how to send two shipping labels with shopify

Creating multiple shipping labels for one order in Shopify | Capitol Tech Solutions | Sacramento, CA

Capitol Tech Solutions

Updated on Mar 03,2023

Creating multiple shipping labels for one order in Shopify | Capitol Tech Solutions | Sacramento, CA

The above is a brief introduction to how to send two shipping labels with shopify

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Creating multiple shipping labels for one order in Shopify | Capitol Tech Solutions | Sacramento, CA

Kevin here from capital tech solutions,in this video I'm going to show you how,to print multiple shipping labels within,one order so for example in this in this,case I want to create a shipping label,for each one of these products that this,individual purchased so obviously the,first thing that you want to do is want,to create the shipping label and then,the next step is you go into once it,goes into the process of creating the,shipping label you want to come down,here to the items section and you want,to subtract any of the items that you're,not creating a shipping label for so for,example I want to create a shipping,label for this brown belt first and then,you want to come down and you want to,select the package that it's going to be,put into so I'm just going to select the,envelope for this one and then if you,have any type of like shipping and,insurance or coverage amount then you,want to enter that in but for this,example all I'm going to do is I'm just,creating one shipping label for this,product and then I'm going to go through,and create other shipping labels as well,so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to,purchase that shipping label,and then now you can go ahead and you,can print that shipping label but again,I'm gonna go back and I'm going to print,out a shipping label for another one of,these products and as you can see down,here this one is now marked as fulfilled,I can go into the tracking number and,see you know where that's at and it's,going to be the same for each one of,these products so I'm going to go ahead,and I'm gonna create a shipping label,now for the necktie okay so like I said,I'm going to subtract the one that I'm,not creating a shipping label for I'm,gonna come down here I'm going to select,the package that it's going to go into,and then I'm going to go ahead and,purchase that shipping label,and as you can see here now it has,separated each item out and then I can,go ahead and I can do that again for,this product and it's going to be the,same exact way where I can go through,here and I can track each individual,product and this is especially helpful,if you are shipping the product in,different types of packaging we've had,clients where they do that and so they,needed to know how to create multiple,shipping labels within a single order,just be aware though that it can mess,with your shipping rates so if the,client didn't pay for shipping or they,paid a small amount for shipping just be,aware that your shipping rates are gonna,be a little bit different so just be,aware of that but yeah that's basically,how you create multiple shipping labels,for one order if you have any questions,please feel free to leave them below,also make sure to subscribe as we do,come out with these Shopify tutorial,videos quite often thank you for,watching

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