how to set timer and ad same on shopify

How to Add a Countdown Timer on Shopify - Ultimate Sales Boost 2021 okay everyone so in this tutoria

Andreas Waatz

Updated on Mar 03,2023

How to Add a Countdown Timer on Shopify - Ultimate Sales Boost 2021

The above is a brief introduction to how to set timer and ad same on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set timer and ad same on shopify

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How to Add a Countdown Timer on Shopify - Ultimate Sales Boost 2021

okay everyone so in this tutorial how to,add this countdown timer to your shopify,store,products using the app ultimate sales,boost in 2021,so let's do this okay so to add this,countdown timer,just go to your shopify admin panel okay,so now go to the left sidebar,click on this one apps under apps go to,this button,visit the shopify app store okay so in,the search bar,just search for ultimate sales boost,hit enter and we're gonna go to this one,ultimate sales boost by hextom click on,that,so in this tutorial we are gonna use the,free plan from this app ultimate sales,boost,feel free to go and read about the,application,and read some reviews if you like i'm,just going to go and click on this one,add app after that just go to this one,click on install,app all right so now we've got the,application installed,so we're going to focus on the countdown,timer,so we're going to go to this one flash,sale just click on select,template okay so now you can add the,campaign name if you like,i'm just going to leave it as it is go,down,to this one countdown timer now you can,change the,message above the timer so this one to,whatever you like i'm just going to,leave it at,sale ends in so this title,all right then we have timer type fixed,minute,timer or you can choose generic timer,so the timer starts when you save this,campaign so you can choose an end date,and end time so in this tutorial i'm,going to choose fixed,minutes timer so we can choose from,one minute up to 1440 minutes,so it's 24 hours okay so you can choose,by dragging this around or just add the,minutes right here,like that so now we can see that we have,this 60 minutes countdown timer,after that we can go down and choose,when the timer reaches,zero hours and 0 minutes what will,happen,we can choose to restart countdown or,hide the countdown,i'm just gonna choose restart countdown,after that let's go to timer style,we can choose between this one or this,one so as you can see,we now have minutes and seconds,in text we can also change timer,language if you like,i'm gonna choose this style after that,you can also go and customize the color,if you like so top,background color just click on this,square,and choose the color right here or,choose your own,hex code same thing with the bottom,background color and,digit text color then we have message,font size,so the title if you want to have a,bigger title,like that and timer font size if you,want to have a,bigger font size for the timer,after that we can go down to this one,alliance two we can choose left center,right i'm just gonna choose,center after that just go down to this,one targeting,you can choose applies to products all,products or you can choose,specific products to add this countdown,timer to,just click right here and browse,products i'm gonna choose all products,then we have applies to countries all,countries,applies to customers all customers,active date,always display and also if you change,your theme,you need to go and integrate now with,this button,so you don't lose these features all,right just click on this button to,integrate,after that we're gonna go to the bottom,right corner click on,save now you can see the campaign list,we have,this active countdown timer we can also,go and edit,duplicate we can pause it and delete it,right here if you like,i'm gonna activate it let's go and have,a look and now we can see our countdown,timer here on this product okay everyone,so if you like this video,please check out my full shopify,playlist in the description below,also check out my other videos have,awesome day take care and bye

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