how to read shopify analytics

Shopify Analytics Tutorial: How To Use Shopify Analytics (Understand Shopify Analytics and Reports)

Rihab Seb - eCommerce Coach

Updated on Mar 05,2023

Shopify Analytics Tutorial: How To Use Shopify Analytics (Understand Shopify Analytics and Reports)

The above is a brief introduction to how to read shopify analytics

Let's move on to the first section of how to read shopify analytics

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Shopify Analytics Tutorial: How To Use Shopify Analytics (Understand Shopify Analytics and Reports)

without reading and analyzing your,shopify analytics all the efforts that,you are making in order to improve your,store and in order to improve your,marketing plans are very similar to,gambling because they are not based on,strong foundations and on data so i want,you to stop gambling and i want you to,start building your decisions on data,and i want you to make sure that you are,doing the right thing in order to,improve your business hi there i am,rehab and on this youtube channel i,share with you videos related to,e-commerce entrepreneurship and more and,in today's video i'm going to show you,in details how you can read your shopify,reports and how you can analyze them in,a previous video on this youtube channel,i showed you the top five metrics that,you should be tracking on your store,however if you want to take things to a,totally next level like if you want,truly to understand how your store is,performing and if you want to monitor,everything i highly recommend you to,watch this video because in this video,we are going to take things into a next,level so this video is much more,advanced and the things we are going to,discuss in this video are also much more,advanced before starting with the data,and with analyzing the numbers and the,reports i want to invite you to check,the free workshop i'm offering in this,workshop i show you the exact framework,that you should be applying to your,business in order to be able to attract,convert and retain your customers so if,you want to improve your business and if,you want to boost your revenue and your,profit i highly recommend you to go down,and to take this free workshop it's 100,free so you don't need to pay anything,and it will give you a very good idea,about how you can make your business,strong and sustainable so go down and,take this free workshop and let's start,with our topic i'm not going to repeat,the metrics i have discussed in my,previous video if you want to see them,you can go and watch the previous video,and i highly recommend you to do that,the things we are going to see in this,video are different they are related,somehow to the previous metrics but they,are much more detailed so the first,thing you have to know is that shopify,reports are divided into three different,types the first type is the acquisition,reports the second type is the behavior,reports and the third type is the,marketing reports and in this video we,are going to talk about the behavior,reports and the acquisition reports,because i don't use the marketing,provided by shopify i use third-party,softwares and platforms in order to run,my marketing strategies and campaigns,that's why i don't use the marketing,data provided by shopify so everything,related to email marketing to paid ads i,follow these numbers up on the platforms,where i'm running my campaigns so for,facebook i do that on facebook ads for,email marketing i do that on clevview,for google ads i do that directly on,google so if you are doing any marketing,directly here on shopify you can use,these reports however i don't use them,so i'm not going to discuss them in this,video let's start with the first type of,reports i'm going to discuss and they,are the acquisitions reports,and here we have three reports that we,should be checking the first one is,sessions over time the second one is,sessions by refer and the third one is,sessions by location and i'm going to,explain each one of these and i'm going,to tell you why they are very important,and how you can use them to analyze your,store performance and your customers,acquisitions,so let's start by sessions over time so,the sessions over time is a report that,shows you the number of visitors during,a certain period so you can check this,report in order to see which days are,bringing the most of traffic,search in here for spikes and drops and,try to understand them so let's say for,example i went in here and i changed,this to the last 19 days for example,and i clicked on apply and i'm seeing,the results by day for example in here,i'm seeing a very big spy i should be,analyzing this spike in order to,understand what happened on this exact,day and why i received a lot of traffic,compared to the other days and for,example in here i'm seeing a drop and i,should be analyzing this drop and so on,this is how you analyze this report and,this is how you can use it in order to,understand well what's happening with,your traffic and why some days are,bringing more traffic than others is so,you can see what are the things that,working and copy them if i scroll down,in here i can see the table and also in,here you can apply filter and try to,understand more what's happening with,your traffic so for example in here you,can choose to see the conversion rate,so in this exact day for example if we,go in here the day i have i was seeing a,a very big increase in the number of,traffic it was april 4 i guess let me,see how much,the conversion rate was at this exact,day,going into april 4 my conversion rate,was was zero so although i received a,lot of traffic i didn't make any sales,which means that the traffic i received,is not a good traffic it's not well,targeted which means that i shouldn't be,doing the same thing because this,traffic didn't bring me any sale so in,addition to checking the number of,people you actually,attracted toward your store you have to,make sure that you are attracting the,right customers and in order to judge,whether you are attracting the right,kind of audience or your potential,customers actually you have to see your,conversion rate so you analyze both,things at the same time first you see if,you are receiving more traffic or less,traffic then you judge the quality of,the traffic by seeing the number of,conversion rate or number of added to,cart and things like that,also in here to understand more what's,happening you can for example filter by,source to know from where did you,receive this traffic so you go in here,and in here you choose,to see the source of the traffic so you,click on,refer name and you see the referrer name,for each of your days so let me go back,in here to april 4 and see from where,exactly did i receive this