hey everyone jan here codingwithyan.com,so today we have the first episode of,our sell your own theme series and all,of you have been asking tons of great,questions so please keep doing so this,project can only be as good as the,community is and you guys are amazing so,appreciate everyone watching and now,it's time for some answers so let's dive,right in,all right liam then thanks so much for,taking the time today as you know we're,here to answer some of the most burning,questions that people have,are you feeling good about it as well,i'm feeling great jan thanks for having,me here um,obviously a huge fan of the channel and,uh yeah any opportunity i can have to to,share the good word of the shopify theme,store um is is my absolute pleasure um,yeah then maybe as an entry point to our,conversation one of the most burning,topics or one of the most requested,topics was like what is the best way to,create a theme which kind of ties into,two subcategories the concept then the,actual development like workflows tools,and everything,so why don't we talk about the concept,first and,what is the thing or what can we give,people on the way in order to come up,with an amazing concept should we talk,about that,yeah i think that's a great place to,start,so i think the the first thing to really,think about is to really dive into how,merchants and how buyers will interact,with a theme,and and also consider how it's different,to design for a marketplace versus,designing for an individual client,so with an individual client you're very,commonly going to be requesting or being,asked for specific settings whereas in,theme store,these settings are,a little bit more generic um they're not,requested specifically by any merchants,um so merchants may be encountering uh,these features and functionality for the,first time um so i'd really you know,before even writing a line of code um,you know think about the the buyer,journey think about the merchant journey,and how,you know all of these people will,interact with the theme with the online,store editor,and you know think about know you're not,really designing just a storefront,for a buyer to,pick a product and take it to the cart,and check out you're also,essentially designing a ui that,merchants will be using to,bring their store to life,and and ideally with the the minimal,amount of friction possible,okay yeah i think that's a very good,point because as you know many merchants,don't have a strong technical background,then the settings have to be very,straightforward i mean this all ties to,usability i think that's what we are,trying to trying to get across here,um yeah so would you have any tips or,maybe how could someone approach that,would you recommend maybe using tools,like or like design tools to come up,with the visual concept first or would,you just be diving head first and,writing lines of code how would you,approach that yeah so i think there's a,few different methods um but i would,definitely advise,um investing time in the design so in,you know as you mentioned there's,there's various design tools that are,available things like figma or indesign,where you're able to create mock-ups of,each individual page so you can see,quite clearly what the the merchant or,buyer journey would be throughout the,the storefront,and also you can create those,figma files to lay out what each,individual setting will be like so,that's really helpful to early on,um,make sure that you have like a,consistent flow,and and help you identify where there,could be inconsistencies so for example,um in you know specific settings um,there could be a slider um and then in,another similar setting that you might,have a drop down um you might think it's,a little bit easier a little bit more,intuitive to just use a slider in both,situations so i think those early on you,know design decisions that you can make,will,you know just add to the usability,later on,another,process that could be very helpful that,i've heard team developers using,frequently is having,like a one-page document that just,outlines the vision of the theme um and,and this could be just something where,you're thinking about like what's,different about my theme what can i,bring to the table uh to the marketplace,with this team and and both the design,and and this vision document they can be,living documents they can evolve and,they can change over time but it's i,think very helpful to just give you an,anchor so that you know that there is a,resource that you can come back to um,that will just uh you know help in your,development journey,okay yeah awesome makes a lot of sense,so usability is a major concern and then,who are you building the theme for,also what separates your theme like what,what is what is the difference between,the other themes on the theme store,and this also kind of gets us to,who are you building the theme for is it,like a specific industry is it maybe a,certain demographic,um how about different verticals and,niches for themes,yeah absolutely so on the shopify theme,store we're actually narrowing our focus,and to,prioritize specific verticals and,industries,so that when merchants visit the theme,store and they have an idea they already,exist in a specific vertical and it's,easier for them to visualize how their,brand will look,when seeing your theme,designed for a specific vertical so,that's also something to keep in mind in,the early stages when you're designing,your theme when you're doing your,mockups is how am i optimizing this,theme for a specific industry,and there's also,country and geographical considerations,too to to be aware of in those early,stages,and it's actually very interesting,because geographic requirements and,geographic requests especially for,germany are also quite common for,instance here we have like there's like,legal requirements