how to scale a facebook shopify campaign

$66K in 12 days with Shopify dropshipping | Facebook ads scaling sixty six thousand dollars in twelv


Updated on Mar 14,2023

$66K in 12 days with Shopify dropshipping | Facebook ads scaling

The above is a brief introduction to how to scale a facebook shopify campaign

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$66K in 12 days with Shopify dropshipping | Facebook ads scaling

sixty six thousand dollars in twelve,days for Shopify Drop Shipping let me,show you how I did,for a living in fact this is one of the,stores that I own and will be talking,about it today currently it's sitting at,11 500 plus dollars today and I want to,talk about how I was able to scale so,quickly on this new store as you can see,I started this store I believe on the,16th and only a few days later 12 in,fact he was able to reach 11 000 in,sales and 66 000 in total and just to,show you that this store is completely,new I'm just gonna go to the back of the,month,and show you that there was absolutely,nothing happening until the 16th which,is only took off let's talk about how I,found this product I went to the,Facebook ads library and looked at ads,in the United States you can pick,whatever country you want and then I,looked for terms the other dropshippers,are using in their ads like 50 off 60 of,stuff like that of course sometimes you,can get more creative like say sale ends,soon or today or and by searching for,terms like this and then if you want to,look for pictures you can do that but I,generally look for videos when I look,for ads and then it just takes me a few,hours to scroll through the ads library,and find a few products that I think are,promising and then eventually I pick one,and test it and if it fails it's all,good I move on to the next one and if it,works then I'm going to be scaling it,just like I showed you earlier and,that's exactly what I did in fact let's,see how the first day went we did 300,something dollars in sales and I'm not,even sure that we were profitable in the,first day I'm actually going to show you,the ads manager in a second so I went,into the ad manager and went to the 16th,of October which was the first day on,this store and looks like I spent 220,dollars then this product's break even,rise is about 1.3 which is really good,so because of that we were probably,around Break Even or slightly profitable,so not the best first day and what I did,was basically I created 14 assets and,each of them had an interest in it and,each of them had five to six ads if I,remember well something like that that's,literally what I did on the first day to,test to see if this product worked,that's what I do all the time pretty,much and then let's see on the 17th,actually see what we did on the 17th I,bumped the budget up to 300 and we did,600.45 in sales so that's about two,Royals which for this product which,doesn't cost me that much to ship to,customers that's about 30 profit margin,around there in the next day on the 18th,let's see how that went,on the 18th we bumped the budget up a,little bit more to six hundred dollars,so what I did here is I found two,audiences it looks like that were,performing really well and what I did,was I put them each in their own,individual CBO what CBO campaign does is,it spends the ad set that you put at the,campaign level across all the assets,inside it but I put just one inside each,of these cbo's I spent 400 on the,initial testing campaign and then,another 200 on the scaling cbo's that I,was testing to see if I can scale this,product up as quick as possible,obviously you see a massive budget here,of one thousand seven hundred dollars,one thousand dollars here that's because,I'm still running these campaigns for,right now actually but this is how it,started right like this is literally how,it started then I'm showing you the,exact process so on the 18th we spent,600 let's see how we did,um,right here 18th and we made 900,something back so that wasn't too good,it was uh still profitable I believe,just because of the low cost of the,product but I was completely fine with,that because at that point I was risking,budget just to get to scaling faster I,wouldn't recommend that you go this,Reckless but I just wanted to get data,quickly so I didn't mind if I was losing,money in the first days but I wasn't,actually I wasn't even losing money I,was actually,um either break even in this day I mean,I've been profitable so far until this,day and maybe on the 18th I was Break,Even or slightly profitable too so I was,really happy with that because I was,testing really quickly which I'd expect,to make me unprofitable so then let's,see what happened on the 19th and I'm,not gonna go through all these days but,on the 19th I was still testing,audiences in the first initial and,then it looks like I had four cpos,running here so I was really going crazy,with this and some of them were scaled,up so I found that some of them were,profitable that means I generally scale,them up when I see that they're,profitable during the day I just add,another hundred dollars to the budget so,that's what I did and we spent nine,hundred dollars no actually almost a,thousand dollars on the 19th and then in,return we got two thousand three hundred,dollars so that was extremely profitable,for this product that's