how to remove facebook pixel from shopify

How To Delete A Facebook Pixel hey it's italians with crazy marketing,and in this video i'm going to

Crazy Eye Marketing

Updated on Feb 01,2023

How To Delete A Facebook Pixel

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove facebook pixel from shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove facebook pixel from shopify

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how to remove facebook pixel from shopify catalogs

How To Delete A Facebook Pixel

hey it's italians with crazy marketing,and in this video i'm going to show you,how to remove,a pixel from your facebook ad account,now i believe this only works if you,have,a business if you've gone through the,business manager and you've set up your,ad account inside of business manager,if you're using a personal ad account i,don't think that this method will work,but you can move a personal ad account,into a business manager account and then,this method should work so i'll have,another video,or another link somewhere to teach you,how to move a personal ad account into,a business ad manager so anyway you do,need a business,manager account to go ahead and do this,and i think most people do because,that's the,recommended way to set up your your ad,accounts anyway so you've created two,pixels or more pixels and you're like,dang it i don't want this extra pixel in,here,it's confusing me and you know i don't i,don't want it i don't want it in my,account,so you cannot delete the pixel that's,one thing so,the pixel once it's created it cannot be,destroyed,however um you can remove it from your,ad account so it's not distracting you,or,you know confusing you or anything like,that also,note like make sure you don't install,this pixel on your website or something,like that or if you did,make sure you remove that pixel code so,you're not you know sending that,information,into facebook or losing things and all,that type of stuff so,if you're removing the pixel from your,ad account make sure you also remove it,from your website and all that type of,stuff,so we have two pixels we got my ipixel,that i want to use and then i got pixel,2 here that i accidentally created so,to remove it what we want to do is come,up to business tools here,and we want to go into business settings,and again i think this is where you need,the business manager setup,and again i'll have a link to that,somewhere so you can go ahead and figure,out how to,pull in a private account if you have,that but what we want to do is come on,down here to data sources then,and we want to go to pixels,and you want to go ahead and navigate to,your pixel here so i got my pixel 2,over here and then we got connected,assets right here,and we see that it is connected to my my,ad account my hq cat club ad account,and we got this trash can here so i can,go ahead and,remove it so there we go so it's removed,from my ad account so if i go ahead and,you know refresh it,my pixel here is still it still exists,remember i said you can't,delete a pixel but you can remove it so,a pixel still exists,i could go ahead and you know add it,somewhere else if i want to so if i'm,like i need to add it to another account,or i could add it back to the other,account,or my original account so i could add it,back to hq cat club,and so on so this is inside of again the,business settings area and,we just removed it so let's go make sure,it actually worked so let me come back,over to my ads manager real quick,and i need to make sure i'm on the,correct ad account i wish,facebook would automatically bring you,back to that account you're just in,that'd be helpful,so i'm in the correct ad account now and,now i want to come up to events manager,here,and hopefully i only see the one pixel,that i have in my account so,there we go my hq cat club pixel is the,only one in my account here,and so that's that's how you go ahead,and remove it from your account,now another side note uh this pixel is,i can't remove this one okay this this,pixel is,my account's pixels so if you wanted to,only use the second one you created,well then i recommend going ahead and,renaming this one to like don't,use or something like that so that way,you remember not to use this pixel but,to use the,secondary pixel that you created with,your account so,you can't delete the the original one,but you can delete any of the,additional ones that you make and,hopefully this helps somebody out i've,had this question a few times this week,so,hopefully this no explains some things,and helps people out,and thank you hope you have a great rest,of the day

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