in terms of an online,store and you would have to have a tax,notice you would need to show unit,prices there needs to be check boxes,that you've read the terms and services,when you want to proceed to the checkout,same with newsletters so would you say,building for a specific geolocation or a,specific country exclusively would make,sense or is it like too narrow or what,are your thoughts on that in general no,i definitely think that building for a,specific,country um is is a very viable option,and and for them the reasons that you,mentioned there there there could be,very,legal,uh requirements that,you know specific regions have,there's also some uh you know design and,aesthetic,um,you know aesthetics that,your countries would have for example in,japan they have very different visual,layouts of pages um as opposed to a,store in north america or europe so it's,definitely worth thinking about how,um you know even web design exists in,like a different format or is displayed,differently in different regions,okay great um so maybe a quick recap,till now so we said you have to focus on,usability in terms of your theme a great,theme is also easy to use and then you,can use design tools like figma to map,everything out come up with a clear,vision,and also,yeah you should focus on one niche,demographic or specific industry but,then the question becomes how do you,even decide on one how do you choose the,best,that's,that's a really good question what i,would recommend and if this is your,first submission to the shopify theme,store is to maybe consider building for,the the niche or the industry that you,have the most prior experience with,um this will help you to transfer,your skills across to this current,project um and it'll also um you know,allow you to,bring in your own experience and and put,your own spin on a theme based on the,experiences that you've had,okay so this would be maybe freelancing,experience or agency experience or,however you got in touch with merchants,exactly okay and how can people learn,about specific verticals like there are,so many different niches out there some,bigger than other and,some niches already also have some,niches what's the best way or what are,some ways people could use,from talking to other themed partners,i've found um that,they think,merchant interviews is a really great,way to tap into,what challenges,specific merchants have for their,individual industries,so one example of that,there's a theme partner called safe is,milk and we can we can link this this,blog post uh which featured them um but,in this interview i did with them they,uh they really gained a lot of context,from sitting down and talking to a range,of different entrepreneurs,specifically entrepreneurs who had both,an online store and an offline or a,bricks and mortar store in like a,physical store and they discovered that,there was a lot of challenges,between you know managing inventory or,just displaying how,products would would appear with,location information um so they actually,from those interviews were able to,really create a very strong,vision and,purpose for their theme um and it,eventually was called venue,because it had a very sort of location,uh based um emphasis on it um so yeah,one thing i would definitely recommend,um is leverage your network like you,definitely know entrepreneurs you,definitely know people using shopify um,talk to them learn from their,experiences,and uh you know leverage their,challenges so that you're able to build,something that will solve real world,problems for them,okay so this is almost like a tiny round,of market research upfront um you,basically try to collect user feedback,before even building the thing or,building the product which is like,always a good thing in my opinion,um and okay let's say you,you don't have a very strong network yet,and you're still trying to get in touch,with people or with the community i,could imagine facebook groups would be a,good place maybe the slack like the,community slack and,discord groups or any other ideas maybe,the the forum,um yeah the community forums everything,you mentioned you know uh reddit can be,really good um,you know you know i think uh you know,any any network that you can leverage um,you know even going to,to market fairs uh and it also you know,it would be super helpful if they are,shopify merchants they don't always have,to be shopify merchants um they could be,you know merchants using other platforms,so you can do a lot of maybe competitive,research of how other e-commerce,platforms um help merchants too you,don't need to be you know,stuck with just shopify merchants for,this,um but you know look for any opportunity,where you can just discover a little bit,more about how entrepreneurs work and,the challenges that they're facing and,and how you could,make that a little bit easier for them,with your theme,okay and let's say we had a very broad,niche like fashion would you then,recommend,focusing on fashion in general or would,it be just a subtopic of that maybe i,don't know streetwear or something like,that something that's a tiny bit smaller,yeah yeah i think you know fashion is is,a perfect example of where there are so,many subcategories um there are you know,formal wear um there is uh sports where,um there can be you know even like just,boutique or,uh even clothing for for pets is,actually we're seeing is a really big,thing um,so yeah i think you know,especially when you're designing your,your demo stores,you can start looking at how to,um you know prioritize you know specific,niches within verticals,just to give merchants another,glimpse into how they could display,their products on your theme,okay i see,also one question that was in the,comments was how many styles or maybe,let me put a different on the theme,store you would oftentimes find