how to set up shopify for seo

Shopify SEO Optimization For Beginners | Complete Step By Step Tutorial 2022 all right what's up guy

Casual Ecommerce

Updated on Jan 26,2023

Shopify SEO Optimization For Beginners | Complete Step By Step Tutorial 2022

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up shopify for seo

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up shopify for seo

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Shopify SEO Optimization For Beginners | Complete Step By Step Tutorial 2022

all right what's up guys this is jake,and in this video i'm going to be,showing you exactly how you can go ahead,and set up seo on your shopify store so,for this tutorial we're going to be,using three different platforms so the,first one is going to be,whatever your shopify store is so you're,going to need to be logged into your,shopify store,to follow this tutorial the second thing,we're going to be using is the google,keyword planner to help us with keyword,research which we're going to be,touching on in just a second,and the third thing we're going to use,is the yoast seo shopify app which is,going to help us a lot throughout the,entire seo optimization process,so with that said let's go ahead and,take a look at what seo actually is,so jumping right into it let's take a,quick look at what exactly seo is so,that way you understand what it is,you're doing and why you need to go,ahead and do it and why it's so,important,so seo is short for search engine,optimization and seo determines where,your website's pages show up in google,search results or alternatively if,you're using other search engines they,also have seo based algorithms as well,so seo is a traffic source that is,technically free and can also be,considered a passive traffic source so,let's elaborate on this a little more,so if you have a product that ranks high,for a specific search term for example,gaming monitor,then people searching for that term will,click over to your website and,potentially purchase the product and,this entire sale wouldn't cost you,anything on your end advertising wise,seo traffic is also passive meaning that,people will constantly be searching for,things and keywords on google and,clicking over to websites whether you,actively are doing anything or not so,whether you're asleep awake working it,doesn't matter people are going to be,searching for things on google and,clicking over to websites so seo traffic,is passive and relatively consistent,however the big caveat is is that,websites aren't going to rank themselves,and depending on how competitive the,keyword actually is there may be an,upfront cost in order to get your,website to rank highly for those,keywords so there's essentially three,stages of seo so we're gonna go ahead,and briefly walk through those right now,and then after that we're gonna actually,get into optimizing your seo on your,shopify store,so the first stage here is keyword,research so the first step in any seo,campaign is the keyword research stage,and this is where you determine which,keywords are the best ones to try and,rank for your specific products so the,amount of search volume as well as the,competitiveness of the keywords are,going to dictate which keywords are,going to be optimal for targeting,the second stage is on-page seo which is,optimizing your product page your photos,and your entire website so that google,knows exactly what your page and website,is about and what terms to rank it for,website performance such as loading,speed and bounce rate also play a,significant role in this as well,and lastly the third stage of seo,consists of off-page seo which primarily,is,building backlinks so backlinks are just,links from other websites that point,towards your site and links to your site,from other high quality sites makes your,site look more trustworthy in the eyes,of google helping to push you higher in,the search results so in this video,we're mainly going to be focusing on the,first two stages so the keyword research,and the on-page seo,as the off-page seo would need another,standalone video of its own,but the good thing is with an e-commerce,store a lot of the time if you just,optimize the first two things you can,start to generate seo seo traffic,without even doing too much off page so,with that said let's go ahead and jump,right into it alright so to go ahead and,get started let's go ahead and take a,look at what search results actually,look like so we can see what we are,optimizing for so if i were to search,the search phrase here gaming monitor we,can see that these are going to be the,results that show up in google so we can,see that these results over here on the,right are going to be the google,shopping ads so this isn't going to be,optimized for seo and then we can see,right here we have the google search ads,so we can see that this is an ad this is,an ad and this is an ad so these top,three results are ads right here,and then we can see that this fourth,result right here,which is gaming monitors from best buy,here we can see it doesn't say add so,this is what's known as the first,organic result meaning that this result,is here based off of seo,so the cool thing about this is that,best buy right now is not paying,anything to,have their website shown in this spot so,all of these companies here are paying,for these ad spots and then these three,websites here are paying for these ad,spots as well but best buy is not paying,for this first organic result right here,and we can see the next couple of,results are also organic results as well,so one of the other advantages of the,organic results is sometimes they can,seem more trustworthy so sometimes,people will