how to sell motorcyle parts on shopify

How I Made $119,428 Selling Car Parts Online As A Teenager let me guess you're watching this,because

David Zaleski

Updated on Feb 24,2023

How I Made $119,428 Selling Car Parts Online As A Teenager

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell motorcyle parts on shopify

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How I Made $119,428 Selling Car Parts Online As A Teenager

let me guess you're watching this,because you want to make some money,right this video is for you this video,is for those of you that actually want,to put in some work and make some money,selling things online right I'm gonna,show you on how I actually sold a,hundred and twenty thousand dollars,worth a product on eBay in about two,years right and what I'm about to show,you is stuff that I've actually done in,the past I know for a fact it works,I'm literally showing you that it works,I've had over twenty-two hundred,customers on eBay buy this stuff from me,I'm some vouching for something for a,system for essentially a side hustle I,mean you can make it a full-time thing,if you want to scale it and have the,time but it's a time this was my side,hustle when I was in high school what,I'm gonna show you I literally did from,the ages of about fifteen and a half all,the way to about eighteen I did this in,the summers I did this in my days off I,did this after school in high school so,I know this works thanks to what I'm,gonna show you I've never had a job in,my life I never had to work for somebody,I never had to report to a boss I've,always been my own boss and I always did,this and made a really good money for a,sixteen seventeen eighteen year old kid,I pretty much had all the money for for,a teenager I did whatever I wanted when,I wanted it was awesome just because I,put in the work into something that,works so other than that I really just,want to jump into it this is proof that,that this stuff works this is an ebay,account it's actually my dad's eBay,account that I was using but as you,could see here this is your totals to,date so I was doing this stuff about,four years ago now yeah around four or,five years ago now and in about,two-and-a-half years I did about a,hundred twenty grand right so this stuff,works but other than that let's jump,right into it so what exactly am I gonna,show you right some of you might already,have it figured out or get an idea but,I'm gonna be showing you on selling car,parts especially used car parts about 95,percent of the stuff that I sold was,used it just there's a huge market,there's a lot of potential right now and,there has been for people buying car,parts and used car parts both on eBay,and it's slowly kind of moving over to,Amazon and how it works,super super basic guys there's not much,to it it's literally taking a product or,a car part in this case I'm not gonna,you know hide it you guys know what it,is car parts and then from there selling,it on eBay and getting that car part for,a lot cheaper it's kind of like online,arbitrage I would even say this is,online and retail just because I've even,gone to junkyards and physically parted,cars myself and parts to pull them out,so for example a product that I found,and I just actually sell this and make,about 30 bucks a sale for climate,controls right for a variety of vehicles,so one thing that would definitely help,in this if you want to make this work is,getting familiar with your car parts,right but it's not it's not a necessity,it's not a requirement to get started,you're just gonna have it a lot easier,if you do understand like what all this,stuff is different car makes models it,will be helpful I'm not saying it won't,but don't let that prevent you from,getting started it's really not that,difficult to figure this out so for,example this was one that I used to sell,really well back in the day and it still,sells well as you could see a hundred,and three units sold it's going for,seventy bucks right and how this works,on how everything I was doing back in,the day what I would do is I would find,parts like this right this Chevy truck,Tahoe Silverado suburban heater climate,controller right for all of you that had,been in a car before and live in a,civilized country know what this is,right this turns the a/c on this turns,AC off right cold warm right we got that,right so this is a part that breaks a,lot right because people use it they,touch it it's an electronic part it's,gonna break right so what you would do,is you would find a list of products,like this one and as you can tell you,know the sells for a fact because eBay,unlike Amazon is actually nice enough to,tell you that this has sold a hundred,and three times in the past right that's,a lot right 103 times that's a,$70 car part sold a hundred times that's,you know that's over seven thousand,dollars in sales right there on one car,part on one used-car part and what you,do from here please you come over to,site like car part comm right it's car -,part comm and then you come over here,just go to home no big deal and then,what you would,do is you would search these parts right,you would essentially look for this part,so this is where you know the perks of,knowing your when it comes to cars,comes in handy but for example 1999 GMC,Chevy Silverado I mean we could figure,that out 1997 that's the year I was born,in that's the era,Chevy truck Silverado