how to sell jackets threw drop ship on shopify

Make $100K Dropshipping Apparel With Shopify what's going on guys so recently we've,talked about how

Braden Wuerch

Updated on Feb 28,2023

Make $100K Dropshipping Apparel With Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell jackets threw drop ship on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sell jackets threw drop ship on shopify

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how to sell jackets threw drop ship on shopify catalogs

Make $100K Dropshipping Apparel With Shopify

what's going on guys so recently we've,talked about how to take one product and,make thousands of dollars a day off of,just one product we've talked about how,to make a very profitable brand but,today I want to go ahead and get really,specific for you guys and I want to talk,about how to create a very very,profitable apparel dropshipping store,one that can do six figures per month so,let's get into it what's going on guys,I'm Braden watch I'm here to provide,insane value to you guys every day,degree personally financially as well,alright guys so today I've got a big one,for you and the reason I say this is a,big one is because this exact topic is,currently making people a lot of money,and it's made me a lot of money for a,while now and that's talking about,apparel drop shipping and I've talked,about this before how it's one of my,favorite niches if not my favorite and,as many of you guys know you know I've,got multiple stores and multiple,different niches but the store that's,done over six hundred thousand dollars,in the last nine months that's in the,apparel niche and I've got several,students that are outside of the apparel,niche that are successful but what I,found is the ones to have the biggest,quickest success almost all of them are,in the apparel nation you know doing,anywhere from 60,000 to we actually had,a student this last month to a hundred,thirty thousand they're in their peril,nation now you know this isn't to say,other niches don't work other niches,work great like I said I've got other,stores and other niches general stores,can even work great but with that being,said you know I have found that I'm not,gonna say it's easier but I found that,you know I've gotten the apparel thing,down and I know what to look for and you,know I found so many common denominators,not only with my stores but now with,several of my students doing pretty,massive numbers with apparel stores I,found very common denominators that are,separating them from other people and I,want to share that with you guys today,so today we're not gonna cover you know,how to do ads for it we're not even,really gonna cover you know very,specifics of store design because this,could be a whole day talk but I'm gonna,give you kind of the the general common,denominators that,you do need to focus on if you want to,have you know an apparel store doing you,know over 50,000 a month and it's very,possible and it's very possible to do,fast you know not only myself but you,know a lot of my students and a lot of,other people I know have been able to go,essentially from zero to fifty thousand,plus within a month or two like it can,be very very quick if you focus on the,right things so I want to go ahead and,jump into the computer show exactly what,these common denominators are and what,you should be focusing on if you are in,the apparel niche but before you do that,make sure to go ahead and smash that,like button for me hit subscribe if you,already I'm here for you guys every day,to help you grow your businesses to,successful numbers all right guys let's,go and get into all right guys so before,we get into let me re-emphasize that you,know many many niches work for,dropshipping and work with great great,numbers you know I found success and,many other niches in the apparel niche I,just love the peril nation I've really,really figured out what works and how to,you know get going really really quickly,but a lot of the things we're gonna,mention here work with other stores as,well so if you're outside of the apparel,niche you can definitely put these in,your toolbox and definitely start using,these on your stores so number one is,we're gonna talk about the mid-level,knees so almost all of the people I know,that I've done big numbers really,quickly started in the mid-level niche,now there's a few outliers that didn't,they started in very specific niches you,know I generally something that I really,teach even though I've got friends that,are successful in general stores it's,just not something that you know I've,really had a huge focus on so that's not,something I really teach everything,we're talking here is mid-level niche,and more specific but I would say at,least probably 80% of the people I'm,talking about at least started in the,mid-level niche if not stayed there I I,know the person I'm talking about that,did 130,000 in sales this last month,he's in a mid-level niche and so the,reason for this is especially with,apparel what happens is is most apparel,stores you go to online and it could be,something that has retail stores you,know take like forever 21 or H&M or,Tilly's or zoomies or something like,that,you know they've got retail locations,but you go online they've got a lot of,collections they've got hoodies they've,got shirts they've got pants different,accessories all kinds of stuff,it looks filled out well that's gonna be,you know somewhat of a benefit to you if,you have an apparel store but the big,reason is because upsells and,cross-sells and this is something I talk,about all the time that if you've got,you know more of a mid-level niche so,you're able to get actually have,different collections you know you're,gonna be able to go ahead and you know,you could be testing a shirt but then,find out that a pair of sunglasses work,so you