search for something and,they will skip past the ads and actually,look at the first few organic results,because they feel in their mind that,these results may be more trustworthy,because people aren't paying,for these results to show up now whether,that line of thinking is flawed is,definitely pretty likely considering,people are you know probably paying to,have seo done to rank here,but regardless that's going to be the,psychological perception that a lot of,these prospective buyers have so it's,important to go ahead and know,so this is what we're trying to do here,we're trying to get our pages of our,store to show up in these organic,results,we're so we're going to get started with,the first stage here which is going to,be the keyword research so we're going,to be sticking with the gaming monitor,example here so i'm on a demo store,right here and we can see i just created,a quick product here,and copy and pasted some basic info in,here and put in some images,of a gaming monitor so we're going to go,ahead and stick with this gaming monitor,right here,so the first thing we need to go ahead,and do is figure out which keywords that,we need to be targeting for this gaming,monitor so in order to do that we're,gonna head over to google and you're,gonna search for keyword planner here,and then you're gonna go ahead and,choose the result here that is a part of, so we can see this is the,keyword planner when we click on this,we'll go ahead and be brought to this,page right here now if you don't have a,google ads account you're going to have,to go ahead and make one but you can,just make a free account right in here,and you'll be good to go and what this,is going to allow us to do is this is,going to one let us see the search,volume,of specific keywords so we can see how,many people are actually searching for,for a specific keyword phrase and then,it's also going to give us new keyword,ideas that we can go ahead and use,to try and target for our product so,obviously based on this product our main,keyword here is going to be gaming,monitor,but we also want to go ahead and look,for other types of keywords that we can,rank for as well,so right here i'm going to go ahead and,click,on,get search volume and forecast initially,and what i'm going to go ahead and do is,just type in our main keyword just to,see how much demand there actually is,for gaming monitors so if we go ahead,and bring this up,you can see here that the keyboard of,gaming monitor averages around 100 000,to 1 million searches per month in,google so obviously this is a lot of,searches so this is a very in demand,keyword which means it's likely going to,be hard to rank for so,the higher the searches are typically,the more competition there's going to be,for that keyword but it doesn't mean you,shouldn't try and rank for it anyway,because there's going to be a lot of,different variations you can also rank,for,so now what i want to do though is i,want to find some additional keywords,that we can go ahead and use so i'm,going to go ahead and back out,and i'm gonna go right here to discover,new keywords and what i'm gonna go ahead,and do is type in our main keyword here,once again which is gaming monitor then,i'm gonna click on get results,and we can see once again this is going,to first show the details for the,keyword we provided gaming monitor and,then it's going to show a bunch of,different related keywords right here so,what i'm going to go ahead and do is,bring up a notepad here and i'm going to,put in our main keyword that we're going,for which is gaming monitor,but then we're also going to look for,other keywords here,that have search volume that are also,relevant to our product right here so we,can see that,our specific monitor is able to 40 144,hertz monitor and we can see that 144,hertz monitor has between 10 000 and 100,000,searches per month so this would be,another good keyword to go ahead and add,under this notepad here,we can see that there's a couple,different branded ones,here,curved monitor is another potential good,keyword if our monitor was curved in,this case it's not but if it was that,would be a good one,we can see that we have a keyword here,with a modifier so we have a gaming,monitor is our main keyword but then we,have best gaming monitor here,which adds another word into it which,has volume between ten thousand and a,hundred thousand so this would be,another keyword right here,and one thing that you'll notice is when,it comes to,keywords,typically the more words that are in a,keyword phrase,the lower the volume is going to be,however they're normally going to be,easier to rank for,so if your keyword phrase was something,like best 144 hertz,gaming monitor,that's going to be typically less,competitive and easier to rank for than,just,gaming monitor however less people are,going to be searching this exact phrase,then they are gaming monitor but it's,still important to keep that in mind and,this is also another lesson that we can,do right here because what i did with,this keyphrase here is i essentially,combined,our first three keywords into this one,right here which is another one that we,can keep in mind,to optimize for which might,be easier to rank for,if we go ahead and keep scrolling down,we can see,there's other keywords such as hdmi 2.1,monitor this could be another one we,could use,then we can go ahead and continue to,scroll down and see if we see any other,keywords that specifically are relevant,for,our,specific monitor so we can see right,here best monitor for ps5 so in this,particular case,this could be another good one that we,could go ahead and optimize for and we,can just kind of assume by default that,if there's