there we go so we,want to make sure that we select the,right one since this is a 1997 we want,to make sure that we select let's just,do 1990 yeah let's do 1997 1999 and up,we're looking at a heater climate,control right so let's go down and then,here it is heater AC control that's,exactly what we're looking for we're,looking for parts that are in the United,States and then enter your postal code,so I'm in Chicago this is my zip code if,you guys want to maybe find me at the,local Mariano I was sipping on some,coffee but you hit Search right and then,from there you search again and then you,get this list right this is a list of a,lot of junkyards that have this car part,in their inventory so what you would do,is you would sorted by the cheapest,price right and as you can see if we're,selling it for 70 bucks clearly we can't,buy it for more so what you would do is,there's literally pages and pages of,this car part because it's an old car,it's a 1997 in 1996 1997 1999 a car,right it's been around for literally,decades so it's easy there's a lot of,parts to it but as you can see we could,get this car part for super super cheap,right as you can see as low as gray I,mean some of it the nibs are broken,right so it will literally tell you,what's wrong with the car,but a lot of them will tell you that,it's still good right and what you would,do is you would find one like this like,this one it's a great a car part right,that means the qualities are really good,it's exactly what we're looking for we,have a location of this place and what,you would do is you would give this,place a call right you would call up,Nancy's auto recycling and Kentucky and,then you talked to Joe or Bob on the,phone be like hey Bob,I got this car it's a GMC Silverado man,it's a it's 1997 bra and I'm having a,hard time with it the AC unit doesn't,work can you hook it up and then Bob on,the phone it's gonna be like you know,what it's 20 but five bucks plus,shipping then you're gonna be like ah,you know I don't have that you know can,can you sell it to me for 20 plus,shipping and then Bob's gonna be like,all right you know well let me go ask,John and then John's gonna be like all,right sell it and then what you do is,essentially kind of on the phone you,want to close them you were not,necessarily close but you want to kind,of bargain on the price right just,because you see 25 bucks here does that,mean you're gonna pay 25 bucks right,just how we sell a hundred bucks on,these or 200 185 does not mean we'd pay,anything close to this this literally,means that they put this in here just to,put it in here without actually doing,any research on what it's worth and then,you call them up and let them know that,you want this part that you're only,willing to pay this much and from,experience like I've done this literally,hundreds of times they will sell it to,you just because it's used car parts,they just want to move on they'd rather,get that you know 20 30 40 50 bucks on a,part than let it sit there especially on,a part like this that's not popular when,it comes or there's a lot of people,selling it,obviously it's popular because it's sold,100 three times but there's just not a,lot of people buying it on from,junkyards right a lot of people come to,eBay instead of a junkyard right so,let's do some basic math I want to,explain one more thing to you on how,much you could make on how much this,person has made my 1996 tracker right,this man right here has sold 103 of,these so let's just say you're selling,it for $69.99 I already kind of did the,math here we're charging free shipping,right you want to charge free shipping,on ebay and then the shipping cost to,the customer is gonna be around 8 bucks,because this weighs around 2 dollars,flat rate and all that it's gonna cost,you around 8 bucks depending on where,it's going and then our item cost,realistically if we look at the prices,right here we could probably get this to,us for about $25,30 bucks shipped right woops about 30,bucks shipped so we're making about 20,22 22 dollars a unit once we sell this,right,and that is after ebay fees which is,seven bucks and paypal fees which is two,dollars and 33 cents so let's do some,quick quick little math right here once,again if we're making twenty two dollars,of sale right 20 bucks times 103 sold,that means this person right here just,up this listing has made twenty two,hundred dollars from selling just this,one right but this guy is doing what I,used to do and if we click on a,storefront link right over here he has a,lot more than just that one car part,right he has many many more car parts,and as you could see he's selling all,sorts of different things such as fog,lights knobs small little trays switches,and stuff for the door AC bezels like he,sell a lot of different things and what,you would do is you would see what's,selling well on someone's store like his,and you would go ahead and find the same,car parts on this website and then you,would do what I told you exactly to do,is you would find these parts you would,see which ones are good quality which,ones look legit,and then you just literally pick up the,phone call and call these places up and,tell them that you want to buy this and,then negotiate on the price you don't,don't just say that if they tell you 20,bucks don't pay 20 bucks be like I'll,give you 10 for it then Bob's gonna be,like all right we'll let's meet in