what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today we'll,be going over the best course apps for,your Shopify store now these apps are,going to let you sell your courses,through your Shopify store now this is,great if you have an existing Shopify,store it could be a great way to,integrate that into it as Shopify is not,primarily a courses platform so make,sure you stay to the end of the video,here as we'll take a look at the top,apps go over their features the UI the,reviews as well as their pricing before,I dive into it I want to thank our,sponsor profit calc the one click profit,calculator available on the Shopify app,store it's gonna allow you to skip those,spreadsheets and get back to Growing,your store with real-time calculations,there's a link in the description below,to access the free trial and we'll show,a quick video detailing the rest of,their features are you a Shopify,business owner who spends hours doing,your accounting have messy spreadsheets,kept you from growing your business,discover profit cap the affordable and,easy to set up Shopify app that crunches,your numbers in just one click it,automatically syncs with all your,accounts and expenses to calculate your,profit displaying everything in an easy,to read dashboard so you understand your,business in real time start for free on,the Shopify app store today let's dive,into our first app here and that's going,to be courses plus to allow you to turn,your store into a online course platform,so you can sell your knowledge you can,do things such as memberships and,bundles let's have a course directory,it's going to give you an easy interface,to create different lessons here with a,rich text editor you can have different,types of lessons from text videos videos,zoom live webinars and quizzes so you,can have different sections and lessons,grouping them together there's a,progress bar as well as quizzes very,similar to the other online course,platforms I like to do things such as,have a my courses page different tags,and different file nodes and buttons you,can also give your students,certifications upon completing the,course so in terms of pricing you can,have a completely free plan here and,that's going to give you up to Five,Lessons per store then unlimited number,of students it's gonna go up in price,depending on the number of lessons you,want to have for each store you also get,extra features such as quizzes low,limited time courses and courses app,branding in terms of reviews it has a,really good 4.9 stars with 65 Star,reviews next let's take a look at,courses and memberships by inflow kit,it's going to allow you to sell courses,memberships webinars and downloads so,it's gonna be a simple course creator so,you can add your different lessons,together you can drag and drop course,editors locks here to make it really,easy to create the content you can have,YouTube content images HTML files PDFs,as well as text you can track the,courses for each member and see how much,they're completing again there's going,to be an online certification download,name member dashboard so they can log on,and see the progress they're making in,terms of pricing this doesn't have a,free plan it's going to start at 24 a,month with a 14 day free trial now,there's cheaper plan is going to charge,you per transaction as well but you do,get unlimited members unlimited courses,as well as 10 gigabytes of storage and,when you go up to the 50 month plan,they're going to drop that percentage,fee and give you 50 gigabytes of storage,plus a few other more things in terms of,reviews it's really good again here at,4.9 stars at 25 star reviews in terms of,features you you get the member,dashboard you can sell subscriptions,custom translations a simple editor,certificates video Zoom custom themes as,well as quick support let's take a look,at our last app here and that's skill,suite online courses you can again build,and sell online courses easily with your,Shopify store so again it's going to,include an easy course creator again,it's going to make it really easy to,create engaging content with different,features different styles of lessons,again you can see videos photos tag,quizzes as well as multiple choice,answers it's gonna be interactive on any,device here so it's been built for,mobile as well as most things are at,this point could give you automation,tools as well such as email,notifications and funnels product,upsells discount codes you connect it,with your different email apps such as,clavio HubSpot recharge and your opto,here in terms of pricing it's going to,be 49 a month with a 14 day free trial,you get 10 internal users and 100,additional enrollments per month and,it's gonna go up in price depending on,the number of enrollments and internal,users you're looking for in terms of a,rating and sending in a decent 4.4 stars,but overall there aren't that many,reviews with eight five star review here,so overall these are the three apps are,going to allow you to sell courses on,your Shopify store this is gonna be,great if you have an existing store and,you're selling physical product or if,you're just looking to use Shopify,solely as you like its UI like its,interface rather than using a specific,course platform these apps are going to,extend the functionality further which,make them really great options so this,is going to conclude the video here on,the top Shopify courses app let me know,in the comments what you think of these,apps and if any additional apps should,have been included here if you enjoyed,this content I would love it so much if,you hit that like And subscribe button,below if you have any questions leave a,comment lastly I want to mention profit,calc again which is the sponsor of this,video the app's going to allow you to,get one click profit calculations for,your Shopify store letting you skip,those spreadsheets it includes a 15 day,free trial and there's a link in the,description below thank you so much for,watching and I'll see you in our next,video,foreign
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