how you can find shopify stores that,sell in a specific products that's,easier than you think keep watching to,see how,hi everyone and welcome to on how,channel as always start the video my,name is ennis and i'm working for you so,if you have any questions or any video,requests you can find my instagram right,here or in the description box or just,drop me a comment below i do reply to,each comment and also each message on my,instagram because simply i'm working for,you and today i will be showing you how,to find shopify stores that sell in a,specific product and i will show you how,to find them without using any tools or,any extensions it's completely,independent and completely free because,i always try to show you tricks that,will age well and without being,dependent on any tools or any software,because if the software stops working or,suddenly would not support you anymore,well suddenly you don't have a way to do,that so the best way to do it is without,being dependent on any tools or software,and that's exactly why i always make,videos without using tools or extensions,so finding shopify stores that sit in a,specific product is really handy for,people that's doing drop shipping,because you might be working in some,product and you want to actually,discover other shopify stores that,stealing the same products as you so you,can get more ideas about how they,promoting the products and so on and,also check out the description and most,importantly the pricing for the products,so you can actually put the price lower,than competition and also have better,pictures and videos about the product,and there is a lot of reasons why you,need to find shopify stores that selling,the same product as you this is just,some of them and the trick they will be,showing you today is completely,different and completely unique so i,will head over to google search engine,and do the trick that i do really like,to discover some shopify stores about,some specific niche or selling a,specific product and we will do,demonstration on it to find other,shopify stores that selling the same,product as their store and as i said we,will do that without any tools or,extensions so without any more talking,let's just jump to the screen and show,you how exactly you can do that so as,you can see right now i'm accessing,obviously google search engine because,as i said i will do a trick to find,shopify stores about a specific niche or,some random niche and we will do,demonstration on just to show you guys,that this trick is actually working on,any shopify stores if i already have one,open it in my browser and show you the,check on it some people will think that,it is actually working only on that,specific store i will do this to show,you guys that it works on every stone,and the track i did use it before my,channel obviously in multiple of my,videos because i really do like this,trick so in google search engine to find,shopify stores about a specific niche i,will chop in in text,two dots and two quotation marks and,between the two quotation marks i will,type in powered by superfine,and if you are one of my subscribers you,probably are familiar with this trick i,did mention it a lot on my videos and i,do use it a lot so after with the typing,in text two dots and two quotation marks,powered by shopify hit space and i will,type in again in text two dots and two,quotation marks and this time between,the second two quotation marks i will,type in a keyword that's related to your,niche for example i'm going to go for a,random niche here in your case make sure,to type in something and by the way this,is just for demonstration you don't need,to do this this is not relevant to the,subject of this video i forgot i keep,telling you to type in this typing that,you didn't you don't need actually to,type in anything just follow me to find,uh dropship install to do demonstration,on it so in this case i'm going to type,in gadget,oops,and after that you just hit enter and as,you can see a bunch of websites here i,did use this keyword of gadgets maybe i,think i can't remember,so for example,god just paradise i asked i like,paradise i want to go to paradise,let's just access this website,some products here,they don't have products,yeah they do whoa,279,products this guy is probably uh working,on search engine,because i did see a guy that's making a,lot of money based on,driving traffic to his shopify store by,the search engine,he does keyword research and he had he,had the products about a specific,about a specific keywords that that,people are searching for and he did,actually get some sales by doing that,which is really amazing because you,don't get to pay for ads you only get,paid for some backlinks and outsourcing,pro,content so on so,it is really good idea i will talk about,this in the near future because i'm,planning to do a videos about the,search engine optimization and that's,really complicated but i will try to,simplify it for you guys i know drop,shippers are not really familiar with,the search engine optimization because,it's really complicated so let's just go,for some product let's just go to the,second page here or to the third page,what is this,oh yeah this is the door locking you can,lock the door for kids this is really,good product i've seen this before let's,just go for this product for example,so as you can see this is a product,right here this is obviously a drop,shipping product,this is not branded or anything like,that in,multiple colors and so on so we want to,go for this product right here we want,to find other drop shipping stores,that's actually