want to,get your text editor or code editor out,like i always advise you you should,probably get a code editor like vs code,or sublime but notepad will work for,this so you want to get your file you,see this file right here and just drag,it over,and you want to do is,copy this text,paste it in and then smack save like you,should be smacking the subscribe button,please seriously it helps all right that,is there and,i'm gonna tell you all you gotta do is,smash this refresh button just like he,smashes the subscribe or like button or,both,and now you go all the way down here,and let me show you let me show you,something awesome,we got it it's here now you have a few,options you have a lot of options,actually,so you have to add new blocks and you,have to select your image so let's go,and select this image,and then you can you can change the,height and the width you can add a link,to the actual post now this is not an,automatic instagram feed because,instagram changed their apis they no,longer can just pull in images that is,something we are working in the,background if you guys are interested um,you know on you know,you know working with us to develop,something like that let me know in the,comment below you can also subscribe to,the channel and we'll announce when we,release these things we have a lot of,different things we're going to be,launching this year i'm very excited for,it,uh we have some we have uh some apps in,development we've got themes in,development we've got a whole plethora,of things in development,and uh anyways let's keep going here,before i get distracted so you can add,your light council i have a thousand,likes because i'm so popular,5 000 comments because i'm even more,popular and you hover over it and look,at that how beautiful is that it looks,great right so we'll just hit save now,let's uh let's go to the actual main,settings now you can change the,background color,which is what i like to do you can wrap,it in a container,um,and you can do your you can change your,text color you can do all kinds of cool,stuff,what do we got here so we got you know,button colors you can do secondary,and again this works on all,devices i mean all themes sorry and,again,someone was asking me about the padding,what does that do it just what it does,is your padding is the space inside of,you see how this is a grey box here like,this right here is like gray area it's,the padding is the space inside here and,then margins is on is a space on the,outside so if you want to move things,down you can do that if you want to add,space below it you can do that and,you'll see that there is space now if,you wanted to make this just thicker you,can do that too,now what's awesome is the fact that you,can go and just we'll just keep adding,blocks add blocks,let's add some more,i'll just fill this space up,right so what we got here,is you can do items for on desktop so,four if you want to do you know like uh,three you can do that two,as well and it also works on mobile,so mobile we can change this up we can,do you know i wanna have three options,per mobile and do it like that,you know it looks kind of funky but,it is what it is it works,so anyways guys i hope you enjoyed the,video as always make sure you like it,comment subscribe,not in that order but whatever now we do,have a facebook group and i would,appreciate it if you join that facebook,group it's a community of like-minded,individuals we're all helping each other,out trying to you know add new features,to our stores and just make them just,the best looking branded store ever so,yeah do that,i promise you you will not be sorry that,you did,so anyways guys please comment below,also with suggestions what are you,trying to learn what would you like us,to do a tutorial on uh right now we're,focused on dawn theme just because it's,a it's a shopify tune up 2.0 uh free,theme and we just want to add features,to it you know make it a a well-rounded,robust theme,with our cool little code snippets so i,hope this video helped as always guys,until next time
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