themes,in different styles and then the,question would be how many do we need,when starting out is like one enough or,two or maybe,many,is there any guideline on that,yeah so,uh in the very very early days of just,you know designing and building um,i would stick with just one style in in,the very early days and i think um,creating different styles is,a part of the development process that,comes a little bit later on um,from from talking to the theme review,team they do recommend between two and,three as different styles um,and these are of course uh you know,different to demo stores too,the styles exist as,options that merchants can adjust on the,editor,and really relates to,things like presets of,uh you know color combinations,um,which is you know definitely something,to keep in mind throughout the whole,development journey is is how you will,organize different colors,okay yeah i see,and then maybe as a as a good transition,we could also talk about some of the,features that a theme needs because if,you let's say if you design for certain,industries,we've been talking about fashion then,you would might need to have something,like a size chart or one feature that i,was implementing myself a hundred times,is something like an energy efficiency,class if someone has electronics like,almost no theme offers that out of the,box um,so how about specific features for,industries what are your thoughts on,that in general,yes that's definitely something to,really be aware of and again like doing,your research into different industry,and doing those interviews with,merchants will highlight where they're,they're seeing gaps in what currently,exists,and then once you identify those gaps,you can you can build to to add those in,but what i would add as well just on on,features specifically,is that you know as a baseline you do,need to support,the,mandatory set of features which are,outlined in the team store requirements,okay yeah then we should definitely put,a link in the description yeah so okay,so maybe maybe as a good advice we could,say start with the mandatory,requirements then think about optional,features,and the best ideas are coming through,interview market research and just yeah,research in general competitor research,and thinking about one specific industry,okay so digging a little more into the,features that we just mentioned um how,did you even come up with the required,features who invented the list if i may,ask,so this list of required mandatory,features um,actually came about from a lot of,research that we did into what are the,the you know the,features that um merchants need really,to succeed and to have a,broad base of,uh functionality that is just you know,the minimal um so we looked at a lot of,different themes and we also looked at,what are the,uh kind of core shopify features that we,you know some that we launched very,recently like um product media and that,really elevates uh merchant stores so um,we have invested quite a lot of time,into outlining all of these uh and this,is really where i think um you know,developers can actually benefit from,uh you know putting a big focus into,because,there's also a lot of,like creativity that you can bring out,of the mandatory features um you know i,wouldn't i would discourage developers,from looking at it at them as a a,checkbox that they need to tick,and really approach it in a way that,um they can bring their own unique touch,to these features so for example you,know i mentioned product media i think,this is something that,you know has a lot of scope for being,very unique,and even,unique for the specific vertical that,you're designing for,um you can unlock a lot of different,potentials from how 3d models are laid,out on a product page for example,okay,similarly things like,search results pages,they're really critical parts of a,store,we require that there is search,filtering um but it's very free up to,you how to implement that um,specifically you know implementing it in,a way that works very well for,the the industry that you're working,with okay so the mandatory features are,first and foremost to ensure that,merchants can use or make the best use,make the use of the best shopify,features like just thinking back of unit,prices for instance when they came out,not many themes were supporting them and,then everyone needed them so that's like,one one thing um and then okay and then,you should also give them your own spin,your own design touch to make it feel,very unique,yeah exactly,okay,and then also maybe in terms of,flexibility that's another concern or a,question people had,like how many features should a theme,have when is when when when does it get,overloaded or yeah how flexible does it,have to be for lack of better words,do you have any thoughts on that as well,yeah that's that's actually a really,great question and very difficult to,answer um,what i would,recommend is um,not to focus so much on the the number,of features um,you know the first priority of course is,getting all of the mandatory features,implemented um in the best way possible,um and then,um,you know instead of,you know spending too much time building,additional functionality uh i think it,could be worthwhile um you know,launching your team in the theme store,and seeing what kind of feedback you get,from merchants um you know maybe they,are looking for specific features,because what you want to avoid is,is redundant work so you may create a,feature that you initially believe will,be very popular but it might not,actually turn out to be as popular as,you initially thought um and similarly,there could be a feature that you,um didn't conceive of in the beginning,that a lot of merchants,contact your support and look for so i,think,the very first thing to do is get the,mandatory features,in the best situation possible