search volume for best,monitor for ps5 then there's likely,going to be volume for something like,best monitor for,the xbox equivalent right here so this,is something we could also optimize for,so you want to just go ahead and dig,through,all of these different keyword ideas and,find ones that are relevant to your,product obviously you don't want to take,ones that are not relevant to your,product at all because that's just going,to be wasting your time so you want to,take ones that are relevant to your,product,and,put them in this notepad so we can go,ahead and optimize our seo for them so,in this case i'm going to stick with,these keywords here for now but you can,go ahead and spend more time in here,doing the keyword research as well if,you want so once we have our keywords,here,we can head back to,our shopify store and begin optimizing,so the first thing that we want to do,though is we actually are going to head,over to the shopify app store and,install an app called yoast seo and this,is just going to go ahead and help us,out with the seo optimization process,and make it a lot quicker and easier so,you can go ahead and get to yoast seo by,clicking the link in the description and,they have a 14 day free trial that you,can go ahead and use so you can start,your free trial by clicking the first,link in the description,so once you install the app this is what,it's going to go ahead and look like,once you open it up and there's just a,couple quick settings that we need to go,ahead and edit before we actually get,into editing the seo of our product,because yoast actually helps us with,some site-wide seo that we can set up by,default so we're gonna go ahead and do,that now,so if we come over here to settings,we're gonna just wait for this to load,up and we're gonna come in here and set,up a couple of things right here so if,we come down here to schema and click on,site representation here,we can see that this info is intended to,appear in google's knowledge graph here,so we just need to fill out some basic,information,for our store here and yoast is going to,automatically set up what is known as,our schema and or structured data,and having your schema information,properly set up is going to help with,seo site-wide not just on a specific,specific page but on every single page,so this is something that we can set up,really easily,just by putting in our organization here,so if i were to just go ahead and put in,like test store,and then you can go ahead and put in,your logo by selecting an image right,here,so i went ahead and put in a logo and,then you can go ahead and put in,different profiles that you have right,here for your business so if you have a,facebook page a twitter page,or anything else like a youtube channel,or pinterest linkedin literally any,other type of page that you have,associated with your business you can go,ahead and put in right here and then you,want to go ahead and just click on save,and just to take a quick look at why,filling out your site representation is,important,it's because it's going to help with the,knowledge panel here in google so we can,see here if we search yoast seo and,google we can see this is going to be,the knowledge panel over here so you can,see,their description we can see information,about the actual business here we can,see their logo,we can see their different profiles and,such down here so filling out the site,representation is going to help to go,ahead and get your knowledge panel set,up like this over here in google for,your own store,and then once you have that set up,we can go ahead and get started,so the first thing we can go ahead and,see here we can go ahead and look at our,product page right here and once we have,yoast installed we can actually come,over here to more actions on any product,and then click on optimize in yoast seo,and then it's just going to bring up,this product inside of the app here so,now that the product is actually loaded,up in yoast seo what we need to go ahead,and do is add in the focus keyphrase,here so what this is essentially going,to be is this is going to be the primary,keyword that we are trying to rank for,so our main keyword here is just going,to be,gaming monitor so you just want to put,the,primary keyword that you're trying to,rank for here,you don't have to put in all these,secondary ones you're just gonna put in,the main one,and what this is going to do is it's,then going to give you an seo analysis,score,based off of your primary keyword here,and give you and tell you a bunch of,different things you can do and go ahead,and optimize your seo so you can go,ahead and go through these and then once,you open up seo analysis you can also,have the option to add in synonyms so,let's say for example you have synonyms,for your focus keyword you can go ahead,and add that in here and it will take,that into account for your analysis here,so let's say,your main keyword was dog but you had,synonyms of hound or canine then you,could go ahead and put them in here and,what this will essentially do is it will,factor that into your keyboard density,and everything as part of their seo,score so in this particular case a,couple keywords for monitor we could add,in things like gaming display,and gaming screen so now let's go ahead,and move on to the actual seo analysis,and take a look at some of these,problems and improvements so what we can,go ahead and do here is it's going to,give us a bunch of suggestions to go,ahead and,fix for our our on page seo so we can,see here that it recommends for our,keyphrase length to be longer so in this,particular case i'm going to just keep,it the same because we're going to be,optimizing for