welcome back today we're going to be,going over how to set up payments inside,your Shopify store so people can send,you their money okay now we're gonna add,payments to our online store so if we,head over to the dashboard and we go to,the home page there's a couple things we,need to setup first before we go and set,up payments,the reason we're gonna go set up these,things first is because payments is,gonna pull from this information that we,put in there so if we go to settings and,we go to general what we want to do is,we want to fill out your store address,and your legal business name first the,reason we want to do this is because,when we go to setup shipping settings,and when we go to set up set up the,payment settings it's all gonna pull,from this information about your,location of where you are and that's,going to determine your tax rate as well,as it's going to determine what kind of,processors are available inside your,country now not all processes are,available in all countries some of them,are slightly different so it's important,that you put in your country and your,province or state wherever you are when,you're setting this stuff up,so under store address I'm gonna just,put in our legal business name our dress,is in there our time zone is already all,set up and our store currency is set,because I'm setting up my Canadian,country that's what setting up my,defaults store currency now if I wanted,to change this to another country it,would allow me to modify the store,currency so once I've got all that stuff,set up the next thing we want to do is,if we hit the back to Settings button we,can now go to payment providers now the,way that this settings page is set up at,Shopify is basically if you start on the,left side and you start heading across,to the right and then keep going you'll,each one of these components is,dependent on the next component so,starting off in general then heading to,locations then setting up your accounts,then setting up your payment provider,gift card so on and so forth every every,menu go to will require stuff generated,from the blog before so that once you,get down to legal you'll be able to,generate out your legal documents from,the information that you provided it,before if you start over here it's going,to just be a little bit more work and we,want to make this as easy as possible,for you so the next thing we're on to is,payment providers okay so there's a,couple things to keep in mind when,choosing payment providers PayPal is the,one were that we're going to set up,right now now you have two ways to set,up PayPal and it's important to,understand that there is two different,types of PayPal's that you can set up,now PayPal offers PayPal Express,Checkout which if you get to your,checkout page and you see the little,yellow button there it's a pay with,PayPal,that's PayPal Express Checkout so PayPal,offers a gateway it's called pay flow,payment Pro pay flow payment Pro yeah,they've changed the name a few times and,they make it harder every time they,change it so if we go into our payments,now I've already gone and set up strut,or I started to set up the shop provide,payments inside of the dashboard but,we're gonna change the provider here and,we're gonna go and we're gonna select a,third-party provider and I'm going to,show you the PayPal a flow ah here we,are,PayPal payflow pro this allows you to,set up a seamless checkout so you still,use the Shopify checkout process you,still in for entering your information,it just means the customers don't know,that you're using PayPal now why would,you want to use - why would you want to,use PayPal instead of Shopify payments,for example well there's a couple,reasons one you might get a lower,transaction cost or per transaction fee,based on whatever your business is now,you can work with PayPal to get a lower,fee as well as you can work with Shopify,to go over be Shopify payments is based,on stripe so the drawback from using,Shopify payments is if you are in an,industry here's an example if you're,selling supplements then you were,classified under pseudo pharmaceuticals,and being classified under pseudo,pharmaceuticals causes a large heart a,higher risk for the payment processor so,Shopify payments may not approve your,type of payment request through credit,card this means that they feel that the,risk with pseudo pharmaceuticals is too,high for chargebacks therefore they're,not going to offer it to you through,Shopify payments which means you need to,go to another payment provider who is,willing to take a little bit more risk,now this is important to understand that,this isn't Shopify making this decision,shall fight does have its own risk,analysis department but most of these,risks come from stripe because their,Shopify is a rebranding of the stripe,API when they say that they're not able,to offer payments for your business type,it's not something that's coming from,them it's coming from another company,who is looking at a lower risk profile,for you all right so to setup Shopify,payments you can go click account setup,fill out the information that they asked,you and complete account setup it's,really straightforward and then you will,have everything deposited into your,account in three to five business days,if you are going to be setting up a pal,Express you want to just come down to,PayPal select your payment method,payment method select PayPal Express,Checkout,it will redirect you to the PayPal login,page and then you will just have to,click on activate and once you log in,and authorize your account and your,account needs to be set over to a,business account once you authorize your,account so I'm going to sign in here,with PayPal it will say my site has been,successfully authorized by Shopify and,then I can go back to Shopify now if,anybody goes through the payment,checkout process it's going to give us a,little yellow button which allows them,to pay by paypal and then they can send,us the money you have alternative,payment methods if you want you have,some Bitcoin you have a firm which is,layaway and then you have a bunch of,other third-party payment providers that,you can set up you can always go with,manual payments if this is something,that you would like to have cash on,delivery if you want people to say you,and send you a bank deposit money order,this is another way of doing it now keep,in mind this is going to slow down your,growth because you would have to,manually approve each transaction but if,you're in a position where you're doing,high ticket items and,the only way to receive money is through,these methods they are available for you,alright final options are payment,authorization so automatically capture,payments for orders or manually capture,payments for orders so this would this,gives you the button inside the orders,dashboard which says I want to capture,payment once you've verified the order,is a legitimate order and you want to go,ahead and fulfill it and that's pretty,much an overview of all the things you,need to set up for payments thanks for,coming by I hope this was helpful if it,was please hit that like button hit the,subscribe button if that's something,that you're into and we will see you in,the next one
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