so you've been looking around searching,video after video on youtube and,learning a ton of information about drop,shipping but you are still and i say it,again still stuck on one part if you're,watching this video right now how in the,world are you supposed to set up your,ads start running your first campaigns,and start driving traffic to your,website and doing this profitably,without wasting any money in the wrong,direction well i'm about to break down,absolutely everything step by step and,giving out all the sauce on exactly how,to set up and run your ads profitably so,all that time and energy that you've,been looking into this information on,drop shipping you can actually put it to,use so that you can start making that,passive income that you deserve and,start getting the results that you need,with your online store sounds too good,to be true well i've already done the,work for you testing out multiple,product after product and spending,millions of dollars advertising so that,the same methods that i'm going to be,teaching you today you can go ahead and,implement that i'm still using on my,stores that are generating six and seven,figures yearly so with that being said,grab your pen grab your paper get ready,for this sauce because we're about to go,all the way in,what's going on everyone my name is ac,hampton i'm an eight figure marketer and,a business coach who teaches people how,to test build and scale their online,businesses profitably if you know who i,am thank you for always coming back and,showing me love and if you're new here,welcome in and get ready for some insane,value before i head into this video you,guys know that each and every single,week i give out a free one-on-one,consulting call to one lucky winner who,took action and follow these steps so,that you can streamline your success for,e-commerce and i will be announcing the,winner from last week somewhere inside,this video so make sure to stay tuned,the entire way to see if it was you but,if you want the chance to win this week,all you have to do is in the comment,section below comment the word ad and,what your biggest takeaway from this,video was and throughout this video if,you find yourself having any questions,at all or maybe you're just feeling,stuck and you're not getting the results,that you're looking for with your,business head over to my instagram ac,underscore hampton dm me the word,youtube so i can reach out and help you,out in any way possible so when it comes,down to it facebook ads can be extremely,confusing no matter if you've been,running them for a couple of years or if,you're just starting off with all the,changes that have been consistently,happening over the years it's important,that you're up to date with exactly how,to run your ads so that you can get the,most return of the money that you're,putting in the more prepared you are,before heading into running your ads the,better outcome that you're likely to see,along with less money being spent in the,wrong direction so if you're on a budget,to get your ads going and start getting,those purchases that you deserve i need,you to pay attention right now the main,focuses that you need to have before,stepping into running your first ads is,number one and probably the most,important having a trending winning,product so let me be clear about,something first you can not okay you,cannot head into drop shipping thinking,that you can sell any and every single,product because if that is your mindset,you're going to blow a lot of money in,the wrong direction when looking for a,trending winning product some key,factors that you should be looking for,is a does to solve a problem which is,going to add to the longevity of being,able to sell it b is this product being,sold for 25 or more which is going to,allow you to make some profit and get,some better margins while doing so see,does this product have a wow factor if,there is a wow factor on this product,there's going to be a nice amount of,engagement based off of the comments and,the shares on your advertisement which,is going to tell you that customers are,interested and genuinely interested in,this product and lastly d is their area,of improvement based off of my,competition and this is based off of how,your competitor is selling the product,so that you're able to find ways to wipe,them out and take control over the,entire market itself once you then,decided on the product that you're going,to sell that meets all those,requirements that i just listed the next,thing that you're going to have to focus,on is the advertisements that you're,going to promote the product with the,advertisements are so important because,this is what's going to allow you to get,cheap traffic to your store and make,more of a return on the cost that you're,paying to promote it the ads are also,what helps you stick out from your,competition now i'm no video editor,which is why you should always make use,of your resources unless you are a video,editor yourself i personally like using,viral ecom ads for my videos but in,order to make sure that they come,exactly how you want them to i,personally send them an example of my,competitors ads with a pro and cons list,listing changes that i would make in,different ways i would market it so that,i can actually set myself apart from my,competition and if you want to check out,viral ecommerce to get your own ads made,you can check them out with the link in,my description to get 20 off every order,that you have with them now like i said,i'm always trying to spend as less as,possible to gain as much data and sales,as possible and that's exactly what,creative testing allows me to do now,hold on hold on before you ask yourself,what in the world is creative testing,let me break it down for you a creative,testing campaign allows you to test out,different thumbnails and videos against,each other at a very low cost so that,you're able to see which thumbnail or,video has the potential to perform the,best for you at the cheapest cost while,bringing the most customers into your,stores now this