and then,start looking at other features and i,think that will also help,ensure that your team is not overloaded,with features and that might be a little,bit unnecessary,okay so this kind of draws back to what,we had earlier doing market research,getting user real world user feedback,because anything else you do is,basically just a guess anything without,data is just a guess and then you start,with the mandatory features then you,add whatever you feel makes sense but,start as an mvp and then iterate over,time,yeah that makes sense yes all right,okay awesome um i think there was some,great input regarding coming up with a,concept but as you know developers they,want to like get their hands dirty they,want to build something one question,that we had is can you actually use dawn,as a starting point for your project or,do you have to come up with something,completely from scratch,what are guidelines on that,sure so um just to unpack uh dawn for a,little bit um,as well as being our new flagship or a,new default theme for merchants when,they start a new store um don is also a,really great reference point for,understanding,uh the new theme architecture how json,templates work how meta fields work,and also you know seeing how to build in,a very web native,uh perspective or philosophy and really,seeing how accessibility can be built in,and performance being built in,um and jan i know you know on this,channel you've created a lot of great,videos that go into you know detail of,all of the,online store 2.0 uh features so um if,anyone's watching and they haven't seen,those uh definitely do check those out,as soon as you can they're really good,but in terms of you know what what do we,mean when we say dawn is a great,reference tool,so from talking to other team developers,and they found that one of the biggest,benefits of,using dawn is being able to see how,different components,look and,uh how how this can be explored in,isolation,to really see and to get like into the,the details of how different components,are built for shopify themes,so an example of that could be,looking at something like the navigation,and how,don's navigation is set up,and seeing how accessibility and,performance is baked in,um so i think,first off as a reference tool that's a,really great use of dawn um can it be,used as a starter theme yes it can it,can definitely be used as a starter,theme when you're building teams to,submit to the shopify theme store um but,and this is a big bush we have a,requirement,uniqueness that you should definitely,read on our,teamster requirements,so if you're using dawn as a starting,point your finishing point must be quite,far away,we want to make sure that,you're providing the best value to,merchants when you're creating a theme,and so we really want to see,differentiation between your project and,dawn if it's built with dawn as a,starting point and it really has to have,a,unique visual identity and it really has,to have a functionality that that,operates in a very different way um,so,keep those two things uh you know very,much in mind when you're working with,dawn okay so you can't just download the,dawn theme change one css class and then,sell it for 300 bucks on the store that,wouldn't work right,no it wouldn't and it would also be a,really bad merchant experience too,because um the expectation would be if,they're purchasing a paid theme that,it's going to have,you know much more functionality,and be much more tailored for their own,individual,in industry as well,okay,but yeah i would also definitely agree,that dawn is a great source for,inspiration especially how it's built in,terms of the web components the,javascript it's a very lightweight theme,um but also,at least when i was working with it i,found it a bit difficult to use these,components because they're not so well,documented at this point i hope that's,some fair critique here um,maybe that's that's something to improve,on in the future so you really have to,take the theme apart and build it back,together to really understand it and,then make it your own right,yeah and i've seen some really great,examples of uh developers doing that and,even you know taking,um it and open sourcing it so i think,there's a version of dawn that exists,with tailwind css um where where people,can you know,you know download and and start working,with that themselves,um,and uh yeah it's you know as you,mentioned,it can sometimes be challenging to look,at these components in isolation um but,i think you know in combination with,with the documentation that we have,um that it can be definitely worthwhile,to spend some time exploring dawn um you,know uh trying it out on your,development store and you know reverse,engineering different parts of it,okay that makes a lot of sense and now,you also mentioned tailwind as a css,framework for those of you who don't,know tailwind is like a utility css,framework it's not using opinionated,class names like bootstrap would do,um so talking about frameworks in,general,is that something that is allowed can,you use something like vue.js can you,use something like taiwan or does it,have to be css from scratch how about,frameworks,yeah really good question um vue.js is,uh possible um i've actually seen some,online courses on how to to work with,dot js and,shopify themes,um,what we do want to,ask developers to to avoid or to,reconsider are,things like javascript libraries um you,know trying to you know move away from,jquery and have uh vanilla js where,possible um but yeah,tailwind css,is fine we've seen,some developers really,coming up with really,intuitive and,innovative solutions with uh tailwind,within shopify themes,okay so maybe we could say frameworks,yes but with an ion performance,yeah exactly okay now of course we can't,cover every single technical detail in,this first