how to seperate customers by tag on shopify

Add customer tags automatically | Customer Fields for Shopify this is michael from helium maker of t


Updated on Mar 27,2023

Add customer tags automatically | Customer Fields for Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to seperate customers by tag on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to seperate customers by tag on shopify

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how to seperate customers by tag on shopify catalogs

Add customer tags automatically | Customer Fields for Shopify

this is michael from helium maker of the,customer fields app and i am going to,demonstrate today how to,automatically add customer tags using,the customer fields app,when we log into the app for the first,time you're going to be prompted to,create your first form,so get started and we're going to choose,the,retail wholesale registration form this,form is,for merchants who sell to both retail,and wholesale customers,so built into this template,automatically is,the recommended way to auto tag,customers for a merchant,when this box is checked i am signing up,as a wholesale partner,we are automatically adding a tag via,form rule,to add a b2b tag,so this is the form preview and that's,showing you with the data that is being,submitted to shopify,so again when this box is checked the,customer tag b2b is being added,if we go to the rules we can see how,that's set up,when that field that checkbox is checked,is true,then we are adding a tag b to b,so that is the first and primary way,that's built into this form to,automatically add customer tags so,i'm going to go ahead and delete that,rule to show you,method number two which is to use,a mul uh a multi-choice field like radio,choices,or check boxes something like that,we're gonna do radio choices and just,call this are you a,wholesale customer,and if the answer is yes,we're going to add a separate value to,call that b to,b and if no then we'll add,retail we're going to check this little,box that says tag,customer selected value so that the,value is added as a customer tag,so when we preview are you a wholesale,customer has been selected automatically,added take b2b or when no,the retail tag is added,we don't have to have a default we can,take the default none so that they have,to check the box,in order to get that added b2b tag,the final way,and this would be if you,only sold two wholesale customers we,could add a rule,to auto tag b to b,everyone who fills out this form add tag,to customer,b2b and as this says right here if no,conditions have been added,any actions in this rule will,automatically take effect now anyone who,fills out this form,doesn't matter what they do,automatically it's going to add that tag,b to b,you

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