how to set up shopify so emails go to right mailchimp lists

Email Campaign Set-Up with Mailchimp + Shopify List Download hey guys it's dion from little misfits,

Dee Baker

Updated on Mar 13,2023

Email Campaign Set-Up with Mailchimp + Shopify List Download

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up shopify so emails go to right mailchimp lists

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up shopify so emails go to right mailchimp lists

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how to set up shopify so emails go to right mailchimp lists catalogs

Email Campaign Set-Up with Mailchimp + Shopify List Download

hey guys it's dion from little misfits,today i'm going to teach you really,quickly how to set up a newsletter,campaign for an upcoming halloween sale,um including your template and how to,schedule your campaign to make it go out,so first step is to sign up for,mailchimp if you don't already have one,um if not we're just going to go ahead,and log in,so my computer's a little slow but i'm,going to go ahead and just put in my,email and password get all logged in,and then basically it's going to take me,to my dashboard from the dashboard i'm,going to click templates create template,and here you're going to see a bunch of,templates that you can use,um i want you to click themes it's the,fastest way to create a template there's,a variety of different themes to choose,from that are pre-made inside of,mailchimp i'm just going to pick the,first one under the e-commerce category,so it's gonna load the template and then,you're just gonna click inside of all of,these little boxes to edit,um what's already in them and replace it,with your own stuff so you can see i,have a ton of pictures already because i,do campaigns all the time and set up,templates for other shops,so there's a ton of pictures that i,already have uploaded to my mailchimp,ready to go um for the purpose of this,example i'm just going to replace that,with my own logo,so i'm going to select that my logo,automatically gets put there you can,edit it if you find that your logo is,too big you can choose to resize it or,to crop it but mine is fine so i'm just,going to go ahead and close that window,i'm going to click inside the next box,little pencil looking tool i'm going to,replace that picture with a big picture,for for my sale so i have all of my,things set up inside of the newsletter,tutorial folder,under pictures i'm just going to go,ahead and pick my own,it's going to go ahead and upload and it,just replaces the picture for you now,you'll see there's some text underneath,the picture with this template that's,already set up,i'm going to go ahead and change that,text,to whatever is appropriate for the,campaign that i'm setting up,so because this one's a halloween one,i'm going to go ahead and say something,like check out our new halloween gear or,something,halloween specific,now i don't like that it's pink it's,halloween themed so i'm going to go,ahead and change that in the style area,by just clicking a different background,color now standard colors are,automatically loaded but you can also,use that slider that i was pointing to,if you wanted to change,to a specific color that isn't part of,the standard loaded colors,i like that color but i want to change,the color of the text inside to be,something other than white,so i'm going to go ahead and just select,black,notice it changes the bottom text and,not the top text because the top text,was actually part of her text box,moving on i'm going to click the next,one,and say something about my,new collection,beanies and hats are clearly the same,thing so i'm gonna say,hair and pants,here's also a great place to put a,coupon code if you're going to go ahead,and be offering a sale,there's no,real,beautiful way to do that you can just,kind of type it in and then i'll show,you how you change the colors on the,inside of your text box and how you kind,of change the font sizes and things like,that,so i want halo 20,to be a different color and to be bold,so i just click the b,and then i find the color i want it to,be that looks okay,moving on to the to the button so i'm,going to edit the button text,i'm going to put in my link to my,website not in all caps,and then i'm just going to save and,close that,so i don't like these sections in this,template so i'm just going to go ahead,and delete them um you would edit them,the same way i've been showing you to,edit everything else either by clicking,inside of the gray square,or by clicking the little pencil tool,i like to have pictures instead so i'm,just going to grab that content block,called image and i'm just going to start,dropping them onto the template and,you'll notice depending on where i'm,dropping them it's either going to go,ahead,and put them into a column or not,and you can just select that kind of,grid off to the left to change it so i'm,going to go ahead and upload the,pictures that i have that are in my,little folder for my halloween,collection i've got a variety of,different pictures to choose from,and just one by one it's going to fill,up,those content sections,i could probably fast forward this part,so you get the point but you see now all,four sections are going to be loaded,with my images i don't like the way that,the left uh pants look so i'm going to,edit that picture right inside of,mailchimp to make them look about the,same size as the other pants now you can,use the crop tool for this,all of the other pictures are square so,i'm just going to click on square and,then just kind of re-center the pants in,that area,then i'm going to click apply,and save,and it's just going to bump up the size,with those pants so beside the other,ones they look more normal now here's an,extra content section um mailchimp set,up this template to say free shipping i,think that's a great idea i'm just going,to go ahead and change the style so the,text is a little bit bigger and i don't,need a code for free shipping free,shipping in my shop automatically um,comes,up based on how much is in your car so,for me it's 60,um for north american orders inside of,canada and the usa,or 75 on international orders so i'm,just going to go ahead and tinker with,this text a little bit until it looks,how i want it to look so,if you just hit enter you can see the,text kind of moving around,i guess theoretically international is,outside of canada for me as well but i,just kind of say international as,uh anywhere outside of north america,so i think that's a little too big,so i'm