how to sell used clothes on shopify

I QUIT Selling Used Clothes Online! hey guys it's mel welcome or welcome,back to my channel well gue

Back from Burnout

Updated on Mar 05,2023

I QUIT Selling Used Clothes Online!

The above is a brief introduction to how to sell used clothes on shopify

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I QUIT Selling Used Clothes Online!

hey guys it's mel welcome or welcome,back to my channel well guess what today,is today is doomsday,today is the day that i'm gonna tackle,the clothing,so i've decided not to pursue clothes,anymore all the clothes that i've,currently got in my store that have been,listed for quite a long time i'm going,to start running quite aggressive sales,on those items to start moving them,through the doors i am going to price,this lot of clothing quite competitively,while it's brand new into the store but,after a few weeks i'm also going to,start reducing the rate of this clothing,to also get it moving out my door,because the less clothes i have in here,the more room i've got to put more books,and that's exactly what i want to focus,on so a couple of days ago you would,have seen that i had the other trestle,table here that was set up and full of,books all those books have been,photographed and listed so now i've just,got this one pile of clothes and i'm,estimating there's maybe 30 to 40 items,of clothing since i moved into this shed,i've only ever done one lot of clothing,in here and i only had about five or ten,items to do so i haven't worked a lot,with the clothing in here i don't really,know how good the light in here is going,to turn out today for my clothing,photography it's actually quite dark,outside because it is starting to rain,so now i'm going to drag this table out,of the way the one that i normally do,all my books on i do have a hook,that's already hanging up here,i feel like i need a broom like it's a,little bit dusty and stuff under the,table i'm gonna get a broom and give it,a quick sweep,so i am definitely feeling worried i'm,going to get some shadows in here i may,have to move this around into a,different direction i've just got to see,what i can do,okay so i need a tape measure,okay,i need,a coat hanger,i need a clothing coat hanger,and,i need,i need some little snap lock bags and i,need,some skew numbers,i don't know how long this is going to,take me i'm just going to put some music,on i'm going to try and do this as quick,as i can let's go let's see,uh,i've just blu-tacked the sleeves here to,the wall because this is a large,plus-sized dress and if it's just,hanging there on the hook it kind of,looks drab and it doesn't do anything to,seal the dress but when i've got it,spread out like this it almost looks,like a flat lay but because it's a,larger size dress and it's long it's,much easier for me to have hanging on,the wall just don't come back to me if,your blue tack ruins your clothes blame,me,so,i hate sealing clothes,well guys,that,sucked,i literally hated every moment of that i,should have photographed the other day,before i was even contemplating,going back to clothes because that was,literally the worst thing that i've done,in a long time i have been absolutely,spoiled by doing books full time for,nearly two years,that's sucked,so i picked up two floors along the way,the little denim jacket was missing a,button so,that was overlooked when i purchased and,this little top which was a witchery top,which would have been really nice i,think this would have sold really well,it's kind of got some pulls in the,fabric there's too many if there was,only like one i would possibly take a,photo of it list it and just make a note,that it was there but there's quite a,lot of these little pools on this top,which is such a shame and i had a white,skirt and a white top and then a like an,old vintage night here that wasn't white,but it was like really really faint and,i don't think they would have showed up,here on the white so i've actually got,grey carpet inside my house i'll give,the carpet a really good vacuum make,sure there's no dog hair and you know if,i think it's okay to put the clothes on,it without getting any like animal hair,because we do have animals inside the,house i've got a grey quilt cover inside,for one of the beds so i'll just lay,that down if i think it's not going,gonna work on the carpet so photograph,43 items it took me about two hours and,10 minutes to do 43 items i definitely,didn't feel like i was in the same,rhythm as when i used to sell clothes,all the time and i definitely used to,prefer photographing when i was inside,on carpet if i was photographing all the,time doing clothes all the time,i wouldn't want to be photographing and,getting down on my knees on this hard,concrete all the time so if i was,looking to go back to clothes i would,definitely in this shed in this space i,would be looking to build one of those,slanted flat layers like chris from,daily refinement has built so because,i'm never ever ever going to photograph,any clothes again,i don't need any fancy flat layer,machines,but i do think i'm going to get my,husband to build me a custom sized bench,for photographing my books on it's just,a little bit higher than what the,trestle table is so i'm not hunched down,and bending over as much while i'm,photographing all the books now back,when i used to do clothes all the time,what i would do is i would photograph,each piece of clothing i would put it in,a bag i would give it a little,individual skew number and then i would,take a photo of the tub number so my,sequence of photos goes the clothing the,skew number the tub number next piece of,clothing that way when i'm doing the,listing i know exactly what skew number,and what tub number my item of clothing,went into so because i'm not doing,clothes on a regular basis then i ran,out of my little plastic bags i wasn't,prepared with enough of them so half of,the items that i photographed today they,went into the little plastic bags,already i'm going to have to waste time,now go to the shop buy some more little,plastic bags and then as i'm listing,them what i'll do is i'll bag each item,up give it its skew number and i'll pop,it in a tub then but because i didn't,have the supplies it stopped the way,that my system would normally flow,normally after i photograph all the,clothes they're all in the tub and the,tub's ready to stack and put away but,now i've photographed all these clothes,and i've got a miss sitting here on the,table and they're not put away straight,away and that is a big mistake i'm never,one of these resellers who has piles of,items that i have photographed and then,they sit on a table for days and they're,not put away and things are selling and,then i can't find them that is one of,the worst mistakes and habits that you,can get into always be photographing,your items and getting it put away,straight away you need to put some kind,of system into place that allows that to,happen i just feel like mine is so,simple by taking a photo of where i put,the item after i photographed it it,doesn't matter if it's a book it doesn't,matter if it's a dvd it doesn't matter,if it's a tubby with clothes i just,photograph that number and pop it into,the skew system of my listing and i will,always know where it is the clothing has,honestly been like a weight on me i've,seen those tubs of clothes sitting under,my table here for weeks been,procrastinating on getting it done and,look at that you know smashed it out in,a couple of hours and now it's done i,never have to do it again i never ever,have to,i never ever have to take photos of,clothes again thanks so much for,watching i'll see you in another couple,of days for another day in the life with,mel i'm actually pretty excited to make,monday's videos so stay tuned for that,bye

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