how's it going ladies and gentlemen,today we're going to be discussing some,huge news toby the ceo of shopify just,recently posted that you can use shopify,now for your nft drops now these are,extremely big news for many reasons the,main one being that shopify is the,biggest e-commerce hosting platform in,the world so shopify generates nearly,200 billion dollars in sales every,single year through their e-commerce,platform now that seems insane right but,what's really insane as well is that nft,sales have raked in already over 10,billion dollars in revenue and the,market has grown at 700 percent over the,past year so this is a perfect,combination not only for shopify,merchants but for nft enthusiasts,because now we're gonna see those two,worlds colliding and even though the,total percentage of nft sales only make,up a small fraction of the total,e-commerce sales nfts are relatively new,while e-commerce has been around for,nearly 20 years so we could easily,expect to see nft sales continuing to,grow at exponential rates especially now,that shopify as a platform has decided,to enable nft sales through their,platform and processing systems now i'm,not gonna lie there is a little bit of a,caveat of course a lot of you guys,follow me for shopify stuff so you're,maybe thinking oh man i'm about to start,selling my nfts on my own shopify store,which you will be able to do some day,but for now this is still exclusively a,beta program and it's only available to,shopify plus merchants if you don't know,what shopify plus is shopify plus is,basically the highest tier shopify plan,that you can get it's basically catered,towards very established brands and it's,gonna run you about two thousand dollars,a month so if you're not making anywhere,close to that in revenue with your,shopify store chances are selling nfts,is gonna be a little bit unrealistic,however for those of you that do have,established brands this is going to come,as a tremendous opportunity to not only,create a whole new avenue of revenue but,to also build amazing communities around,your brand now to me that's the biggest,benefit of nfts it's not necessarily,just the art side of it but mostly the,community access having ownership of a,particular nft gives you so many,benefits within different communities,for example board api club that's the,biggest example that i can think of they,host events regularly so owning a board,ape is basically like an all-access pass,to a bunch of different features,personally this is what intrigues me the,most when it comes to the nft world of,course i love art i've actually i've,actually been creating some art of my,own lately as you can see i finally got,an ipad and i've started to learn how to,make art digitally i've loved creating,art for a very long time but i've never,done it digitally and now i'm not only,starting to realize the potential of,this industry from an art point of view,but also from the connectivity point of,view that i was just mentioning now like,i said this will be only available for,shopify plus merchants so i'm gonna go,ahead and predict that we're gonna see,brands like fashion nova pretty little,things all these established brands that,are totally crushing it jim shark all of,these brands they're gonna be the first,to start implementing these things into,their businesses and i think it will,really make for a very interesting next,couple years of course if you don't want,to fall behind on all this information,make sure you subscribe to my channel,i'll be updating you guys on all these,things i've actually recently created a,shopify store sort of around my channel,it's called i sell art,like this right here but i also have a,course in there so make sure you check,that out so this is really exciting to,me i will be exploring the possibility,of including nfts however i am a little,bit bummed that they're only making this,available to people that are gonna be,spending two thousand dollars a month on,their shopify plus plan i feel like that,makes the barrier to entry a lot higher,and almost unrealistic for up-and-coming,artists right and that's a big plus when,it comes to nfts is that you're giving,the power back to the artists so we're,talking about the art side of things now,not just the community side of things,what i'm also really curious to see is,how they're going to compete with openc,openc is the biggest nft platform and,they have been for a long time however a,lot of people have complaints about it,and it's so early on that i feel like,there easily could be a competitor that,just simply does it better and i,couldn't think of a better competitor,than shopify themselves they're already,like i said a 200 billion dollar company,with an amazing team behind it a,visionary ceo i mean look it the ceo,literally has an ens domain name which,is an ethereum domain name toby.eth,super clean i think it's also worth it,to mention that this will only be,available to us merchants for now so,unfortunately if you're outside of the,u.s you're not going to be able to take,part in this beta program but with the,explosive growth of nfts i do think that,they're gonna start putting a bigger,emphasis on this in making it available,to merchants worldwide at least that's,what i think i mean maybe i'm wrong and,this is just a fad that's definitely a,possibility i mean nobody really knows,where this whole nft movement is going,but in my opinion i think this is a,trend that's here to stay even though a,lot of things are overhyped right now,it's still just the beginning and nfts,are gonna allow for a whole new way to,experience the internet and communities,which we're already seeing like i said,with some of the projects that i've,mentioned but this is super cool to me,especially since this kind of mixes all,of my different worlds i do love the nft,space art and building communities and,then i also love building brands on,shopify i have multiple brands so it's,really cool to me seeing these two,things sort of merging together and i'm,excited to leverage my shopify,experience to venture into the nft world,but with that said i hope that you guys,enjoyed this video if you did make sure,you give it a like subscribe to the,channel for more chill videos like this,and i'll be seeing y'all in the next one,peace
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