know hat works or you know hoodie,works you know this is what's great,about starting in a mid-level niche and,then you can go more specific if it,makes sense we'll get to that D at the,end of it you know what what to actually,go off of to know whether you should go,more specific or just stay at the,mid-level niche but starting out this is,a recommendation if you already have a,store in the specific niche you know,apparel you know you might want to stay,there this is for someone just starting,out so number two and this kind of falls,along this same style but it's the,amount of products and you know the,thing is you can go ahead and be very,successful with the store with three,products on it you'd get three winning,products you can be very success with,the general store of 500 products the,sweet spot I found for starting in the,apparel niche is at least 40 products in,preferably 80 to 120 and you know this,is not a hard fast rule it's not but,this is what I found from myself most of,my students are in apparel niche you,know this is something that I found that,you know holds true if you're in the,mid-level niche you're gonna need quite,a few products you don't want that many,that you know just it seems so,overwhelming for a customer but you want,quite a bit and the big thing is is you,want each page filled out so you know,one thing I can't stand seeing and I've,actually seen this actually hurts,conversion rates is if say you've got,you know a hat collection your hoodie,collection is filled out you could have,three and a half pages,full-width you know hoodies but then,you've got a hat collection it's got,free hats on there that's not gonna look,great you want everything to be very,aesthetic and so have at least one page,filled out per collection so you know,you don't need to have you know three,full pages you could have three and a,half or two and a half but the point is,have one full page if you're doing the,middle o neish one full page per,collection so if you're doing shirts,have at least one full page if you're,doing pants one full page hats one full,page sunglasses one full page you get,the point you want at least one full,page filled out per collection but I,found that you know if you have at least,40 products when your stores more filled,out but this goes back to the same thing,with the mid-level nation this is the,biggest reason your upsells and,cross-sells and what it leads into is,you're going to find winning products I,found so many of my winning products the,person that did 130-thousand I've,actually mentioned them before his,name's Colby he did 130,000 this last,month plus a couple of them are students,that are in the apparel nation they,found several winning products because,they had enough on there that when,people went searched around the store,they were buying them as upsells or just,deciding to buy those outright and they,weren't even marking in those products,yet so they tipped him off to go ahead,and market those products and that's how,they found those as winning products so,that's a huge one guys you know very,very important I you know whenever I go,to someone's store and I'm reviewing,someone's storing they've got you know,like 18 products like I said you can go,ahead you can be successful off that,it's just harder it's harder and you're,you're you're eliminating a lot of the,chances you'll have to find a winning,product off of people just go into your,store and searching around so number 3,and this is a big one it's branding so,you know I talk about this all the time,but one huge common denominator out of,all my students and this goes for every,niche but especially the ones in the,apparel nations especially the ones,starting in mid level niche the huge,common denominator that they have is,that their stores different,and everybody else trying dropshipping,and everybody else trying,dropshipping in the apparel niche and,the way it's different is one with high,quality photos so you know they'll use,you know their if they're using like say,the free theme Brooklyn you know they,make sure that those are very very high,quality and one thing I'm saying that a,lot of people are doing is that they,might have a high quality image but it,doesn't really really look unique it,looks like it looks very staged not,something that would apply to a brand,like I said with you know the other,stores like forever21 zoomies whatever,store you're talking about if you go,there the pictures on there you know,even forget that they're wearing that,type of clothing,it looks like the style of that store,one thing I'm seeing a lot people doing,is they're not even matching the style,if you're having trouble finding,pictures go to stock snap dot IO and,another one I like is it's either pixel,or pixels com,I'll just put pixel I think it might be,pixels though those have you know great,great high quality photos to use really,early on once you find out that your,stores profitable go and order the stuff,you need to go ahead and order what,works take your own photography that'll,really help out but branding the biggest,thing besides the pictures is you know,even though you might be in a mid-level,niche with you know apparel like clothes,you might have hats you might have,sunglasses all these different things,you want it to all look like it's coming,from the same store I have all the same,theme you don't want to have you know,really graphic t-shirt and then you know,fancy socks that don't match at all you,want everything to essentially match and,look like it's coming from the same,store you know this is where you need to,have a little bit of a creative mind and,know how to style things you know you,look at like a store like American Eagle,they might not have you know a lot of,really out-there stuff but the thing is,you look at their store all kind of,comes together