how to sell courses on shopify

Sell Courses On Shopify! (App Review) hey guys the matrix here welcome back to,my channel where I sh

Dimitris Solutions

Updated on Feb 05,2023

Sell Courses On Shopify! (App Review)

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell courses on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell courses on shopify

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how to sell courses on shopify catalogs

Sell Courses On Shopify! (App Review)

hey guys the matrix here welcome back to,my channel where I show you how to build,digital solutions and automate your,workflows and today's video I'm gonna,share with you a really nice app that,you can use on your Shopify store,in order to start start selling courses,now Shopify is a very popular e-commerce,platform however until now there hasn't,been a good solution when it comes to,selling digital products as well as,online courses however I have now come,across this app called courses and I'm,gonna show you how to install it so you,basically go to apps you go to the,Shopify app store and then all you have,to do is just search for courses and,let's go ahead and search for courses,and here it is right here it's by,architect Pro and I installed it already,and it's actually very very good you,know I was surprised by how clean the,interface is and how easy it is to build,create courses and also set up all your,lessons and stuff like that,now the pricing plan is right here they,actually have a free plan which allows,you to have up to five lessons as well,as a limited courses and unlimited,students so that's really really good if,you want to test it out initially you,know and then if you have more than five,lessons you actually have to pay like a,monthly fee I'm to host up to 20 lessons,I think they're the plans are pretty,fair you know I really like the fact,that they give you unlimited courses and,unlimited students that's really really,important I don't like platforms that,limit you on how many courses you can,create and how many students you can,have so I'm so far everything looks very,promising so you go ahead and add the,app you know that's gonna install the,app on your on your Shopify platform on,your Shopify store and then one week,once we click on the app here we're,gonna be presented with all the settings,now the first thing you need to do in,order to make this work you need to go,to settings checkout and you want to,make sure that accounts are required,right so what this means is that,customers will only be able to check out,if they have a,customer account guys so the idea is,that when they when they when you're,selling courses you're only going to be,able to give access to courses to the,people who already have an account right,that's the that's the that's the reason,why you need to make this required,because if they don't have an account,then they won't be able to access your,courses so make sure that option is,selected and also yeah I think that's,pretty much it,we're then gonna go to bug to apps,courses and the setup guys is actually,really easy so what I'm gonna do is I'm,gonna go to my courses here and I'm,gonna show you how to creating your,course so the way that you create,courses guys is you gotta go to products,and every every product you create is,gonna be a course if you assign it under,a collection that you create and,actually created a new collection called,courses and every product that I assign,under that collection is gonna be,treated as a course right so you need to,make sure that you're creating your,collection where you wanna have all your,courses under right in this case I,created a new collection called courses,and then when you go to all products you,can create a new product and this is,gonna be your course so for example I'm,gonna name this this wait let's name it,this automation course right you can,have your description let's see this is,a course description right we can have,some images you know so if you want like,a thumbnail for your course on Motown,you can set your pricing for this,example I'm gonna set it to the two I'm,not gonna have any price because I wanna,be able to check out with a free course,so I'm gonna leave that empty and then,make sure that you uncheck this option,right here so when the customer,purchases the product it doesn't ask,them for their shipping information so,make sure to uncheck that and then and,then the next thing you want to do is,make sure that you set this product this,course to go under the collection you,created for your,courses right this is very important so,in my case is going to be the courses,collection and then I'm gonna click Save,and this should now allow me to edit my,course so if I go back to apps and then,I go to courses so now if I go under if,I go under the my courses tab here as,you can see I have a new course detected,right so this is the automation course I,created now the first time you do this,guy's it should actually ask you there,you go so it will ask you which,collection your courses are under right,and you want to make sure to collect - -,to select that the collection you,created for the courses this is the way,it's going to be able to detect which,products are actually your courses so,here's the course we have and now I'm,gonna go to edit course and this is,where we edit the course now the,interface is actually really cool here,is really clean and very easy to use so,you are in new section and if you have,taken an online course before you know,that the the the videos are usually,split up in two sections right so you,would usually have like an introduction,section and in inside this section you,would have some lessons,so we could have like a lesson and call,it something like welcome to this course,you know and the cool thing here is that,you can choose whether you want to have,like a text-based lesson or whether you,want to have an actual video in it so,you get a full on word editor here like,a document editor here so you can edit,all the text so I'm gonna say welcome to,this course this is an example welcome,lesson right,yeah and then if you wanted to add a,video to this you would actually go to,insert and then media and here you can,choose to basically you would have to,give the link of the video you want to,add to the page and that will add the,video for you so I'm gonna show you guys,an example I'm gonna go to my YouTube,channel and let me find let's go with,this video right here so I created a a,video series on how to build a,restaurant up recently and let's say I,want to turn this into a course I will,go ahead and share this and get the,actual link or what you can actually do,is embed the video so in this case if I,want to embed the video I can actually,click on embed here and get the whole,code it will allow me to embed the video,so you get two options there I'm gonna,close this tab right here so there we go,so here I'm gonna pest my paste my embed,code and I'm gonna click Save and there,we have it now it actually added it I'm,gonna have to press ENTER so the video,goes below the text I have here and now,let's click on save and that is my,lesson created if you want to edit your,lesson you can just click here and there,you go you can now edit your lesson,right so really nice interface here guys,and then if you want to add more lessons,you go to add lesson and then if I want,to create a new section let's name this,I don't know like part one how to,from what