traffic,so here i am on,april 4 for example and i've received,this traffic from facebook and from,google,i will go in here and i will choose the,exact date so it's april which means,it's zero four,zero one,okay i will remove the conversion rate,to be able only to see the source okay,and now i can see that on april 4th for,example,which should be the day where i received,more traffic than the usual i was,referring i was receiving this traffic,from google and from direct source,let me see else okay so this is how in,addition to seeing the quality of the,traffic i received i also saw the source,of the traffic so,that's how you do that you check out the,results you have then you analyze them,and then you go to filters and you add,filters in order to understand well,what's happening so moving now to the,next report we have and this report is,sessions by refer and it's very similar,to what i have done with that when i,added the filter of the refresh so you,go in here to sessions by refer,in here let's choose for example um last,90 days,and in here i'm seeing in the last 90,days which,source of traffic was performing the,best so for example google in here drove,me most of the traffic let me judge the,quality of the traffic by going in here,and clicking on conversion rates,let me see for example the conversion,rate of the google sessions because in,this way i will understand if the google,if google is performing well,if google traffic is performing well,so this is google for example the,conversion rate coming from google is,very low which means if i'm running ads,in order to drive traffic to my store,through through google ads my ads are,not performing well because the,conversion rate is very low however you,should know that if you are running ads,it's very normal to have a low,conversion rate compared to the normal,days or the normal traffic because when,you are doing ads and you are attracting,totally new customers this means that,those people you are attracting are very,new to your brand and they don't know,you or trust you so if you are running,ads in order to drive traffic it's very,important to follow up with this,traffic by doing email marketing by,doing retargeting campaigns and so on in,order to be able to make those people,very familiar with your brand until you,can convince them to buy from you,usually a customer needs to see your,brand at least seven times before,deciding to buy from you so you need to,create multiple touch points with your,customers and you do that by doing email,marketing and retargeting campaigns and,content marketing and many many other,things and if you want to know more,about that and how you can create this,connection with your customers and how,you can improve your ads return on,investment i highly recommend you to,check my free workshop because in this,workshop i have talked about all of this,and many other things that they are very,very important for your business so go,down and take this free workshop it's,100 free,okay now going back to our reports and,let's this time,check the second the third type of,reports which is the,sessions by locations and this report,will show you from where from which,countries for example you are attracting,traffic and you can try to find some,good potential countries for example if,for example you are not seeing that from,a certain country you are receiving a,good number of visitors and a high,number of sessions this could mean that,the same visitors are coming back and,back to your store and this means that,they are truly interested about your,store so you might start considering,advertising to your store in this exact,country so when i go in here i can,simply notice that,most of my traffic is coming from the,united states and canada but let me for,example try to go in here and change the,period to last 19 days and see how,things are working so,united states and canada are still my,most,my best countries if i scroll down in,here for example i can notice that for,philippine i'm receiving 29,visitors with 49 sessions this could be,good because this means that people are,interested about the store so for,example i might start considering,philippine going down in here i can for,example try to find other countries,other than philippines that can be,interesting to me for example this one,indonesia might be a good choice,and so on and then here for sure you can,add filters and columns in order to,understand more this report we can do,everything in this video however this is,how we do it this is how we analyze the,data and this is how you make,conclusions and this is how you start,making informed decisions about your,business so this is for the acquisition,reports now let's go to the second type,of reports which are the behavior,reports and the behavior reports are,very important because they tell you how,your customers are reacting and,interacting on your store and what they,are doing the behavior of your customers,so let's start with this with these,reports and let's try to analyze them as,well,under the behavior section we have many,many reports and some of them would be,locked depending on your shopify plan,however i'm now going to start with,analyzing the reports that everyone can,see so whether you have the first plan,or the second one or the third one you,will be able to see the reports i'm,going to talk about so the first report,i have in here is the conversion rate,and i'm not going to talk about the,conversion rate because i have talked,about this in my previous video so go,back and check that video if you want to,know about more about the conversion,date,the second report is top online store,search and this report is very very,important because it shows you what your,customers are searching for on your,store so let me let me tell you more,about this report this report tells you,which keywords your customers are,searching for on your store and this can,help you in many ways first you can,understand what your customers are,looking for second you can understand if,you have any problem with your,navigation so let's say for example you,sell shoes and clothes and bags okay and,you are not seeing that most of your,customers are going to the search bar,and they are searching for bags so you,have to ask yourself,did you bury down your bags collection,somewhere didn't you show it on your,homepage maybe you didn't link to it on,your homepage and that's why people are,going to the search and searching for it,or maybe if you have a store where you,sell bags and clothes and you are not,seeing that people are going to the,search bar and searching for shoes this,means that your audience is interested,about buying shoes from your store and,this can help you to for example,consider adding shoes