video maybe that's something,for the follow-up videos but do we have,a list of resources or some good hints,for someone who really wants to get,started right now,definitely so,uh one resource that i have open,literally all the time i have it on a,tab right here,is the liquid cheat sheet um,i think uh you know it's,very typical of developers in general um,we we try not to memorize every single,uh variable or every object or every tag,and so having a searchable resource,where we can very quickly go and find,you know a specific filter for example,um see an example of that and then see,some documentation,i think that's invaluable when working,on themes,so yeah liquid cheat sheet have that on,a tab somewhere all the time um i also,mentioned the theme store requirements i,also have that on a tab open all the,time,and i i think,what's a really great way to think about,the requirements is that they're they're,your map,you know you this is your map that will,take you uh wherever you want to go,hopefully to the shopify team store,and it'll really just outline exactly,not just the mandatory requirements but,also,things like our design principles um or,uh you know ux patterns that you you,will want to follow um or things like,naming conventions and this will be a,really really helpful map for you and,you can find that on shopify.dev,which is of course another great,resource,you can find all of the theme related,docs at shopify.dev,forward slash themes,and yeah very very important lots of,tutorials,even if you're not building a shopify,theme if you're customizing a theme um,this is going to be an invaluable,resource for you too um there are a,couple of blog posts as well which i,think will be,particularly useful,one is,how to create your first,shopify section we can link that in the,description as well and also,one by my colleague uh marcus uh called,what it takes to build,uh for success on the shopify theme,store um and that really goes very deep,into the design aspects of,um you know how to think you know again,in terms of verticals but also in terms,of how merchants again will be,um,will be interacting with your theme um,we also have a learning liquid guide,uh which you can get on the shopify blog,i think you you may need to you can,download it as a pdf and that's super,helpful as well,uh we mentioned,dawn,uh that's again super valuable,educational resource,uh we have the,um,our youtube,uh shopify devs youtube channel if i can,promote that on on this channel too 100,thanks and also um i think um,you can also think about fellow,developers as a resource,you know look at the look at the,community um if you have a you know if,you're,you know coming up against a blocker or,a challenge with your team um it's very,likely that someone else has experienced,uh if not the same challenge than a,similar challenge so uh definitely you,know search the the shopify forums asked,on discord uh i think what's what's,really great about the shopify developer,community is um i get a sense that there,is a lot of collaboration it's a lot of,camaraderie um and people you know do,rely on each other for help a lot of the,time,yes that sounds great so blog articles,shopify documentation,i also like that you mentioned the blog,article about building your first theme,section because,i don't know the maybe a site engine for,the audience when we met for the first,time i told you that was super helpful,when i was getting started with,development and then after the last,video i was very happy to see that some,of the comments also told wow liam's,blog article on getting started with,theme section that was very helpful yeah,so that was amazing and then beyond that,community whether it be the forum stack,overflow the partners like wherever you,have your personal network,all right awesome so i think by now,we've already come a long way we've been,talking about coming up with a concept,how important it is to think about,usability how important market research,can be before even writing a single line,of code and then some of the resources,how to get started we've been talking,about the dawn theme,but now as we're approaching the end of,this conversation i would actually like,to address one very different aspect,because if you take a look at the theme,store,most of the themes just look pixel,perfect all the images are great and now,the question becomes is it even,realistic to compete with what's already,out there can you compete as a beginner,what do you think,um yeah i definitely think that there's,so much opportunity for developers,entering this space,and one thing you need to remember when,we are looking at,finished,themes that are on the theme store at,the moment is that you're looking at,products that have,been finished for a significant amount,of time they've also gone through quite,a lot of review uh with our team review,team,and they've been iterated on uh over the,past few years,uh so you're seeing,um a product that a lot of investment,has gone into uh already um,and you know i think this is something,we touched on a little bit earlier as,well as around how um you know those uh,feature improvements are informed by uh,support or just informed by the,experiences so when you look at the,theme story you're seeing themes that,have had the benefit of existing and for,you know being able to mature over some,time,and also just to add on to that too,uh many of the theme partners started,out as as you know small,individuals or you know two people teams,um and you know just you know worked,really hard on their theme worked on,support and scaled their business up uh,gradually as you know more revenue came,in and more,you know when they needed to expand,their support teams,so,um even if you're a small team if even,if you're a team of one um you know i i,would still encourage you to look