gonna make it a heading three as,opposed to a heading two,gonna center the text and then when you,make a heading three it changes the text,color to like this gray color it's still,dark gray but it's not quite black,and i like everything to be black on my,templates um like my text anyway because,i feel like it pops off the screen a,little bit better so i've changed my,text to black,to make it even more um,eye-catching i'm going to change the top,to orange so that when you're scrolling,through this template you're going to,see that before you get to the end,and now i'm going to add another button,another shop button,you have to link it to your website so,go ahead and just put in whatever your,website is,advanced options will allow you to have,that open in a different window if,they're on their computer,it's automatically selected that way,so that they can still come back to the,email which is usually good if you have,a coupon code in there and they want to,refer back to it so i've changed the,background color of my button inside of,the style tab,and now i'm going to add a share,um widget now if you've set up your,mailchimp to have your links to your,facebook and twitter and all of that it,will automatically populate,um yours but in this case because we're,sharing it's just going to open up a,share box for those like facebook,twitter or a forward box from their,email client,i want another text box um it's just a,personal preference generally speaking,to not end up in people's spam mail if,they haven't actually added you as a,safe sender you want to have a good text,to image ratio so you don't want to just,send emails out that have a ton of,pictures and no text,the opposite of that doesn't actually,affect whether it arrives in the spam,folder or not but you definitely want,more text,over less text,so i'm just going to go ahead and say,something about the share panel that,i've added this deal is too good not to,share click below to let your friends,know about it i'm going to change up,how it looks,add a little divider so there's some,division between my text and content,above and content below,and then because you can't see my logo,anymore i just think it's fun to add,a logo to the bottom so that when they,scroll the way down they still remember,the shop that sent them this so i'm just,going to go ahead and add the same logo,that i added to the top now in this case,i don't want it to be that big so i,could edit it here by clicking the,resize and resizing it,or what you can do is inside of the,settings tab,you can go ahead and click constrain,image dimensions by 50 percent and it's,going to go ahead and just make your,image,half smaller,so now i like the way that that looks,i've got enough text and,pictures all my links are there,i could link those pictures um of my,products to the specific products in the,store as well,by clicking on them there's a little,link um,element i'm gonna add another text box,that just says something about,the collection just to make sure,absolutely that it doesn't end up in the,spam folder or in the junk mail,and i'm going to go ahead and restyle it,so,that it's not so small it looks like,it's probably hard to read and you never,know how these things are going to,render inside of somebody else's device,so if they're reading it on a computer,or they're reading it on you know a,really small phone,um or you know a giant phone,you just kind of want it to look good in,all the places where it could possibly,be red,so i'm just going to say we got,everything from t-shirts to,maybe,skullicious hair and pants just to make,it fun,or leggings i don't know,i like to add a little bit of urgency to,my emails um by telling people when,things are going pretty quickly our,halloween stuff has been selling pretty,quickly and we only have so much fabric,so i'm just going to let them know that,we've got a limited amount of fabric and,our items are going fast so if they want,them they're going to have to act,quickly,and then i don't really love how that,looks so i'm just going to start,tinkering with,the size and the layout of it um the,really great thing about mailchimp is if,you tinker a lot with it and then you,still hate how it looks you can actually,reset the entire,panel that you're in so we're in that,little text box by just clicking the,clear styles button and i'm going to,show you how to do that,over here,so you want to select everything inside,of your box and then click clear styles,because if you do what i did it's not,going to clear anything and then you can,kind of reset,the whole box to scratch and start again,with,changing your fonts your font sizes,whether it's going to render as a,heading or a paragraph all the colors,that are inside of that that you set up,earlier,but i think it looks fine just as it is,right now,so,i'm going to work on this other section,um,i kind of want the coupon code to stand,out a bit more than it currently does,and i realized i missed my little,exclamation point when i was,changing the colors earlier so i'm just,going to kind of separate this into a,few different paragraphs you want to,click shift return,to make sure that it doesn't put a giant,line in between when you're just kind of,doing what i'm doing just making it look,prettier,and then i'm going to kind of bump up,the size of that the halloween coupon,code re-center it,and so you'll see what i mean here when,i click enter it makes a big long line,if you hit shift enter it makes a much,smaller line,of white space,so now i think it looks pretty good,you want to put a preview text at the,top that's what's going to render in,the kind of split screen that people,have on their phones or in their email,clients,so it's kind of like a preview of what,the email is about you want to add,something there it doesn't have to be,super long and then you're just going to,save your template so i'm just going to,call it halloween sale and save it,so i mentioned before that you can link,those pictures you just want to click on,the picture and then click the link and,then you can type in or you can copy the,link directly from your website,wherever you want people to be taken,when they click on those pictures inside,of the email you set up so the first one,i did was my collection um if i wanted,it to go to a specific product instead,of the whole collection you would just,copy the link from the products page or,if you know what it is you would just,type it in the way that i'm doing it,right here,um and then you just basically click,insert and it will go ahead