how to put podcast on shopify

How to Embed a Spotify Podcast on your Shopify Website | Creative Business Tips what's happening lad

Humble Kings Worldwide

Updated on Feb 23,2023

How to Embed a Spotify Podcast on your Shopify Website | Creative Business Tips

The above is a brief introduction to how to put podcast on shopify

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How to Embed a Spotify Podcast on your Shopify Website | Creative Business Tips

what's happening ladies and gents it's,your boy rich humble kings,just uh tapping in with you guys today,to show you how to embed a podcast onto,your website whether it be your own,podcast or just another person's podcast,doesn't matter i'm going to show you how,to do that today so follow along on the,screen i'm just going to keep it short,and to the point so that we can get it,over and done with because um i don't,want to drag on and on you know what i'm,saying so let's get straight into it so,what you're going to want to do is open,up the shopify page go straight to the,pages section so i'm going to show you,where i've done that right now,and then what you're going to want to do,is find this little symbol here and if,you hover over it it says show html you,want to click on that and you're going,to just see a whole lot of code if you,have the page set up already if it's a,new page you're really not going to see,much but,yeah it's a whole lot of,code there don't be intimidated by it to,be honest you don't even need to,understand it for this you just need to,look for two key things,so you want to look for an open div and,a closed div so what that means,is you see where it says div right here,that's your open div that's always at,the start,of your code it just means division,and then you want to go down and find,the closed div which is the div with the,forward slash so in between the two divs,is where you're going to paste your code,obviously if this is a brand new page,that you're writing then you're just,going to make your own divs you're going,to go div open,and div,close like that right,then what you're going to want to do,is go ahead and copy the code of the,podcast that you want to embed,so we're going to go ahead to my own,podcast that i run for humble kings or,one percenters podcast be sure to tap in,with that,and just select any podcast that you,want to embed i'm just going to select i,don't know this one right here,and you want to go to share so you want,to click on the three,lines at the top go to share and embed,episode,and apple or buzz sprout or some of the,other,platforms don't necessarily do this but,spotify has quite a cool function where,you can change the,the aesthetic of,the podcast preview that's going to come,up on your website for example you can,change the color like i've just done,there,you can go ahead and change the sizing,so i might make mine compact,and,you can even change the start time so if,you want to just show a sneak peek like,you only want to play five minutes you,can mess around with the start time,right there and that'll pretty much just,shorten the podcast into like a sneak,peek,so that's pretty dope,if you go to show code effectively this,is the code that we're going to be,pasting into,the the website so,let's go ahead and copy that,and if we head over back to the website,in between our open dividend and close,div we're just gonna,command v if you're on a mac if you're,on a windows it's just control v,paste that,code right there and then you just want,to select save on the top right,and boom here we go so now you can see,that the podcast that we have embedded,comes up on the website alrighty my guys,that's a wrap thank you so much for,tapping in today on behalf of myself and,humble kings we appreciate you i most,definitely hope that we're able to give,you guys some keys and some tools to,succeed in your clothing brand,e-commerce or creative business be sure,to tap in with us at,,be sure to tap into our podcast our,youtube we've got all things creative,entrepreneurship and we just want to,equip you guys to succeed and empower,your world we'll highlight you guys next,time tune in with you then

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