is a key step a key,staple that you cannot skip if you want,to make the most out of your budget that,you have to spend so without further ado,let me go ahead and show you exactly how,to set this up so first and foremost you,want to make sure that you test out the,thumbnails and the videos in two,separate campaigns by testing them,separately you're allowing yourself to,keep your data consistent and not skew,it all over the place and let me clarify,that i am not testing these campaigns at,the same time i test my thumbnails first,which means that i would be testing my,three different thumbnails all on top of,the same video so that again i'm keeping,something consistent and i'm able to,really see how each thumbnail is,performing i personally like testing my,thumbnails out first so that i know,exactly what's going to actually stop my,customer and watch my video and then i,put that winning thumbnail on top of,three to four different videos so i can,gauge solely what video will perform the,best so let's go ahead and set that up,so that you have a visual of what i mean,so as you can see i'm currently on my,ads manager and the first step when it,comes to setting up your creative,testing campaign is first you come over,here create and then you come over here,to conversions and before you ask me why,i did conversions am i looking for,purchases no i'm not looking for,purchases at all i'm just trying to see,which ad and which creative is going to,bring the cheapest traffic to my store,so like i said you stay on creatives you,come over here and click continue and,then in the title i like to go ahead and,put thumbnail creative testing after,that i like to go ahead and turn on the,cbo which stands for campaign budget,optimization so i just turn on the cbo,and then because i only have three,thumbnails i'm gonna go ahead and set a,thirty dollar budget here but if you,have four thumbnails it'd be 40 if you,had five thumbnails it'd be 50 and so on,and so on and so on after that you go,ahead and click next and now we are on,the ad set level so here i'll go ahead,and just put thumbnail one video one,select your pixel and then for the,conversion event i'm always using view,content again which advertisement or,creative is going to bring the cheapest,traffic to my store on the start date,you can basically just start this off,whenever show more options i do like to,put an asset spin limit of at least five,dollars so the ads do spin locations i,like to do the top five countries the,united states united kingdom australia,new zealand and canada so we're gonna go,ahead and place all that in here real,quick then as we scroll down i'd like to,do age range of 21 through 65 all,genders keep detail targeting completely,broad and completely open and then i,like to scroll down and i like to keep,on automatic placements and that's,basically it on the asset level so let's,go ahead and check out the ad level so,here i'm going to name this the exact,same i did on my ad set level and then,as we scroll down past the ad setup,you're going to keep single image or,video on and then you're just going to,add the media and then remember we're,only testing out a thumbnail here so,everything else stays congruent so if i,just want to test out a thumbnail i'll,come over here to edit video thumbnail,manual and i'll just choose one random,one and you're probably asking what,should i be putting in my description,and my headline and more like i told you,i'm no video editor and i'm also no,copywriter so i'm allow whatever's,working in the market to work for me so,the product i end up putting on here is,a portable neck fan and i'm letting you,know right now hint hint this is an,amazing okay amazing product to sell,this summer what i'm going to do to find,out what my primary tech should be and,my headline is just go look at what my,competition is doing so if i go to ask,fine then type in these type of,credentials to figure out all the top,biggest competitors who have sold this,product it's going to show me absolutely,every single one of them and then from,there i can just pick and play with the,primary text and headline and all that,should be in more so for example i could,go ahead and just take this one right,here and i'll go ahead and put this in,primary text but let's say i like this,headline more i might use this one so,beat the heat this summer portable,hanging net fan,and then for the description i basically,use the same thing on every product so i,just put the star i like to put 5 stars,rated 4.9 divided by 5. that's kind of,what i use on all my descriptions and,then lastly come to call to action and,then hit that shop now and then when,you're done it should look a little bit,like this so that's thumbnail one video,one you guys know we have two more to go,let's go ahead and jump into it so i'm,simply just gonna come over here and i'm,gonna click duplicate,and i'm gonna do it twice,so now i have a total of three different,ad sets and on the actual campaign level,you know that my cbo is thirty dollars,so that part is complete then i'll come,over here name this thumbnail to video,one then come over here and type in,thumbnail three video one and then from,here the only thing that you're gonna do,is just test out different thumbnails so,like i said all this down here stays the,exact same and i'll just come over here,to edit media edit video thumbnail and,maybe i'll just choose this one same,exact thing on the thumbnail number,three keep everything the same go to,edit video thumbnail and then choose,your next thumbnail so now i have this,thumbnail and this thumbnail and this,thumbnail all going towards the same one,video once you're done you're gonna go,ahead and click on close and then,publish now that we have our thumbnail,test set up i typically allow this run,to right around 2500 impressions so that,i can collect as much data in the,shortest time span possible which is,typically about half a day to a full day,itself but yes i do stop all my ads at,2500 impressions but am i asking for you,to manually look at it every