to your,collections in the future so this report,is very very important especially if you,receive a good amount of traffic and if,you have been running your store for a,while because you can get a lot of,conclusions out of this,search results in addition to that this,report can help you to understand how,your customers are describing your,products and you can use the keywords,your customers are using and embed them,inside of your product title or your,product description so this report can,greatly help you to understand your,customers more and understand if they,have any kind of confusion with your,store and to understand what they want,and what kind of products they are,asking for,now moving to the third report which is,top online store search with no results,and this report is very important,because it shows you the keywords your,customers type and those keywords don't,return any results so as i told you,before let's say you have a store where,you sell clothes and bags and your,customers are asking for shoes,this report will shows you that many,people are asking for shoes and getting,zero results and in this way you have to,understand that your customers are,interested about having shoes on your,store and they want to buy the shoes,from you so you should consider adding a,shoes the shoes collection to your store,also if you are noticing that there are,many unrelated keywords to your store or,to your niche you might start thinking,about the traffic you are bringing or,you are driving to your store because if,you have for example a baby store and,many people are going there and,searching for man clothes for example,this means that you are driving the,wrong traffic and not only that it means,that your brand message is not clear,enough because your uh,traffic is asking for things that they,don't exist on your store so analyze,this report and try to see what's,exactly happening for your search bar,now moving to the fourth report which is,product recommendation conversion over,time so this is important because it,shows if your customers are interested,about buying multiple products from your,store uh you can also go in here and see,how your customers or how your product,recommendations are working if you,notice for example that your customers,are not taking these recommendations,seriously and they are not buying the,recommended product you might start,considering adding things like upsells,and cross-sells in order to increase,your average card value so now going,back to our dashboard in here and let's,see what other reports we have under,behavior,we still have for example sessions by,landing page i'm going to talk about,that and we have sessions by device and,we have online store speed sessions by,landing page is a report that shows you,the where the traffic you are receiving,is directed to so for example let's say,you are running google ads and you are,directing all of your ads toward one,page on your store let's say it's a,specific product page this means that,this page should be receiving all of,your google traffic and this is the,landing page it's where the traffic,landed so this is very important because,it shows you from where your customers,are coming at toward which page so,if for example you notice that one of,your landing page is currently receiving,a lot of traffic this means that,something new is happening and you have,to know why the standing page is,suddenly receiving more traffic if the,landing page that choose to have a good,amount of traffic before is not,receiving any more traffic now you,should also analyze that and ask,yourself why this is happening maybe for,example before a website was,linking to this landing page and this is,why you are receiving this good traffic,maybe now this website is not linking,any more to the store maybe the link is,broken and so on you have to follow up,and see why this landing page lost this,traffic and with the same logic you have,to analyze why another landing page is,gaining more traffic,so in here you go,and you can see for example that the,visits are divided by the landing page,so this is a product landing page with,this with this much of visits and so on,so as i told you before this is very,important always check out your landing,page performance and see if any of your,landing pages,is losing that traffic or gaining more,traffic and try to analyze that,now moving to the sessions by device and,it's a report that shows you the,sessions depending on the device so,which means that you have the mobile the,desktop the other and the tablet and,this is very important because you know,how many people are actually visiting,your store through mobile or tablet so,let's say for example most of your,visits are coming from mobile devices,this means that you should be optimizing,your store first for mobile and actually,this is something common with all,e-commerce stores the mobile version of,any store is the most important version,because people are more and more willing,to use the mobile over the tablet or the,laptop in order to access websites and,stores so don't ignore your mobile,version it's very very important and,this report can tell you exactly why it,is very important so i'm going back in,here and i'm changing that to,last month,and i'm clicking on apply so as you can,see in here this is how much traffic i'm,getting from mobile this is how much,traffic i'm getting from desktop and so,on so as you can see i'm receiving much,more visits on mobile from mobiles than,from desktops so this means that i,should be putting my mobile version,first as optimization before considering,the desktop version,now let's see the final report and it is,the online store speed and this is very,important for your user experience,having a store that loads fast is very,important to keep your customers,satisfied and to make them stay on your,store and not bounce out so in here you,can see your store speed and for example,this store speed is bad and we should be,working on improving it,so as i said at the beginning of this,video reading and analyzing your reports,is very very important in order to make,informed decisions when you start,analyzing these data you will start,making efforts and decisions toward,actually improving your store and,improving your business,thank you for watching this video and i,hope this video will help you to make,better decisions for your business,before leaving i want to invite you to,make a very smart decision for your,business and it is to go down and to,take my free workshop because this,workshop will greatly greatly help you,to improve your business and boost your,sales and sky rocket your ecommerce,business see you next week bye bye,you

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