how to remove powered by shopify debut theme

How To Edit Your Shopify Store’s Copyright Area ( Remove Powered by Shopify Text) in this video you


Updated on Jan 28,2023

How To Edit Your Shopify Store’s Copyright Area ( Remove Powered by Shopify Text)

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove powered by shopify debut theme

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove powered by shopify debut theme

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How To Edit Your Shopify Store’s Copyright Area ( Remove Powered by Shopify Text)

in this video you will learn how to edit,or remove some text in your shopify,store's copyright area,i will also show you how to modify it if,you have a different theme,my shopify store is using the craft,theme,as i scroll down you will see the,powered by shopify text,our goal is to remove the text and add,an all rights reserved text,from the shopify dashboard go to themes,and hit edit code,since the copyright section is in the,bottom part of the page it makes sense,that we look for a file name like the,footer,open the templates or sections folder,click to open the file,once you open it let's inspect the,container class used in the copyright,text,right click on the text and hit inspect,then copy the class,on the edit code screen hit control f to,search and paste the class,now you'll find the copyright text and,powered by link template tags,let's remove the powered by link,and add the all rights reserve text,now download your store theme if you're,using a different theme and can't find,it via the edit code option,use code editors like visual studio or,sublime text tools to search for the,copyright text area,in this example i'm using sublime text,editor,open a single downloaded file,inspect the copyright element text to,copy the container class,hit control plus f to search all the,folders,copy the file path of the downloaded,folder,once you find the file you can manually,apply the changes to the live store,theme,thanks for watching,if you like this video make sure to,subscribe for more,you

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