hey everybody Scott he'll see here with,you again today I got another short and,sweet tutorial I listen to you guys in,the comments section last time when I,did the video about what the first step,you should do in every drop shipping,store you love that short form but heavy,value style so I'm gonna keep bringing,you more as long as the likes keep,coming so if you could right now just,smash that like button and since you,already here you might as well subscribe,so as a lot of you probably saw I'm very,conversational in the comments section,if you leave a comment you're probably,gonna get a response to me and I've been,doing this more so I can really grasp,the response of the video and grasp,that's like the overall consciousness,and mindset of everybody that's watching,my videos what they're confused about,and whatnot you guys were asking a ton,of questions about branding and then,there are some people in the comments,responding with the worst answers ever,so I'm just making this video to clear,things up so you guys can apply this to,your own stores and literally this can,take I've seen this happen myself I was,doing general one product drop shipping,took it the branded one product drop,shipping and it would be 10 X 10 now,here's the general confusion branding a,store we related to one product is way,different than white labeling products,white labeling products is when you get,a product you buy it in bulk and you,have the manufacturers stamp your logo,or whatever on every single product so I,personally do not do that because I've,heard horror stories of people getting,$50,000 in their brands product their ad,accounts getting shut down and then they,can't pick the brand up anymore and,they're stuck with his branded product,if it wasn't branded they could,definitely sell that off to somebody,else but since it was branded that's an,issue or workaround for this a good,happy medium is you want to contact your,manufacturer and you want branded,packaging that way the actual product,isn't dedicated specifically to you just,in case something does go bad but it,still arrives to the customer with that,branded feel because it's coming in that,package with logo or whatever you want,on it as you grow into millions I would,suggest that's when you want to maybe go,into white labeling actually branding,the product for promotional purposes,depending on the product okay so now,that I've cleared that up I'm going to,show you how to brand your store around,one product it's very simple so the,first thing you're gonna do is go to,Aliexpress or wherever you source your,products from and like this is not a,product research video I'm gonna skip,all the product research I've got tons,of videos on product research I've got,tons more,humming I got a bunch in the course so,I'm gonna skip all that I'm just gonna,go straight to the product so I did this,one a while ago Laser keyboard and I,wouldn't suggest anyone doing this cuz I,did like five hundred dollars I think in,the first three days and then Facebook,shut me down because they have an issue,with the lasers but basically what it,was is this keyboard that you connect to,your smartphone and then you can type on,it with deadly accuracy it actually,worked it was phenomenal,I sold it for fifty I was getting it for,thirty five plus five dollars shipping,$20 profit it was running cool but this,is what I did I found this through my,product research method and then I went,to Google domains this is by far the,best place to buy your domains the only,place you should get your domains it's,$12 a year for most of them and also,comes with free privacy and all this,other that you definitely want so,the first thing i did was i typed in,laser keyboard comm and this wasn't,available unfortunately because there's,two ways to brand your store the first,way is to take the general name of the,product so the laser keyboard okay the,laser keyboard calm the benefits of this,is you know the SEO boosts the trust,factor that you can only be one yada,yada yada that's the first way so after,after that happened i did the laser,keyboard and the laser keyboards are,registered because it's already,registered to me so i went ahead and i,built a one product dropshipping store,around the laser keyboard comm i made,the facebook page the laser keyboard i,mean my stores name the laser keyboard i,made everything the laser keyboard,because that domain was available,I personally gravitated towards the,general name of the specific product I'm,sellings domain better because there can,only be one but there is a con to this,if they want to they can go them up here,and do the laser keyboard and then you,know they find all these other ones and,I'm surprised okay here's the Google,Shopping so they've they find all these,other ones and they can find the cheaper,that's the only con but again you get,the free SEO you get a ton a ton of,trust factor and you instantly get risen,to the top there can only be one so I,built the logo built the cover built,everything for it really quick and then,I use the theme jumpstart to make my one,product drop shipping store for some,reason those bastards at Shopify,took away the jump start theme I don't,know why they took it away it doesn't,make sense to me but in my course,simplify drop shipping I still bet the,while I finessed it so anyone a part of,my course gets that theme to apply to,their story that's invaluable you can't,even get that anymore so be sure to,check that out in the link below as I,mentioned there are two ways to brand so,this is the way I personally prefer if,this doesn't work you do a slightly,different way but can be it can be more,powerful and long-lasting it's really,all in the product that you choose and,just the way you want to go about it,pretty much completely up to your,personal preference all right so the,second way to brand is creating a name,relative to the product in which if you,google it no results pop up so you kind,of pretty much eliminate any competition,unless they you know googled the general,name of it most of the time they're,going to Google your actual brand name,and see what pops up so in terms of the,laser keyboard we can think of something,like the laser typer let's see if that,pops up so the laser type er comm is,available right here at $12 a year okay,so now you want to go to google and you,want to see what happens when you type,in the laser type err boom so that is,absolutely perfect all the people who,want to go on Amazon and eBay Google are,gonna come to google and type in the,laser type err no results really pop up,which can be super super powerful so,this is an absolute perfect domain,arguably could be even better than the,laser keyboard because the laser,keyboard if you type into Google like,there's tons of that pops up you,know you got all these for cheaper than,you're selling it and you got a bad,reading right here personally I would,actually go with the laser type er in,this instance but if you do do that it's,honestly worth it just to buy the other,domain like it if I could go back I'd go,with the laser type err but I'd also by,the laser keyboard calm because for 12,dollars a year that's a pretty good,gamble that eventually someone want,might want to buy that domain from you,since there's only one of them for,thousands and thousands of dollars so,you might as well secure the domain to,potentially secure the bag later right,so once you're done with all this it's,all about your store build again I,recommend the jump start theme you can,find in my course and you want that,thing to just be right there you want,your entire website to be a specific,funnel that's what I teach all about,your website is a funnel for one product,and this is how you brand the actual,product not white label that's a main,read,I made this video because a lot of,people were getting confused by some,random guy in the comment section saying,he's not talking he's not teaching real,brown I'm doing to really bring you have,to brand the product not necessarily,look at the burrito blanket guys they,never branded the product they branded,the packaging that is smart because if,things go bad and you have a quarter,million in inventory and it has your, logo stamped right on there,you're you're completely out of luck,well on the other hand you can sell it,to Amazon wholesalers or whatever but,anyway guys thank you so much for,watching this is another quick,dropshipping tip if you guys want more,of these again be sure to smash the like,as long as you keep smashing like I'll,keep on making these be sure to,subscribe and then let me know if you,have any questions below about drop,shipping the this video,anything you most likely gonna get a,response because I have been just going,hard on the comments lately and I've,been loving it so thank you guys peace
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