the,middle let's do 15 you'll be like all,right you know what I'll do 15 with Free,Shipping and you'll be like all right,we'll send it off to you and then,they'll sell it so do it that way don't,just look at this don't look at these,prices and be like that's what I have to,pay that is not what you have to pay,these prices are negotiable and that's,why they're here that's where you pick,up the phone and call and that's,literally what you do so my my 1996,tracker is doing it right as you could,see he's selling parts every single day,so yesterday was the 17th because eBay,is behind so every single day he's,selling car parts as you could see and,it's not just one car part he's selling,a variety of them right and this is a,numbers game the more car parts and the,different SKUs or the different parts,you have the more you sell so yesterday,he probably had,probably $200 day I would say on eBay,and half of that would be profit so I,would say someone like him is making,around a hundred to about $300 profit a,day off of selling this and is a time,consuming to scale it to his level like,he has right now I would say he probably,works about 40 hours a week like about,full time but once again you don't have,to do that just proof of concept right,here I did this in about 2.5 years,around to two and a half years I did,$120,000 doing this in the summer,part-time and after school part-time and,during the holidays us and I made about,half of this would be I would say profit,right around that so I was yeah that's,about accurate about half his profit,after fees and everything like yeah you,have to pay taxes but I was making about,thirty thousand dollars a year in profit,selling used car parts at the age of,about 15 16 17 and 18 right around there,that's where I was doing this stuff so,it's definitely doable it's it's,profitable it will take some time to get,it used to to get familiar with the car,parts to get you know familiar with the,make models the years that sell well it,will take time just like anything out,there in life like you will have to,spend a little bit of time getting,familiar but it's a hundred percent,doable I vouch for this once again it,does require physical labor you will,have to you know pick up the phone and,call and list this stuff take pictures,of a ship it out to the customers,provide customer service but once again,I would totally rather be doing this,over you know flipping burgers and,McDonald's with all your friends I mean,you know luckily enough I didn't have to,do that and I really for those of you,watching this give this a try and if you,really even want to scale it further,what I would do also is I would have,just called these junkyards but I would,even go to your local junkyards so for,example what helped me get really good,pricing on some parts was really,building relationships with with some,junkyards in the city and by,relationships meet I meaning I would,just I would buy really,often from them and they would give me,really good pricing because they kind of,knew what I was doing they knew I was,selling on eBay just cuz no normal,person buys like ten different car parts,for death ten different cars right like,it's just no one does that unless you're,really doing the what I just showed you,and then I pretty much opened like a,house account and then from there made,made made much more better pricing so,that's a that's a really good pro tip,for those of you that live in big cities,like Chicago has a ton of junkyards the,Midwest itself so if you live in the,Midwest and you were like here and so,it's a pretty well-known hub for parts,just because it's the center of the,states on New York I mean tons of other,places just look up locally if there's,any junkyards and even if you live in, Nebraska which I'm sure,someone watching this will be on just,look up junkyards in the area and then,see if you could um if you could build a,relationship with one and then you know,sell their parts on eBay and then take a,profit for that's another way of doing,it especially if you have no money to,get started you could actually approach,a junkyard and be like hey let me work,for you on Commission basis so,everything I sell I get maybe twenty,thirty percent of the profits and then I,will literally list this stuff on eBay,that's another way to do it but there,you guys have it hopefully this video,was informative once again I think this,is a very very good way to make money if,you're like a teenage guy if you're like,15 16 17 18 years old in high school,this is an awesome way to make a lot of,money for a teenager,to really have financial freedom at that,age I know I did because this is what I,did and I had an awesome high school,experience due to really just being able,to sell parts on the side and not having,to work for anybody having all the time,I really wanted what I wanted so yeah if,you guys have any questions about this,I'm really more than happy to help,anybody join the Facebook group down,below and called econ hub and then send,me a personal message on Facebook if you,have any car part related questions,because I know a lot about this,especially selling them online and,really how to optimize your sales and,stuff but other than that guys hopefully,this was helpful hit the thumbs up,subscribe notification bell you already,know what to do thanks for watching guys,I'm out

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