how to randomize boundless shopify theme slider

Better Boundless Menus Without Coding hi guys so in today's video i wanted to,take you guys through

Will Misback - Shopify Developer

Updated on Mar 08,2023

Better Boundless Menus Without Coding

The above is a brief introduction to how to randomize boundless shopify theme slider

Let's move on to the first section of how to randomize boundless shopify theme slider

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how to randomize boundless shopify theme slider catalogs

Better Boundless Menus Without Coding

hi guys so in today's video i wanted to,take you guys through how you can make,boundless's default menu a little bit,more,um aesthetic and also more functional,so boundless is a free theme on shopify,it's it's quite a,good looking theme as far as the rest of,the theme goes but i i find that the,menus are,are very bare bones and very um just not,great to be quite honest with you so we,can see an example of this here i have,my test site pulled up and you can see,when we hover over our mouse,on these menu items there's no drop down,that pops up,unfortunately they haven't coded in a,drop down so to code in a drop down if,you guys already don't know how to code,you definitely have to hire a developer,to do that but,what i'm going to give you guys is sort,of like a happy medium between those two,things in this video,so uh if you look if we click this,catalog right,it'll take us to a contextual menu here,and then once we're in this catalog we,can navigate back and forth between the,the main menu and this contextual menu,but we can't actually click this other,catalog because once we do that,uh it'll take us to another page what,we're going to do is we're going to,basically take this feature,of this contextual menu and we're going,to put it on the home page so you can,just always be,hopping around between menus and whatnot,and so that's going to look like this so,you can see,that here i have visual feedback as far,as when i'm when i'm hovering over with,my mouse,and when i click a catalog it'll pop up,with,the two options or if i click this,catalog it'll pop up these options,if i mouse off of this it'll pop these,back down,or i can click this back arrow and it'll,take me back to the main menu,so to do this it's going to be really,simple for you guys i already have all,the code that you're going to need i've,copied,into the description um just make sure,before you uh,before you go ahead and get started make,sure you download your theme file,you're going to click this button here,and shopify will send you,a theme file download link to your email,make sure you do that because if you,mess anything up you're going to want to,backup,so once you've done that we can go ahead,and click edit code here,and it's going to bring up our files,here you guys want to open up two files,here you want to open up,the sections folder and go ahead and hit,open up actionbar.liquid,and the other thing that you guys want,to open up is the assets folder,and open up theme.js.liquid,okay so once we have these two files,open you want to navigate in this,theme.js.liquid file,um yours you want to find basically this,line and mine is on 150,no 1153 i think,if i have this remembered correctly yeah,so 1153,this open sub nav from nav item this,function here,you just want to make sure you're in,this place guys make sure that you're,you're in this like theme.cast,whatever make sure you're here don't,don't go messing around with like,anything else because you might break,your site go ahead and,press ctrl slash and that will,put the this double slash here which,comments out this line of code,what this is going to do is it's,basically going to not have this,function,handle when we when we click one of,these,i already have a function that's going,to handle that instead that you can just,copy,into the actionbar.liquid folder or file,so we're going to navigate back to this,actionboard.liquid file here you guys,are just going to copy paste,all the code that i have in the,description you want to get the script,tag and the style tag,and you're just going to copy paste them,here so once you've done that,just go ahead and click save make sure,that theme.js.liquid is also saved,so once we've done that we can go ahead,and refresh my site,and now it should let me close the,preview to make sure we're on the most,current version of my site,and so now um you can see,it has the features that that we were,talking about before where it gives us,some feedback when we hover and it also,gives us these contextual menus and we,can go into the second catalog now,we can go into the first catalog and,these links are going to go,to where they should go this one goes to,google this is just a test site guys,obviously so that's how you make your,menus a little bit prettier and more,functional and boundless,uh if you guys enjoyed this video i'd,appreciate if you leave a like,what i do on this channel is basically i,make videos about,um how you can build your your shopify,brand and also,how complete uh people who don't know,how to code at all,can start to learn how to get into the,the code of their site and really like,make their site look the way that they,want to look,without having to download apps that,slow down your site and cost a monthly,fee,the other thing guys is until i hit a,thousand subscribers i'm giving out free,consultations each week,to random subscribers for their shopify,brands,if that appeals to you you have to be,subscribed to be eligible so make sure,you subscribe,and i'll see in the next one guys

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