single day,all day hot guy it no i am not that is,what the best benefit of ai is so,facebook's ai system has a rule that you,can set up on your ads manager that will,actually turn off your ad sets once they,hit a certain metric so for this one,being 2500 impressions let me show you,how to set that up so what you're gonna,do is highlight each advertisement come,over here to rules and then create a new,rule and then you're going to go ahead,and click on next and now you're just,going to name this impressions greater,than 2500 apply it to all three of those,ad sets and then here on the conditions,this is where i'm saying you can set a,rule for all of your impressions so you,can literally come over here and type in,impressions greater than 2500 and then,add the rule time range you want to go,ahead and do today and then for the,schedule you want to do this,continuously so that facebook's ai is,checking this every single 30 minutes,and then right when you're done with,that you just come over here and click,on create now running your thumbnail,creative test is great and all but you,might be wondering what is the actual,determining factor to decide which,thumbnails perform the best for you and,ultimately this comes down to which,thumbnail received the highest,click-through rate the lowest cost per,unique link click the lowest cost per,thousand impressions and the longest,average video watch time but i do break,that down in even more detail right here,in this video so make sure to go ahead,and check it out once you find which one,performed the best for you you're just,going to do the exact same setup that i,just went over for video testing but,instead of using three different,thumbnails you're going to use your one,winning thumbnail on top of three,different videos now that you're,finished with creative testing and you,figured out which video thumbnail is,going to be the most favorable for you,it's time to set up your first purchase,campaign but before we head into that,this video has a ton of value and this,is just a small inside look in what i,provide in my one-on-one mentorship so,if you're already learning exactly how,to run your own online business,successfully completely one-on-one with,my team and i by your side grabbing you,by the hand and completely tailored,around you no matter what your,experience level is head over to my,instagram ac underscore hampton and dm,me the word mentorship to apply or you,can also apply with the link down in my,description ten new spots have just now,opened up for the month of july but they,will go fast so make sure you reach out,to me and i can't wait to help out in,any way possible now let's go ahead and,get into your first purchase campaign,which is going to really start to bring,in exactly what you've been looking for,which is purchases and profit and to set,up this cold interest testing campaign,i'm gonna break it all down right here,right now so the first thing you're,gonna do is now that you see that i'm,actually on my ads manager you're gonna,come over here to create and then you're,going to do conversions again and then,after clicking create it's going to,bring us to this screen right here which,this is considered our campaign level of,our advertisement in each campaign you,have the campaign level where the,campaign budget will be set then you,have the ad set level where the minimum,spins and targeting will happen and then,lastly the ad level where the,advertisement will be set up all these,levels go hand in hand with each other,and are all under the exact same one,campaign so to set your first campaign,up we're going to start off with a cbo,which stands for campaign budget,optimization like i was referring to,earlier so first thing we're going to do,is we're just going to go ahead and name,this we're going to name it cold,interest testing so then after naming,your campaign you're going to scroll,down you're going to turn on your,campaign budget optimization so i always,like start off with 100 budget when i'm,testing which is going to allow me to,spend at least 10 dollars on each ad set,and give me 10 different assets that i,could do that with to see which one is,actually going to do the best and give,each one of them a fair chance to prove,itself to me so the main reason why i,like using cbo's for my purchase,campaign is because it allows facebook,to do the spending for you and then push,the budget towards your best performing,assets while slowing down on pushing,money into assets that may not be,performing the best for you so let me,show you a little bit of insight of what,that looks like so then after setting,the budget on the campaign level you're,going to come to the ad set level and,we're not going to name it right away,we're going to scroll down we're going,to go ahead and select our pixel after,selecting your pixel you're gonna go to,conversion event and you're gonna do,purchase and then for my purchase,campaigns i do like starting this off at,midnight the following day so you just,come over here to the next day and,you'll just go ahead and set it up for,midnight and now like doing show more,options and i like to go ahead and put,five dollars right here locations you,want to use the same top five countries,age stays at 21 through 65 and then,detail targeting is where you're going,to actually start testing out different,audiences that might relate with this,product so let's go ahead and stay with,this portable neck fan as an example so,some things that might work really well,for this is we can come over here and,type in fan and if you're ever confused,on what audiences that you should be,testing just go and read the words of,the advertisements of your competitors,i'm seeing things like gifs in here hot,flashes right here outdoor sports right,here summer and so much more so for this,example we're going to go ahead and,start off with summer so i want to be,clear the reason why you're only seeing,one interest on here is because you will,never stack these on top of each other,say i have summer and portable fan on,here and they're