today we got a request to review,the phone store so let's do a,quick check here so first off favicon,check,awesome we go to the bottom here we do,still have the powered by shopify,uh logo at the bottom there definitely,get uh,get rid of that if you've never done it,before we do have a link to a youtube,video,video on our channel which you can watch,to get rid of that super easy,so let's take a look at the home page,here let's start with the header,so awesome you've got a home you got,mobile phones with,drop down which is great accessories,very well,organized in terms of getting traffic to,the right place,i do like the page on device description,in terms of,what defines what which is great,in the about us page,it looks good but i would personally,recommend,putting in your two physical locations,with refurbished products,it's always difficult to get customers,to actually trust,your store so having those physical,locations,will really help enhance people's,view or perspective on the legitimacy of,your business,one thing you've done really well is,having the customer reviews,of your products because it's another,way of getting people to,trust your store and trust that you're,actually providing something,that is a legitimate product and not,trying to scam them or anything like,that,i love how you have all the details,of what you're actually selling,definitely makes it much more relatable,going back to your homepage here,i think it looks great you've got a,great hero banner here,and right away you have a list of some,of your top products,that is perfect because that encourages,customers,to go directly to some of these and then,below that you just have a couple,of the the different sections of what,defines who you are,and then you've got the customer reviews,i think that is perfect it's not too,cluttered it's not too much,that is great one thing i've noticed,about the customer views,and i've never seen this happen before,with this theme,but some of the text is bleeding over,from,one review to the next that it almost,seems like it's the same sentence,like i said i've never seen this happen,before in this in this theme,you might need to look at the coding if,you adjusted some of it,take a look at things it seems a little,bit strange also the read more link,it doesn't have a different text it's,not bold it's not underlined,that's also kind of bizarre and it even,cuts words off there so,it it seems weird you might want to look,into that a little bit,see if there needs to be some custom,coding or something to that extent,taking a look at your social media,channels,i noticed that the facebook link is dead,you definitely want to update that,because it is great to sell on facebook,marketplace,and facebook is just a great place to,advertise i looked at your instagram and,youtube it seems like your youtube,hasn't been updated in a really long,time so you might want to,take a look at that uh as well as your,instagram,instagram seems more up to date but,it's it's so so uh if you want to,capitalize on the different,social media options available to you,you really have to make sure that those,are active,another thing that i noticed is that,even though you have a drop,down for lg phones there's not,actually a a product page for that so,until you actually get lg phones,i definitely recommend getting rid of,that drop down link,taking a look at your contact us page,it's great that you have us here,i do notice that you do have a location,here,uh like i said before you might want to,have,more about that in the about us as,opposed to here but it's good to have it,here as well there's also this random,blank section in here,you can just remove that completely and,that'll help tie things up nicely now,that we've done a general overview,let's look at the seo side of things,first off,let's take a look at your home page here,so this is what people would see within,google,and it's it's pretty decent uh the,the title is is straightforward it does,get cut off a little bit there,um but i mean it's still it tells,your customers what your product is,about in terms of the description,you can definitely improve upon this,there's a lot of keywords that you want,to put in there,for this particular product you want to,make sure that you,tell people uh it's used,the type of phones that you you offer,that their cell phones,that they're unlocked just make sure,that you you have all those keywords,covered,so let's take a look at the seo for one,of your products here,so if we go over to what people would,see,when finding on google the title is fine,but there are some improvements that can,be made to the description here,so shopify automatically grabs the the,start of your product,information and it makes that the seo,but you can actually edit the seo,directly without changing the product,description,just by going to the product bottom of,the page and edit seo,you want to make sure that your your,meta description here,is short concise and to the point and,has a lot of those keywords in it,so right now we're just getting more,about,your store as well there's some keywords,there like i said unlocked is very,useful,uh you know the fact that it's this,phone,uh you wanna you put something in there,that it is a used phone,just make sure that you are catering to,what people would actually,search for on google and that it still,describes,your product so there you go that's a,review of the phone store,catch you next time
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