these other ones as well,and then we can see right here that the,keyphrase density so the focus keyphrase,was found one time so you typically want,it at least two times in your text and,then we can see there that we have no,meta description,and our description text length is short,and our images don't have any alt tags,so these are things that we're all going,to address here so in terms of seo and,optimizing here on a product page,there's going to be a few main sections,that you need to look out for,so first is going to be the title so the,title is going to be the most important,thing and have the highest weighting in,seo so you want to make sure that your,primary keyword,is in your title but you don't want to,keyword stuff your title with a bunch of,different keywords because then it looks,stupid like you want your title to,actually look good,but at the same time you do want your,primary keyword in the title 100,the second place is your description so,you want to make sure that your,description has,the keyword in it as well,the third place is going to be the alt,tags of the images,and then the last place is going to,actually be,your meta preview which we're going to,get to in a second so let's go ahead and,go through this,one by one so first off we see our title,here is acer 27-inch gaming monitor but,in this particular case i think we can,add a couple more keywords into this so,we can change this to for example acer,27-inch inch,144,hertz,gaming monitor so we can see that we,just added another,um keyword in right here,and let's say we wanted to also put in,hdmi,2.1 like this,and the title so now we have added two,more keywords from here,into,our actual title right there which is,good so coming down to the actual,description now we can see the,description is decent but it's a bit,short so we can see that it has hdmi 2.1,in it it has 144 hertz in it we want to,go ahead and make sure that we have our,keywords in it a couple times and add in,a few,different keywords as well so let's say,for example if we take a look at our,longer keywords here for ps5 and xbox,series x which aren't in this,description at all we could add a,sentence after this to say something,like all of these,features make this monitor,make this display,one of the,make this display,the best,monitor for,ps5,and,xbox series x alike,so we can see that by adding in this,sentence we have just optimized our,description slightly more for best,monitor for ps5 and best monitor for,xbox series x so that's how we can drip,feed more keywords in the description,right here but our description is still,a bit short so let's say we want to go,ahead and add something else so in this,particular case,i'm going to go ahead and click on save,these changes really quickly,and what i'm going to go ahead and do is,i'm going to go ahead and edit with,shopify really quick and i'm going to,keep both of these screens up so we can,keep coming back and checking our seo,score as well as being able to optimize,a couple things through here,so what i'm going to add to this,description here is i'm going to click,enter and then i'm going to go ahead and,insert an image to it real quick so i'm,going to go ahead and insert this image,right here and click,on insert and then what i'm going to go,ahead and do,is add some copy to go below this image,so we can go ahead and add this in and,we can see right here,that the 144 hertz refresh rate speed so,that's another 144 four hertz keyword,right here,and then we can see we have it in right,here as well so we can see that just,like that we've added more text to our,description and we've also added a,couple more keywords in our description,as well,so what i'm going to go ahead and do now,is if we come over here we can see that,the image alt tags was one of the issues,right here none of the images actually,had all the attributes so we're going to,go ahead and do that now so if i double,click on this right here we can go ahead,and click on the image alt text so i'm,going to go ahead and do here is i'm,going to just put this image alt text as,144 hertz monitor,and because and then i'm going to click,on edit image,and when it comes to the image alt text,you want to try and put your keywords,inside of the alt text but you also want,to make sure that the alt text actually,matches what's in the photo so you don't,want like a photo of a giraffe and then,have the alt text say gaming monitor on,it so you want it to actually make sense,so now what i'm going to go ahead and do,is come down to my product photos and do,the same thing,so,if i go ahead and open this one up and i,click on add alt text i'm going to go,ahead and put our main keyword here in,the,first,picture so just gaming monitor i'm going,to click save close this out i'm going,to go ahead and open up the second one,and i'm going to put in another keyword,here,so i'm going to put in best,gaming monitor,i'm gonna go ahead and save that all,text right there,i'm gonna take the third picture here,and i'm gonna put in the keyword,of,best monitor for ps5,and then i'm gonna go ahead and close,this out and then the fourth one here,i'm gonna go ahead and put an hdmi,2.1 monitor so each one of these image,alt text has,one of our different keywords in it but,they also match the photos because the,photos are actually pictures of the,monitor,so that's definitely something that's,important to do,so we've went ahead and made our,description a bit longer and optimized,our alt text a bit,and we've optimized our title so far so,i'm going to go ahead and click save,and what we would ideally do here is i,don't want this video to go on too long,but what you would want to do is you'd,want to continuously