over 30 profit,margin so I was really happy with that,because this was literally what like the,fourth day and we were already at like,uh two thousand dollars and I'm just,gonna look at the next day to see what,happened now on the 20th on the 20th we,spent okay so the 20th we literally went,straight up to two thousand two hundred,dollars and we made,5100 so,um a lot of people are thinking surely,there's no way you can scale so fast and,not lose money you can this is extremely,profitable for this product spending two,thousand dollars and getting back five,thousand something dollars I'm pricing,this product at four times more than,four times what it actually costs me to,buy and ship to customers so that's why,it's extremely profitable but anyway,going back to today it's at 11 800 hours,now so even it still went up let me just,refresh this just to make sure that,everybody understands that I'm not,playing it really is uh how much it's,making today how much did we spend today,to make that money I'm curious because I,didn't actually look before starting the,video we spent five thousand four,hundred dollars and made back eleven,thousand eight hundred so that is,ridiculously profitable for this product,definitely uh 30 plus profit margin I,would say on today and this is literally,just the 12th day I believe I mean Let,me refresh this this update as well,now because it's been a few minutes so,six let's see it was 66 900 now it's 67,000. this is just a 12th day I believe,and it's already bringing a few thousand,dollars a day in just net pure profit so,skipping forward to today it looks like,I still have that Ado yep it's right,here still testing new audiences and new,ads uh pretty much every day so that,just spent just under 500 but then it,looks like those cbo's that I found in,the meantime some of them are profitable,some of them are not I mean you can see,multiple fantasy bills right here I,didn't mind I didn't mind losing a few,hundred dollars but because of that I,was able to find multiple crazy good,audiences also please don't pay,attention to the revenue that Facebook,is reporting it's just completely untrue,I think it's just showing me a third of,all the sales that I'm getting on that,store so it's really inaccurate just in,case anyone's getting confused you,should already know by now that Facebook,doesn't track most of the purchases that,we get from ads so anyway but back to,what I was saying it looks like today,I'm running all of these high budget,cbos and they all came from this testing,campaign I found all these interests all,these audience says I found them in the,testing campaign and then I was scaling,them as I explained to you earlier and,you can tell I mean every single day I'm,increasing the budget of these cbos,based on how it performs of course you,have to rely on metrics this is what we,got to today today isn't over we still,got a little bit left so this store is,probably gonna do 12K today and,hopefully we can scale it up even more,tomorrow in fact I'm not sure if the,camera is focusing but even while we're,recording this video sales is still,pouring in so yeah how can you do the,same thing literally find the product,either on the Facebook ads library or,you can even go on Tick Tock and look up,keywords like Tick Tock made me buy it,but you can also get creative of course,because everybody's looking for stuff,like that so that's where your brain,needs to kick in and be a little better,than everyone else so you can come up,with different things like I'm not sure,best product I'm just gonna say this for,example best products and then look at,all these people that are posting videos,that are going viral with uh products,that they bought and people liked right,so these are all potential products that,you could test if you see multiple,indications that other people are,selling them so that's the first thing,that you want to do you want to pick a,product and only then you want to create,a Shopify store so that's exactly what I,did when you're ready to create a,Shopify store which you should do right,now because I actually have a really,good offer here in the description of,this video right here is the link you,can see Shopify is letting us make a,store for just one dollar a month which,is absolutely crazy so if you're ready,or not just create your store now while,this offer is still going the link is,right here in the description if you,found this video helpful then you would,definitely enjoy being in my Discord,Community mavenport right here it's,extremely active every single day and I,share information like this in the chats,that we have here and we have channels,for resources PDFs right here channels,for advanced people as well so there's,no reason why you should enjoy this,we're at 7 300 something people now all,of them interested in e-commerce all of,them networking and helping each other,up and just like the Shopify offer I put,a link to join my Discord for free in,the description of this video if you,found this video helpful or motivating,like it and let me know in the comments,I read all of them and I got so much,positive feedback from all of you that's,what's motivating me keep making these,videos for free so definitely let me,know in the comments if you want me to,keep going

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