hey guys my name is janelle mcclarty the,owner of,encore websites.com and in today's video,i'm gonna be showing you guys how to add,remove and edit,menu items in your shopify websites,so i'm going to click over to a shopify,site,this is for a non-profit and,here is their menu so you have home shop,support,sponsor and a link to their actual,website,homepage that's not the shop website and,this is the,header menu area then when you scroll,down here this is the footer menu which,is just one item but it's a search,menu item which is important i'm gonna,show you a more typical,how a typical menu looks so here's,another site,um you have a typical header menu which,is up here,um you see home shop about contact,and then when you scroll to the bottom,here is another menu which is called a,footer menu,so you have home shop about blog contact,but then you have quick links over here,so links to the dashboard store list,privacy policy terms,so things that you just don't want to,clear up the main,menu area you would put in the footer,area,um and they have to be important links,to click to,so that you can navigate around the site,easily,so that is what a menu is i'm going to,show you,how to edit a menu um,within shopify so we have to head on,over to the back end,of the shopify website if you do not,know how to log into your shopify i will,link a video to that,so i'm going to just jump over right now,this is the back end of,the site we were just looking at for,black initiatives,and in order to access your menu area,you'd have to click,on your online store,and then you're gonna go down a few,s items to navigation,and then we're going to see here your,menus,so it says right here menus or linked,lists,help your customers navigate around your,online store,so right here this is where we see the,footer menu remember we saw that little,search,area i'm going to just pop back over,this is the front end of the site we see,the search bar,or search item on our footer and then,right here we have our main menu which,has home shop support,sponsor and black initiatives and that's,what we see right here,so i'm going to add,some more menu items to our footer area,because it does look a little,bare so in order to do that we're going,to click on,footer menu right now we see search and,then we see,add menu item i'm going to click on add,menu item,what is the name of the menu item we're,going to add um,i think i want to add a shop,button and then where is this,um where is this menu item gonna go we,just click here,and we can make it go either to our home,page,um search like the first one does,already but we want it to go,to our let's say products,do we want it to go to all products so,we want the customer to click on it,and have access to all our products so,they can shop,and then we're going to hit add,once we add that menu item we have,search shop and this is for our footer,menu,we're going to hit save menu that is a,button that,many people forget to click and they,wonder why is their menu not working,or showing up and it's because you,forgot to hit save probably,we're gonna jump over to the front end,of the website,and this is what we see here we're gonna,hit refresh to see,the changes we've just made and there we,go,so we have search and we have shop i'm,going to click on shop and see if it,goes to all our products,and yes it does all right,and next i'm going to show you how to,let's say edit your menu area so,we added an item so we added the shop,area,so i'm going to go back to the back end,and what if i want to add,let's say collections,and it's going to go to our,all our collections we're going to add,that,but let's say i want this to be,in alphabetical order and i want,collections to be,first searched to be second and shop to,be third,so you see what i did there i just held,on to the little,area right here and i can drag it to,wherever,i would want each menu item to be so if,i want,search for shop second collections last,i just drag it like that,or in this case i want collections first,and then,search and then shop and then don't,forget to hit,save,and then we're gonna go to the,front end hit refresh and there we go we,have collections first,search and then shop so,that is how you rearrange and move,things around,and let's say i wanted to delete a menu,item so let's say i don't need,um this collections menu item anymore,that's very straightforward you just hit,the delete button,it's going to ask you are you sure,you're going to say yes and remove it,and don't forget to hit save after you,do that i actually want to keep,this menu so i'm going to hit cancel i'm,going to keep it,as is because i do think it was looking,a little bear down,here with just a search so we're going,to have collections search and shop,then i want to jump over to the main,menu,to show you pretty much this is pretty,much the same thing but it's just more,menu items,i want to show you a type of menu item,that was added here so,black initiatives when you click on edit,this,menu item actually goes to the company's,main,website even though this is their shop,website,when you click on this it's an external,link,that jumps over to,the website of the nonprofit right so,not only can you link menu items to,actual pages within your shopify site or,actual products and collections,you can link it to external url,url links as well so,i'm going to go through this so see here,we have the home page option,search collections products pages we can,link it to a blog,or blog post we have a page that was,created called policies,so not only as i said you can,link it to a specific page or product or,item or collection within your shopify,you can link a menu item to,an actual url you just take it,copy and paste it,you click there and then it's going to,you apply the change and then as soon as,you,save this menu item and you go to your,actual store,once you click on this it's going to,jump over to the actual url that you,input in there,see all right so,i hope this helps you when it comes to,making or rearranging or editing,or removing menu items from your shopify,website,if you do have any questions feel free,to let me know in the comments section,down below i will be making,another video on wordpress so how to,edit,um remove and add menu items to your,wordpress website this video is for,shopify,um i will link that below as well,and thank you so much for watching i,will see you,in the next video bye
Congratulation! You bave finally finished reading how to remove items from the side menu but leave it at the footer menu brooklyn shopify and believe you bave enougb understending how to remove items from the side menu but leave it at the footer menu brooklyn shopify
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