at,this space as a place where you can,really grow your business,okay so you start small and then you,wait for,revenue to come in more money more,problems and then you hire people and,then,you start to skate a support team and,everything so it's definitely viable to,start as a one-man show or as a small,team,yeah absolutely and also when you're,looking at the theme store too um you,know these really nice demo stores that,we can see um those some of those are,actual real merchants too so some team,partners will,connect with,merchants and entrepreneurs and also be,able to leverage their,their product photography,so you know if something does look very,perfect it's it's because it is it comes,from a brand who who have invested a lot,of time into their product photography,um you also don't need to take that,route you can also use,um product photography or images from,royalty free sites or you can license,images yourself so there's a lot of,scope for for really,polishing your theme to make it look,really good when it's going to be,launched on the theme store,yeah that's actually very interesting,because i was always thinking about how,do they get these really good images,because it's also a very cohesive design,experience and if you start if you're if,you just,and if you just search for stock images,online then you never find these full,image packs but rather independent,images so yeah it's very nice to have,this cohesive design experience and then,reaching out to brands is actually great,advice,yeah and again it just really,strengthens the relationships that you,have with the other regions,okay uh but yeah that's great news i,mean it's great news that it's that's,possible or realistic to compete with,that or at least getting to get started,um how about the time frame let's say i,would be starting to create my own theme,today how much time should i plan,i would recommend that you would plan,about six months,and that's including time that's,required for,that initial stage of ideation,of design before you write a single line,of code and also,allowing for time,for qa and testing,i think testing also,should be,sort of integrated into your daily,development work,and i think the more time that you,invest in testing as well and the,speedier your team review process will,be but,as a rough guideline and it's different,for developer to developer depending on,their resources depending on their level,of experience,but as a general guide i would say about,six months,okay six months what does the full-time,weeks or part-time weeks or is there any,guidance on that,yeah i think you know it's uh it's very,rare for developers to be able to,dedicate you know six months full time,um,so yeah we're we're seeing that it's,about six months with some uh client,uh,responsibilities as well,okay yeah so most people have to pay,bills that make sense um yeah okay so,it's rather part-time weeks and then,okay six months of a time frame,similar to writing a master thesis or,something yeah,okay,with higher revenue,that you can earn,that's an interesting keyword because i,mean if you invest six months of your,time there's also like a certain risk,attached to that you want to see a,return on that investment so how about,the earning potentials can we touch a,little bit on that because i guess that,would be maybe the most interesting,thing for people,yeah so the opportunity on the shopify,theme store is huge um,think of all of the millions of,merchants who are using shopify and how,many merchants are using shopify and,starting stores for the first time,and also think about how many industries,there are and how many,requirements those merchants will have,um so the opportunity is huge on the,shopify team store,um what's also made it a lot easier for,new developers entering this space is,that we've reduced the revenue share,that shopify collects on team,store sales,to zero percent and we've also removed,uh the the fixed pricing uh from,a from a fixed model to any price,between,100 dollars to 300,so there's a lot more freedom in terms,of how you want to price your theme and,also,you're able to collect a lot more,revenue,from your team sales so i think that,will be particularly helpful for new,developers entering the space,especially when you're considering,as well like how many merchants are,using shopify and how many different,requirements that they have,that you can,enable with the team that you're going,to build,okay yeah sounds very interesting and,also if we think about the existing,themes you said they started as a,one-man show and then skate into smaller,companies and smaller teams so i guess,there has to be revenue to be made you,know in a way,absolutely yes,all right liam so i think with that we,are pretty much at the end there was,like the first 10 questions we've,covered everything from coming up with a,concept to getting started earning,potentials time frame,and we have many more questions to come,but for now i want to say thanks so much,for taking the time today it was some,great input and i'm really looking,forward to the next episode,thanks so much and also thanks to,everyone that submitted questions,and please continue to do so we're going,to be gathering all the questions and uh,taking you even further on this journey,through shopify development and the,shopify theme store,awesome thanks so much and have a good,day,thank you,okay so that's it for this first episode,and as i mentioned earlier this project,is all about you and the community so,please keep asking your questions and,everything in the spirit of constructive,criticism is also very welcome of course,we also appreciate likes and nice,comments and everything no question,anyways hope you found this helpful keep,awesome and then i'll see you in the,next,you
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