all feels like the same,thing just like you know supreme or you,even look at you know babe one of these,stores it all looks this,store the same feel you know myself,along with your my really successful,students in the apparel niche they've,gone through and they have very unique,styles you know I was consulting with,one the other day,she's up-and-coming and she's now,hitting thousand-dollar days and you,know she's got a very unique style that,I have not dealt with before in the drop,shipping role I've never you know dealt,with someone doing this style and it's,working out really well for if you go,ahead and take that a unique approach,and brand it in that certain way not,only is your brand gonna be stronger but,you're who some what's separating,yourself from the competition of all,these other dropshippers yeah people,might be you know trying to sell the,same products but they don't have the,power of the brand that you will so what,we're gonna put here is how you curate,your products you know that's what we'll,say for that and then the other thing is,this story and this kind of goes into,the same thing you know the people that,I'm talking about almost all of them,have a brand story that goes along with,it they have a story that goes along,with their their store and everything,like that doesn't just seem like a drop,shipping store that you know they threw,up it looks like a legitimate business,that has been around for a while and,actually has a story to it and and this,is where you can really really go out,and make your Instagram look very,appealing and doing all that with,apparel that all becomes very crucial,very critical but if you know you stick,to those things it definitely definitely,pays off another thing is the extra,effort and what I mean by this,specifically is things like sizing,charts so you know one thing I've seen,is a mistake a lot of people do is,they'll go ahead and you know put a,unique sizing chart for each product on,the product page that's okay but the,best ones the best stores I've seen and,dealt with and the ones doing high high,numbers what they do is they take that,extra time and it takes quite a bit of,time to go ahead and actually convert,all the Asian sizes their European sizes,all the different sizes to one standard,chart on your store so this takes time,it really does because you're gonna have,you know all these different products,from different,suppliers that use different sizing,charts and you're gonna have to curate,it into one but if you do that guys this,the extra stuff extra details do pay off,here so that would be thing and then,five this is optional but have,accessories on your store you know,almost everyone I know that has an,apparel store and it's doing well does,have accessories and some have,accessories that it ends up becoming,their main theme and you know they sell,those really well some don't but they're,great upsells and everything like that,so now it's going to you know whether,you should stick with the mid-level,niche or whether you should go more,specific so you know like I was talking,about with the brand if you curate your,products in a certain way you've got a,certain theme many times it's gonna make,more sense to stay as at mid-level niche,because you built a brand around a,certain fill with a bunch of different,types of products in that niche but,let's say you go ahead and you find you,know certain accessory sells well so,let's say sunglasses let's say you find,a pair of sunglasses sells really well,becomes a winning product you might be,getting upsells from you know some of,your other clothes and things like that,well I want you to do is go ahead and,test other sunglasses if you find you,know two to three winning products and,the sunglasses in each it makes sense at,that point to then make a separate store,sunglass only store or a shoe only store,you know accessory type store you know,adapt or products you know like dress,socks and handkerchiefs and stuff like,that make that specific store and you,can keep this mid-level nice store one,use it as a test or store or to you know,still keep working on that as a brand as,well but if you already have winning,products and a certain accessories niche,or berries like let's say you're doing,all just graphic t-shirts you found that,those so you know you you find out,there's something very specific sells,really well on its own it could benefit,you a lot because once you go very,specific then with what happens is when,you market the products they own with,Facebook marketing when someone goes to,your store and they're thinking of,sunglasses and they get to your store,see that you've got you know great,sunglasses at cheap prices,gonna want more they're gonna want to,see your up sales go through the roof,this is how you get a ton of upsells is,is in a specific niche but you know many,times in the peril Nisha it doesn't make,sense to stay with a mid-level niche so,just something to think about,but you know this is just skimming the,surface guys if you want me to go in,detail actually show you how to design a,peril store the marketing that specific,tours that I can do that do you want me,to do one of these for you no gadgets or,home goods or anything like that let me,know I can definitely do that but you,know this is something you know that,that does pertain if you get an apparel,store you're thinking about starting a,peril store definitely take this into,account,I hope you guys found some value in this,video if you did please go ahead and,leave me a like on this,he's subscribe if you haven't already,I'm here for you guys every day leave a,comment down below if you've got any,questions or any type of video you want,me to do I'd love to chat with you guys,they keep grinding y'all and I'll see in,the next video

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