stacked on top of each,other how are you going to tell me which,one got a purchase or didn't so that's,why we always break it down specifically,for each ad set only one interest and,then for the audience size of any,interest we like to choose i like to,stay anywhere between 5 million and 80,million with my audience size and you,see this one works out pretty well right,between 42 million and 50 million as we,scroll down we go ahead and do automatic,placements again and then before we go,to the ad level we want to go ahead and,name this interest so this one's called,summer soldier's name it summer cold,interest and then on the ad level this,is where you're gonna go ahead and put,that winning creative that you now have,found after doing creative testing so,now on the ad level i'm just gonna go,ahead and name this winning,advertisement and for the rest of what,you need to put on your ad level that's,just gonna be what's already in that,winning creative so you've now set up,your first interest but you have to,remember we're allocating ten dollars,towards each ad set with a hundred,dollar budget which means we need ten,overall so what i'm going to do is on,the asset level i'm gonna go ahead and,duplicate this nine times and then it's,just as simple as just taking,suggestions and finding other interests,that you might want to start off with so,beaches would definitely be a good one,because you know people are going to be,traveling to beaches all summer and,don't want to feel overheated and then,we're just going to continue to keep,going down the list and getting,everything set up so i might try out,summer vacation,swimming pool would definitely be a good,one and you see i'm naming every single,one of these assets off of the entrance,that i'm actually testing with and i'm,gonna go ahead and set up the rest real,quick,and boom we now just set up our first,gold inches campaign and look you see,all the way down you're seeing how,nothing is stacked and everything's,broken up in complete detail and now,it's time to let your money work for you,and after setting that up i always like,to let my ads run for about four days,and during those four days i'm using my,kpi or key performance indicator,calculator to determine what needs to be,cut and what should keep running so i,can potentially scale what's working for,me another factor that's going to play a,role in this is the amount that you're,actually spending on your ads you're not,always going to be profitable right away,and you need to allow at least a 400 net,loss before moving on to the next,product sometimes with a couple products,you might have to warm it up and you'll,see that you might lose a little bit of,money before your ads actually start to,pick up and take off but this does not,mean that you should just go ahead and,let your ads run and money be spent with,absolutely no regards though you have to,know how to read your data to understand,when you need to be cutting what's not,working for you reading your data can be,difficult if you're a beginner but if,you are in my one-on-one mentorship we,make sure to break it down and help you,understand what's working and not,working and the why behind it but to run,you through quickly one of the most,important things that you need to know,is what your breakeven costs are meaning,how much are you able to spend in order,to sell this product and still break,even or better off be profitable from it,and as you can see my kpi calculator,tells me exactly that so for example on,my current store that i'm running you,can see that on my kpi sheet my,breakeven cost for purchase is 42,dollars and 80 cents so as you can see,on my ads mandatory any single ad set,that has surpassed that 42.80,it has now officially been cut i don't,play any games with my money if i'm not,making profit from it it's getting cut,immediately never be scared to cut,assets that are not working for you,because this is what allows facebook to,push more and more money into the assets,that are performing for you while,allowing you to find different interests,that can keep making you more money now,once you continue looking at the metrics,that are coming in on your ads manager,and continue to keep practicing cutting,by your kpis things will start to make,more sense and become even more clear,but like anything you have to continue,to practice and be open to learning like,i said starting your journey with,e-commerce can be confusing and even,intimidating at first but that does not,mean that you shouldn't start it just,means that it's up to you to take the,steps to learn how to do it the right,way and always be a student to the craft,my team and i have been able to help,students from all different experience,levels from all around the world really,learn how to feel confident in,e-commerce and use it as a form of,passive income to start building that,generational wealth that we're all after,i know that this video was packed with,information but i want to see you all be,as successful as possible so make sure,to rewatch this take notes and crush,those ecommerce goals that you have set,for yourself now before i leave you all,to it you know that i cannot forget to,announce the free consulting call winner,from last week's video and the free,one-on-one consulting call winner from,last week is,the dropbox shop the dropbox shop,congratulations on winning reach out to,me on my instagram at ac underscore,hampton let me know that you won we can,hop on a zoom call look over your,products look over your facebook ads and,help you out with anything that you may,be having questions over and if you want,the opportunity to win this call for,next week make sure that in the comment,section below you comment the word ad,with your biggest takeaway from this,video i hope this video gave you all the,exact insight that you've been needing,to really get started and take off with,your drop shipping career i can't wait,to see you each and every single week,this is ac with supreme ecom and i'm out,fast
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