tools we are going to be using,for example and then here I can add,another lesson I'm gonna call this,actually I'm not even I don't even know,what I'm doing here like I'm naming my,sections I'm giving them really weird,name so let's just name this section too,because after really counting of,anything right now section to save and,then here I'm gonna add a new lesson and,I'm gonna call this the tools we are,going to be using and then here I'm,gonna have a little description so here,is a video with all the tools we are,going to be using in order to create our,restaurant up right and then I'm gonna,go back here I'm gonna find another,video so let's just go with part 2 of,this video series share embed copy the,code and then go to insert media and bed,paste the code right there save and,there we have it,write save and you can do this guys with,any any any platform you choose to host,your videos with you know so you can,choose a theme here for example I,actually suggest you use something like,Vimeo because it's a little bit more,secure you know with with YouTube videos,is really easy for someone to to get the,link to the YouTube video and then share,it publicly on the Internet so yeah guys,now let's let's try and see how this,works so if I click on view this is,actually gonna give me the this is the,course page this is the actual course,page so currently I'm logged in with an,account here with the name Sam and as,you can see I haven't purchased any,courses but on the preview here so let,me go back so this is the preview of,what this course will look like so as,you can see the embed video here looks a,little bit,it doesn't look good so let me go back,and actually edit this a little bit so,welcome to this course and this time I'm,actually gonna try something else I'm,actually gonna try and go to insert,media and instead of choosing a band I'm,gonna choose the link let's see if this,automatically adjusts the size so let's,go back to part 1 where is it part 1 and,let me actually get the link of the,videos I'm gonna piss the link right,there and that's as you can see here we,get some options to edit the size so,hmmm let me experiment with it so let's,see let's try eight hundred okay so 800,449 save and let's preview the course,there you go guys so as you can see now,it's a little bit bigger right so that's,how you you edit your your video size,just make sure to go to click on the,video here and then click on this icon,and then you can edit the width and the,height make sure it's at least 800 I,think that's gonna allow you to have the,whole video like like properly view the,the whole properly adjusted the video,size basically and then if we play this,as you can see it's nice that the size,is pretty good now so there you have it,guys that's how you add courses so,that's how you add that's how you add,lessons to your sections and then let's,go to section 2 and we need to fix this,as well so I'm gonna go back to section,2 and edit this lesson right here I'm,gonna click on the video and then I'm,gonna click on this icon and I'm gonna,change the width to 800 save this save,again and now if we preview this okay,there we go,section two,there we go so the interface guys is,actually really good and here we can,also you can have your whole description,of the course here so that's nice as,well,and it even gives you the progress so,that's good as well so I'm guessing now,if I click on this there we go so,whenever you finish a video whenever you,finish a lesson you can just tick it so,you know how much so you know your,progress basically so really neat guys,it's actually really clean I'm impressed,on how clean this is so now what I'm,gonna do is I'm actually gonna test the,checkout functionality so let's actually,go ahead and try and purchase a course,here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna,I'm gonna open this link on a new window,so it doesn't detect that I'm logged in,and I'm gonna go to catalog and here is,my course right here so for some reason,it says that is sold out but I think,there is an easy way to fix that I'm,gonna go to my Shopify store I'm gonna,go to products and then I'm gonna click,on the course here and I'm gonna scroll,down and I'm gonna deselect this truck,quantity button right there so now if I,go back to my my product page here and I,reload the page as you can see and I'll,have an option to buy so I'm gonna click,on this and now the next thing that's,gonna happen it should ask me to create,an account or login right so I'm gonna,go ahead and create an account with a,store here and let's go,Dmitry's k/d me,toriel videos and then let me just put a,password create and now we have a nice,recapture cars verify submit so we have,now created an account with that store,and it's actually really good guys,because when you when you ask the,customer to create an account first you,can actually do some email marketing,later on you know if they don't decide,to buy the course after creating an,account you can actually then do some,email marketing in order to get them to,buy so now if I go to buy now there you,go so it takes me straight to the to the,checkout page so now I'm gonna head go,ahead and just enter some info here,right there continue to payment and this,should actually be free there you go so,pay now and there you go guys we have,successfully made it purchase right and,now there's actually a button that you,can configure in your in your app,setting so if I go to apps and courses,there is a there is somewhere here there,is a yeah my courses button so you click,on this and this is gonna give you some,code guys so you copy this code and then,what you want to do is go to settings,checked out and then you want to scroll,all the way down where it says there,should be a box right here additional,scripts and you paste that code in here,and what that's gonna do is when the,when the purchase is completed is gonna,have this button right here and it's,gonna say so what do you so what do you,need to do next well if you purchase any,digital courses click here and you can,actually customize this text right here,if you go to this code right here you,can customize the text right there right,so you can make it say whatever you want,but now if we click on this button it,should actually take us to our account,right here,so this is our account and as you can,see we have success,we purchase this course so now if I,click on this there we go this is the,course page guys so it's really neat,it's actually really clean I'm surprised,on how good this is because usually,Shopify apps are not that that good but,this I'm surprised with it it's actually,pretty good,so hey guys this is it for this video,please hit the thumbs up button if you,found it useful let me know in the,comments below if you're planning on,using this this app on your Shopify,store in order to start selling your,online courses and finally guys if you,haven't already please make sure to join,my free community if you want to network,with myself as well as other like-minded,individuals who are building digital,solutions automating the workflows you,know I'm gonna I'm gonna have a link for,that in the description make sure to,check it out it's a great place to be so,you guys thank you so much for watching,this video subscribe to my channel if,you want to be notified when I release,new videos like this one and I'm gonna,see you on the next one

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