thank you,hey there welcome back to my channel my,name is Brittany bundles and today's,video is going to be all about tap to,pay on iPhone this is now available on,Shopify POS,um I'm going to be rolling over just,like a brief overview of what tap to pay,on iPhone is and if you do want more,information in regards to this feature,be sure to check out shopify's help,center I will have a link down below to,Shopify if you want to go ahead and try,it out you know see how Shopify Works,before you decide to switch over again,that link is down below a lot of times,they have free trials or discounted,trials so click the link to see what,they're offering and if you are,interested in videos like this be sure,to give it a big thumbs up please make,sure that you are subscribed and let's,get right into it so tap in Shopify POS,for your in-person sales with this,holiday season with tap to pay on iPhone,so pretty much with this option you can,accept payments right through your,iPhone,um I mentioned before that Shopify is,really really good with staying,Innovative so they're constantly coming,up with ways to make our job as,entrepreneurs as e-commerce owners a lot,more seamless while still making it very,very,um,easy for our customers to navigate and,be able to purchase as well so as you,can see on the screen I just kind of,scrolled down but you could see the two,phones pointing at each other this gives,you an option to be able to not have to,haul additional equipment to pop-up,shops or to your in-store location and,kind of be able to just take payments,literally from your phone wherever you,are which is really really convenient,I'm thinking back to when I was running,my salon and if I would have had this,option it would have been so so,convenient because what I would do is,when anyone would make a purchase I,would go up to the register and you know,check out like that but just thinking,back if we all had our phones connected,to the Shopify system we could have been,able to sell bundles except payments for,different hairstyles and products right,from our phones without necessarily,having to leave stations or having to go,back up to the front of the store so,this is something that is really really,convenient in my opinion also you don't,pay any additional fees,here is a quote from someone they just,love the convenience of having,everything they need to sell in person,on their iPhone you don't have to stress,about card readers and can just focus on,the person in front of them now I'm not,sure if this app is available on Samsung,devices I have no clue I'm sure that's,something that I can research and find,out if you know please leave a comment,down below but I am thinking based on,the title of the email that I received,and also just based on everything that I,was you know kind of going over,I don't think that it is,extended to,Samsung at this point I believe it's,just for iPhone so if you're not an,iPhone user I would um,check back with this video and see if,anyone has left a comment down below as,far as if it is available,um but if you are using iPhone then this,is something that I believe will be very,beneficial for your business it says get,creative so offer unique ways for local,customers to shop with you and they also,have some videos on how it works so,there is an activate tab to pay on,iPhone in a simple few steps or simple,tabs there is a um kind of lost my train,of thought but there is a guide on how,you can set this up on your phone so you,download the Shopify POS for iOS and,activate tap to pay on iPhone,you can go ahead and fill the cards and,then you can have the checkout process,very seamlessly a lot of times with,Shopify I know that,um,one of the big perks that a lot of,people Rave about is being able to have,all of your systems connected for,example,um I bought a printer and I can connect,my printer right to Shopify,um you know if you have your tablet you,can connect that right to Shopify POS so,it just it's a it's a great platform to,be able to connect all of your devices,one of the reasons that I do enjoy using,apple and I'm probably I'm pretty sure,that you could probably do this with,Samsung as well so I'm not trying to get,into like a warp Samsung versus iPhone,on this video because I know it can,happen,um I've had some of those comments and,other videos when I did uh like what's,on my iPhone and comparison between the,Samsung that I had on the iPhone but,um you know one thing that I do like,about the iOS system is the fact that,you can connect like your watch your,phones your you know your laptop your,your,um computer and that it reminds me of,Shopify the fact that you can kind of,kind of connect everything together and,what's really cool about that is you can,really see,all of your information pertaining to,your business right from the device that,you're using,um right now I'm kind of going over you,know if I'm showing FAQs So like um,which iPhones are compatible,um the questions also consist of,um is it secure,um you know can you accept all,contactless debit and credit cards Apple,pay uh you know just all the information,that you may Wonder or questions that,you may have,Shopify does have those um questions or,a lot of those questions linked below so,there may be a question that you don't,know the answer to or you know need,additional information on for example,like the Samsung I don't think this is,available to Samsung uh yet but again,that may be a question you may have if,you don't see the question that you're,wanting to know the answer to right here,you can definitely decide to choose a,chat so you can start chatting and,figure out you know,um,the answer to your question Shopify does,have an option for you to chat with a,representative you can also go into,their help center they also I believe,have forms where you can go and post,your question and have other people come,back and answer it so,there's just different options to get,your questions answered which I also,like uh just tap to pay on iPhone work,on your iPad it says no you can only use,an iPhone to accept payments with tap to,pay on iPhone so that answers the,question that we were going over so if,you do have a Samsung Note it's not,available this is just for iPhone you're,not even able to use your iPad for this,particular feature if you do want to use,like a tablet what I've done is I have,logged into my Shopify and I have,created like manual orders through my,tablet so that I can accept orders,anywhere that I am but this is going to,make it so much more seamless being able,to not have to haul around any equipment,like it mentioned and just be able to,accept payments right from my phone,so if you do want to set this up if you,already have Shopify all you have to do,is log in to accept,the Shopify tap to pay,um you can also check your email to see,if you received this type of email,Shopify does a great job with sending,out emails letting us know what they're,doing uh what's available what's not,available how to's,um you know different trainings uh and I,don't know if I'm I'll probably receive,the trainings because I'm a Shopify,partner however they still do send,emails to people that are Shopify,customers as well so this is something,to take a look at,um right on the screen it does say,there's a free trial so click the link,down below again I don't know if you,watch this video,um and I'm saying again because I've,said this in some other videos but if,you watch this video later than today or,this month it may not be the same,promotion that they're offering so just,go ahead and check out,um you know what the link is offering,you have to click it to see and go from,there if you have any questions feel,free to leave them down below thanks so,much for watching and I will see you all,in the next video bye
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