are you looking to add product variants,to your Shopify store then you've come,to the right place in this video I'll be,going through the process I use to,create product variants hi I'm Alicia,I'm here to help you build launch and,grow your online store so that you can,create a business and life you love so,in this video I'm going to demonstrate,how to add product variants to your,Shopify store so if you're unfamiliar of,what product variants are essentially,they're options that you can add to your,products that display different,identifiers such as colors sizing types,or even style of products it's a great,way of demonstrating different ways a,customer can purchase a product without,having to search through multiple,products on a page you may have seen,product variants displayed in some of,your favorite online stores that sell,fashion or power so I've just opened up,ian and yoga this is just a sample,online store that I've created the best,Shopify I use it just to play around,with creating online stores so I can use,it to demonstrate the different features,that Shopify has to you here on this,YouTube channel so I went ahead and,created a mock-up product this is the,inhale and exhale yogurt angle so just,below the title and the price here,you've got two options you've got the,size option and we've got a color option,I just went to printful which is a,print-on-demand company and just did a,couple of mock-ups of different tanks in,different colors we've got this gray,this green color green slash blue and,this peach color here if we click here,on too small this drop-down it gives you,these options so I've created small,medium large and extra-large and then,here are the colors that we've got the,gray so this is the athletic Heather,we've got dusty blue and then we've got,peach and as you can see when I do,select the certain color they actually,the image here actually changes so if we,go back to earth let ik Heather it'll,actually show the tank in that color,again so the dusty blue and then the,peach these names are actually directly,from printful I like to,the color names in line with the names,that the printer actually uses that way,there's less confusion so let's head on,over to Shopify dashboard and work,through the steps to get your product,variants up and running on your online,store so it's looking a little bit like,this example here ok so the first thing,you want to do is you want to actually,add this product into your store so just,go here into the corner and press add,product so let's give this product a,name then below that is where you would,add your description I'll just add,something brief here so for now you,won't want to worry about this,organization section I just want to,concentrate on the product variants here,but if you wanted to get a little bit of,information about how to organize your,products into categories check out my,video on how to create and set up,collections I'll leave a link in the,description below so just scroll down,and here we just want to add our images,so I'll go ahead and do that now ok so,once your images are uploaded just,scroll down and just start filling in,this information here,so you can keep track of what's being,sold in your online store I would,recommend you adding a SKU so for this,which is going to call it,inhale exhale tank and then as we add,the product variants they'll add an,extra digit to the end of this go here,so that when ordering there's no,confusion for now we'll just untick,track quantity I'll leave all of this as,is for now,okay so now this is when we come to the,variant section of the product so here,under variants we want to say this,product has multiple options like,different sizes and colors that's,correct so we want to tick that and now,what will happen is options will appear,so let's just scroll down a little so,here we've got options and option one is,size you can actually change this text,so for example if you wanted to color,the material type a style or title for,now let's just leave sighs just,alongside that it says separate options,with a comma so let's start adding in,our size options,so the sizing options here will be,dependent on what you want to offer your,customers sometimes print-on-demand,services such as printful have certain,sizes in certain products so you'll just,want to make sure that it's actually in,line with what they can provide just,below that we want to add another option,so let's go add another option and then,automatically it comes up with color but,again you could change that or leave it,as is and here we've got three different,options for this tank we've got athletic,healer which is a gray,we've got dusty blue and we've got peach,these are the colors that printful have,supplied so I like to keep it the same,okay so that's see only options will do,for now but again you could add another,option if you like and if we scroll down,now you'll see that it has auto,populated with all the different,variants and then the price the quantity,and the SKU here so if we just click,into SKU for this small athletic heather,and just go all the way to the end,you'll see that now they've added this,number one when you're having a look at,these products as they're being ordered,or shipped out and one is not really,gonna mean anything to you so it might,be worth changing all of these digits to,something that's more recognizable so,for example for small athletic Heather,I'm gonna put s for small - aah before,the color so I would go ahead and do,that for all of these product variants,just so everything is all clear I'll go,ahead and do that now and then come back,when it's all done okay,so now that I have made all those,changes let's just scroll to the top,here,just make sure everything's right and,then just hit save okay now that this,product has been created and all the,variants added what we want to do is we,want to just go check out and see how,this is all looking so let's just press,this view button here okay so here's our,product the title we've got the price,here we've got the size and the color,and then we've got the product images,here which are actually clickable so if,we wanted a small and let's say we,wanted it in the dusty blue so we've got,the size here and we've got the color,but as you may have noticed the image,here hasn't changed like it did in the,example that I showed you previously so,what we have to do we have to set that,up now so when the specific color has,been chosen the image automatically gets,changed to that color so let's just go,back to Shopify and if we scroll down,here on this product you'll notice that,the product variants section has,actually changed so it's got all of the,products that we've created with the,variants and the colors so it's got all,the product variant sizes and variant,colors and you'll notice just along here,we've got here and we've got small add,the color and then the price and then,here we've actually got an image that,can be associated with the variant so,all we need to do now is just match up,the image with the color so here we've,got the athletic heather color so let's,just click the image button here and we,want to select the image and go it done,so for example we've got dusty blue so,let's just click here and choose the,dusty blue and here we've got peach so,we want to click the peach color I'll go,ahead and do that for all the remaining,Varian and I'll see you when it's all,finished okay so there we have it that's,all the images matched up with the,variant colors as a note I thought I,would mention that you can actually,change the price per variant so for,example if the print-on-demand company,was charging you extra for a larger size,for example you can scroll down to your,large size and let's say extra-large was,$27 you just changed that to 27 and then,that will update as the customer chooses,that product,so just hit save and let's go make sure,that all of those product images have,been added to the product variance so,let's just click the review button here,okay so we've got size small and we want,to choose the dusty blue and there we go,so the image automatically changes and,like I mentioned before so for the,extra-large we changed the price so,let's just click on extra-large and,you'll see that the price of dates here,okay so there you have it all the steps,you need to create product variants in,your online store so your customers can,start making purchases if you're looking,for more tutorials on how to set up your,Shopify store why not check out my video,on how to create collections it'll help,you organize your products into,categories I'll leave the video in link,here on this screen so you can go check,it out
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