edit the,description a little bit more so we can,see that i would say that this,description has been optimized plenty,for the 144 hertz monitor keyword,because we have it here,we have it in this alt text we have it,here and we have it here,so maybe we'd want to put in the,keywords ps5 or xbox series x one or two,more times,or we could put in the word best monitor,somewhere else as well but you want to,make sure that you go ahead and drip,feed these keywords in you want to make,sure that it looks natural like you,surely don't want to do anything like,this where people used to do a lot of,this back in the day where you just come,down here and you just paste in like a,bunch of keywords and like that just,looks really stupid so you definitely,don't want to do that you just want to,try and fit your keywords in there in,the most natural and fluid way as,possible so in this particular case my,suggestion for this description would be,to probably add in maybe two more photos,like this showcasing the features so,maybe one about hdmi 2.1 optimizing for,our hdmi keyboard as well so that would,be another way to take advantage of this,but in this case i don't want the video,to go on too long so i'm not going to,actually edit all of that right now,but you get the idea so i'm going to go,ahead and save here i'm going to come,back over here to yoast with our,products and i'm going to refresh so we,can take a look,at our seo analysis once again so now if,we go ahead and open this up once again,we can see that we have optimized a bit,more of this as well but we can see here,that the text contains 186 words and you,want a minimum of 200 so like i said you,definitely want to typically add in more,text,which is what i recommended earlier so,coming back in here we can take a look,at some of the problems that it's,telling us to address next so we can see,here that the focus key phrase here was,only found one time which is gaming,monitor here,so we could look for a way to go ahead,and put this in once again so let's say,in this sentence right here i could go,ahead and just add in gaming,right there and we can see that right,there that went ahead and fixed that,issue and then the next thing here is we,can see that our meta description length,we don't have one yet so this is what we,have to go ahead and set up next so i'm,going to go ahead and come down here to,the google preview and this is where we,can go ahead and set up the meta,description so we can see this is what,our google search result would look like,on mobile and this is what it will look,like on desktop here so we can go ahead,and edit our seo title we can edit the,slog the url slug and then we can go,ahead and edit the meta description,right here which we can see is empty,so in this particular case typically,your title is going to be like your,product title and then you have a couple,other variables that,yoast will help you insert into your,title by default but a lot of the times,you're just gonna have like your page,title right here,and then in this case i would like get,rid of page number and i'll just have,like the product title,and then we'll have a separator and then,we'll have the site title right here we,can see that that looks pretty good on,mobile,and on desktop and since we went ahead,and already optimized our title for,keywords up here,it's going to go ahead and be good right,here as well so the slug we just want,the url slide to actually make sense now,having the keyword in it is definitely,going to be beneficial and we already,have the main keyword in here so we,don't need to change that,and now we have the meta description,so this is going to be the description,that shows up right here and we want to,go ahead and have a couple of our,keywords in it as well,but at the same time we want to make,sure it sounds natural and doesn't look,stupid so you would want to find a way,to describe the product,in a couple of sentences,with your keywords in it but without,going overboard so in this particular,case we can go ahead and type something,like so we can see right here i just,went ahead and typed in this 27 inch,acer gaming monitor is an excellent,choice for px5 for ps5 or xbox gamers,looking for a high refresh rate monitor,with hdmi 2.1 so we can see here i went,ahead and put in a couple keywords of,gaming monitor,excellent choice,of gaming monitor i put in ps5 xbox and,hdmi 2.1,but i also made the sentence actually,make legitimate sense instead of it,being like incoherent keywords stuffed,in,so we can see that's how you can go,ahead and edit the meta description,right there and then coming back up here,we can see there's a few more things,that it's going ahead and telling us to,edit so we can see here that like i said,earlier we want to go ahead and add more,text to the description,we can see that,the key phrase is typically going to be,the best when it's at the beginning of,the actual title but in this particular,case it doesn't make sense to put gaming,monitor at the front of this title so,we're gonna have to sacrifice a bit of,seo performance in that case and then,right we can see right here,that it is recommended that we don't,have all five of our alt attributes,matching our key phrase so we could go,back and change some of them to,something else if need be so that's how,we can go ahead and edit our on-page seo,right there and whenever you're editing,you can go through the different yoast,checklist right here and try and make,this seo nice let's come out the green,but for the sake of time in this video,i'm gonna go ahead and stop right there,because i think you guys get the idea,and another thing you can do after,you've optimized for your