still in this exact,product as well let's just say we are,actually the owner of gadgets paradise,and we want to discover all those stores,as i said that selling my products or,the product i'm working on,so the first thing you're going to do is,just copy the title and in this case we,have 10 pieces in the title we will not,copy this because this is just a,variation for the product,yes as you can see here this is just a,variation for the product we don't need,to copy this just the title,right here so we're going to copy this,section of the title right here simply,right click and copy and i will not,access google search engine and search,for this i will access google search,engine actually,but i will not simply paste in there and,search it i will show you a unique trick,to make google search engine to show us,results only,with this exact text in their title not,on the text or anything like that but,actually in the title so let's just open,up google search engine,and let's just type in and by the way to,find shopify stores if you want to find,only a random store that's not shopify,or,or woocommerce or anything like that,just skip this part but if you want to,find shopify stores that sit in this,exact product as well we will type in,again in text two dots and two quotation,marks and between them powered by,shopify so we did tell google search,engine with this query to show us all,the results they have this powered by,shopify in their text just like the,query says here so after you type in,this hit space and type in this time in,not in text but actually in title just,like you see here and two dots and two,quotation marks and between the two,quotation marks we will pass in the,title for the product that we did copy,from here,simply paste it in between the second,quotation marks and let's just get back,here as you can see the first one says,in-text so it will search for results,they have this in their text but the,second says in title so it will search,for results they have this exact uh,phrase in their title for the website or,for the page and to see that they just,hit enter i was hoping that i said i,said in my mind please please make this,work because this is a demonstration i i,don't know if this is actually exist or,not but i guess i'm lucky as you can see,all this are shopify stores that's,actually selling this exact product,right here and to make sure it is,actually shopify store that's selling,this let's just open some of them here,i'm going randomly for random for a,random websites here and as you can see,it says here powered by shopify so this,is a shopify store,that's selling the same product here as,you can see and also it has other,pictures,and as i mentioned in my video sometimes,you need to do this to discover other,resources or pictures or videos for the,same product that you are still in so,you cannot be limited to only resources,that you have as you can see we have,here,different pictures,about the same product and right here we,have completely different pictures about,the same product so this is really good,let's just head over to the second one,yeah they are used there the there is,one we don't have the this picture uh,either here yeah,sorry either here or the other website,so this picture is unique you can,actually download this picture and add,your logo on top of this right here so,you can have it more unique and also,genuine so let's just access the other,one,oh this is really good picture as you,can see this is really good you should,blur the face the face of the baby,actually this is really important if you,are doing ads on facebook make sure to,blur the or just put an emoji on top of,the face of the baby because this is not,really,good to put the face of babies on ads,and so on this is not good on the whole,internet but if you are doing business,make sure to do that as you can see this,is really a practical picture of the,product this is really good as i said,you can find pictures for product that,you don't actually have or you never saw,i didn't see this picture this is the,first time so this is really good and,the,third website it does not work all the,product was removed sorry it says party,page not found so the product was,removed obviously and as you can see,there is multiple websites here so they,are all shopify stores that sell in this,exact product right here so as you did,see we did discover other pictures and,resources for the same product and also,other shopify stores that selling the,same product as us in this case it was a,door lock for babies this is just for,demonstration i don't know the shop or,the website or either these other ones,that selling the same product i just go,for random products and random shopify,store and we did demonstration on it and,we did actually make it work and we did,find other shopify stores that selling,the same product and as you already saw,it's really simple and it doesn't,require any tools or anything like that,the only thing you would need is google,search engine and your brain and as i,said i'm working for you guys so if you,have any questions or any video requests,make sure to check out my instagram,right here or in the description box i,do reply to each comment on each message,on my instagram because simply i'm,working for you and if you enjoyed the,video if you did find some value in this,video hit that like button and make sure,to subscribe to the channel for more,future videos i would really appreciate,that otherwise i think my job is done,and thanks for watching and catch you on,the next one
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