and link um,the advanced options every single link,opens up in a new tab by default,so now i'm looking at everything you're,going to save and close and you want to,preview these things before you send,them out so when you click the preview,tab don't be alarmed if the inbox shows,nothing it will never show anything,unless you load tokens which are,uh,like paid so you don't need to do that,you just click on your mobile you click,on your desktop you scroll through and,make sure um you can click on the links,to make sure that all the links are,going exactly where you want them to go,um and then you always want to send,yourself a test email before you,actually send the email to your list,so you just type in the email address,you want it to go to and then send the,test,and then save and close your template,before you set up the campaign so that,you can go ahead and make sure,everything renders properly in your,actual email,before you send it out,now it's in my template and you can see,the other templates that are in there,i've got people in my list on my,subscriber list i currently don't use,mailchimp anymore i've moved over to,rare i o so,um i've kind of deleted a lot of the,people that were on those lists but for,the purposes of this tutorial i'm going,to go ahead and just make a campaign to,my exit offer subscribers you can see,the member ratings,if you've never sent an email to those,people it's automatically defaulted to,two stars,so in shopify you have the customer,screen and that's where all of your,customers live and all their email,addresses so you just go customers and,this is what your screen should look,like i've blanked out my customer data,but if you click the little button,beside the name,it will highlight all of the customers,and then you want to select all of the,ones in the store so off to the right,hand side there's a little red box that,says select all 50 plus customers you,want to make sure that's checked and,then you're just going to click export,at the top of the screen and it's going,to give you a csv file or comma,separated value file,so from there you're going to come back,into your mailchimp you're going to,click the lists and then you're going to,create a new list it's going to ask you,what you want to do a new list or groups,you actually want to create a list,and then you're going to give your list,a name you could just put shopify,customers or whatever you wanted your,list name to be there,um,i'm just going to name it past customers,for example,you're going to put your default email,address so mine's info at little misfits,and i'm just going to go ahead and,select that and that's the the from,address that will appear in the email,campaigns that you send out and then the,default from name so little misfits,customer service mailchimp makes you put,in,a description of how these people got on,your mailer list um it's just kind of a,reminder lots of people sign up for lots,of different lists and then forget that,they did that so,you just want to put in some sort of a,description so in mind i put in you're,on this list because you are a valued,customer of ours it's going to show you,the contact information for the list,which is you know your address and your,phone number on your business location,and then it gives you some notification,options um if you wanted to be notified,every single time someone subscribed i,don't so i'm just going to click ok,so then you're going to add your,subscribers so you're just going to hit,add subscribers and import,you're going to click the csv or tab,delimited text file and then you're just,going to browse for where you saved your,customer list um from shopify you're,going to go ahead and select that you,understand that your billing plan may,automatically be upgraded and then,you're just going to go ahead and click,next,now chances are your billing plan won't,upgrade unless you have more than 2 000,people in your shopify store as,customers and in that case you'll just,be charged whatever the plan amount is,for mailchimp i think it's 25 so it's,not a huge amount just for over 2 000,customers,so then once your list is uploaded it's,going to just appear in your list tab um,my lists are already there so basically,i have a bunch of lists to pick from i'm,going to click campaigns and i'm going,to start my campaign so i'm going to,click create campaign for the purposes,of this example it's just going to be a,regular campaign um it's going to ask,you what list you wanted here's where,you'd pick the list you just uploaded,i'm just gonna pick one on my list um,there's only 35 people on that i make,sure it says send to entire list and i,click next,the page is going to load you want to,give your campaign a name it's for,internal use only so no one is ever,going to see that name,you want to give your email a subject,line generally speaking try to pick,something that would make somebody or,entice somebody to open that email make,it sound interesting some people put in,the sale that they're having like 20 off,20 off,uh free shipping whatever it may be,everything else is going to auto load,for you so um your customer from name or,sorry your from name your from email,address all of the tracking all that,stuff is going to just auto populate and,you just want to kind of leave that,stuff alone um in the beginning until,you've got a few more campaigns under,your belt and you can better understand,what all the rest of the stuff that's,not clicked currently does,so click next here's where you're going,to select your saved template that you,just made so,you see my halloween sale one is there,i'm going to select it it's going to,load it for me i'm going to take a look,and just scroll through to make sure,that it looks good still that nothing,you know is out of place then i'm going,to click next,and here i'm all set and ready to go so,um it says social cards i never enable,social cards online but if you wanted to,put a card at the bottom of your email,that allowed people to,connect to your facebook and stuff you,could do that too,click next or click schedule,and you can schedule your post to go out,whenever you wanted it to so if i wanted,to go out like september 15th i could,schedule that there a date in the time,and then basically you're all ready to,go so um i'm not going to send this,obviously because it's an example but,that in a nutshell is how you go ahead,and you send it a campaign i'm just,going to go back to the dashboard and we,are all done

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