primary,keyword here is you can go ahead and use,some of the secondary keywords that we,have in here so let's say i went ahead,and just took this one for example,and we were to come down here to add,related keyframes we could go ahead and,paste this in right here,and what it would go ahead and do is it,would actually provide us a separate,score for this related key phrase here,so if we went ahead and opened it up we,can see that it would go ahead and,give us the issues just like it did for,the primary key phrase and we could put,in synonyms for this and such as well so,if you wanted to optimize your article,for,all of your different key phrases at a,high level you can go ahead and add in,each one of these related key phrases,here just like that the other thing i,want to highlight real quick is the,readability analysis as well so if we,open this up right here,we can see that this is just going to,give us a score that pretty much shows,us how readable our page is so,essentially how user-friendly,the page is for the user to actually,read the article so it's going to give,us suggestions here problems and,different things to go ahead and improve,just like we do up here for the seo,analysis so this is another,good analysis tool to go ahead and take,a look at when optimizing your product,pages so at this point now that we've,edited our on page the next thing in,regards on page that we need to do is we,just need to make sure that our website,performance is good so one of the,biggest things with on-page performance,is going to actually be to go ahead,and try and,and compress your images on your site so,this just means shrinking the file size,without compromising quality too much so,that way your page actually loads,quicker so there's a few different apps,that you can go ahead and search in the,app store to search like image,compression or shrinking images,and you can find one that you can go,ahead and compress images with or you,can compress them manually in photoshop,or you can have somebody compress them,for you but you want to go ahead and,compress your images because this is,going to be something that can massively,increase your page loading speed and if,you want to go ahead and check your,loading speed you can come over here to,page speed test,and you can click on page speed insights,right here,and we can go ahead and take,our,store link,right here,and you can throw it in the page speed,insights and click on analyze here,and we can go ahead and see that right,now it's just analyzing our password,page because this demo store is private,but it's going to go ahead and show us,the performance of our page right here,so we can see here on mobile we got a,performance score of 91 which is really,good it's in the green and then the,desktop we got a performance score of,100 which is obviously excellent,so ideally you want both of your,performances to be above 90 but if,you're above 70 you're probably fine but,you definitely want to be in the green,if possible if you're down here in the,red then there's definitely some issues,going on and you're going to want to,address that,so,in terms of optimizing for loading speed,like i said you can compress your images,with apps like crush.picks and you can,also just make sure to minimize the app,usage that you have on your store so,don't have like 50 different apps on,your store because that can slow down,your loading speed as well and the good,thing about the yoast app in particular,is that it's very light so it's not,going to slow down your store,performance at all so now that we've,actually edited a product i want to show,you how you can do some of this stuff in,bulk using yoast so we came back over,here to settings and now we're going to,take a look at content settings right,here and we can see how we edited our,title and meta description earlier for,the individual product we can do it,right here for our home page as well so,right now it's just site title and our,meta description is empty but we could,go ahead and put in some defaults for,our meta description right here by,inserting variables for the home page we,can come down here,to,products as well and we can create,default meta information for our,products we can have default seo titles,for every one of our products and then,we can have default meta descriptions,by putting in these different variables,right here as well so this is something,you can go ahead and do if you don't,want to write each individual product,description if you have hundreds of,products you can go ahead and just set,up a default generated one using all of,these different variables here,within yoast and then you can do the,same thing here with,say collections pages,and blog posts as well so this can help,save you,a good amount of time if you go ahead,and have like a ton of pages or a ton of,products you can do some of this,automatically with default so with that,said that's how you can go ahead and do,seo for your shopify products and then,over time you can rank your products in,google and start getting passive traffic,from seo so be sure to go ahead and,check out the yoast seo app by clicking,the link in the description which is,definitely going to help you out with,optimizing your seo and if you're,interested in learning more about seo,you can go ahead and head over to, academy and they have a bunch,of free resources here that you can go,through,to learn more about the basics of seo to,expand upon what we covered on in this,video that said if you enjoyed this,video be sure to leave it a thumbs up,subscribe to this channel for more,videos thank you for watching and i will,see you in another one

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