how to set up usps shipping on shopify

How to Setup USPS Shipping on Shopify welcome back again yet to get to another,video from resolution

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Feb 12,2023

How to Setup USPS Shipping on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up usps shipping on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up usps shipping on shopify

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how to set up usps shipping on shopify catalogs

How to Setup USPS Shipping on Shopify

welcome back again yet to get to another,video from resolutions design if you're,brand new to this channel,as i tell everyone else this is,the venue or this is the area where you,learn everything related to shopify,in today's video we are going to talk,about shipping again,but in my last video which i'll plug in,on the upper right hand corner in case,you missed it,we spoke about how to set up shipping,if you are someone who does drop,shipping,so if you want to go and revisit that,video because you're a drop shipping,business go,up up in the right hand corner i'll,leave a link there but this video what,we're going to learn is how to set up,shipping if you're,a private supplier a private supplier by,the way what that means,is that if you are a business that,you're not using aliexpress,you're not using uh these drop shipping,companies oberlo you're not using none,of that,instead you're buying the products,yourself you're fulfilling them,yourself or you have a fulfillment,center,which does this for you that's what,you're going to learn in this video how,to set up,shipping if you're doing this yourself,so we're going to cover a lot of usps,stuff,a lot of rules when it comes to shipping,that's what we're going to learn,today all right so again if you like,this type of content make sure that you,subscribe,turn that notification bell on so that,you know when i'm coming out with a hot,new video,that's really going to help you out on,your business okay so now that we got,that out the way,let's get started okay so in this,particular,video we're going to use the vessel,market one of our clients,you know we have more coming soon,related to this business so i'm very,excited for it okay,so let's dive in right away what is the,objective,this is the objective i'm going to show,you so,this right here is the type of shipping,that we need to set up,right we need to offer these prices to,our clients,but the issue is a little bit more,complicated than that,it's not just these prices we have a,range,of shipping that we need to make sure,that we have,categorized here so we need to make sure,that uh we have,what are called classes we need to,create,classes right and then we need to create,prices for each and every one of them,you'll understand what i mean in a,second but now that you understand the,visuals of this,let's go first and do something very,important we're going to go to the,products now in this particular,example we don't have too many products,we want to keep it nice and simple for,you guys,so we have these vessels and then we,have,you know 10 ounce 14 ounce in two,different colors,okay and what we want to do first is we,want to do a bulk change,we want to update the weight value of,all these products,this is very important why is weight,important well,weight is going to allow us to program,the rules in the shipping,so please make sure that you're,following the weight instruction,first and then we're gonna go into the,shipping okay so this is what we're,gonna do first,uh we're gonna go right here and first,find out how much do these,products way okay so i went fast forward,and i already got the weight,let's go ahead and add this in so we're,gonna go here into the bulk editor i'm,gonna select,every one of them uh if you cannot,select every one of them all in one shot,uh just make sure that you click on this,button right here and there might be a,link,over here it says click to select 50,plus,products and that's exactly what you,want to do okay,all right so we're going to go here,where it says edit products and this is,going to take us to our bulk editor,by default this almost looks like,microsoft excel,by default we have these fields here we,don't really much care about,sku or compare that price so we're going,to exit those out,you saw how easy that was it might take,longer for you if you have a very long,list,so just be patient all right right here,we're going to go to add fields,and right here what we're looking for is,weight,we're going to click on wait and now,here it is and oh,great so our client went ahead and added,the weight values,here so we have 12 pounds for,the 10 ounce right and then right here,this one's 15 pounds and then 12 and,then 15.,great so we have the pounds ready uh you,don't have to use,pounds you could use go right here and,you could change to ounces,kilograms or grams whichever one that,you feel is fit,now you don't have to be technical about,it doesn't have to be accurate,for us we're just using this as,something that we would use as rule sets,so again step number one is to make sure,that all your products in this,particular instance,is using weight so this training is,how to set up shipping based on weight,we will do a separate video when it's,based on price but this one i want to,make sure that,i'm very clear on this all right let's,continue,so the next step let's go right ahead,into,settings we're going to go into settings,here and then we're going to shipping,and delivery,and if you're doing this for the first,time this might seem kind of weird,so let's go right here to it says manage,rates,and then from there we're gonna notice,that we have some default values,um by the way strong disclosure if you,get stuck,somewhere around here make sure that you,have the location,set up so let me just back up on this,and show you because,some of you guys might have problems,with this others might not,so strong clarification on what location,is,so location by default whatever address,that you place,on the general so if you go right here,if you click on this right here and you,see,what you have placed as an address,chances are that address which perhaps,might be your home address,will copy paste into locations,and what you need to do is make sure,that you update your location,so that it's not showing your house so,instead it's showing your fulfillment,center,or it's showing let's say like a po box,which is what i recommend,so if you're working from home but you,are shipping your products from home,when you deliver it you don't want to,show,anybody where you live what you want to,do,is go get a p.o box,you get one of the cheapest ones it,doesn't cost that much a month,they give you a key you have to fill out,an application so on and so forth,and what you do on the location is that,you put the,post office where you purchase the po,box you go,and you put that address so go on google,maps,look for the post office that you,purchase your po box,that's the address that you're gonna put,on locations but,you know you're gonna put on address,line number two you're gonna put po box,1000 blah blah blah blah,with the whole foot zip code and,everything that way if any mail comes to,you such as returns,so on and so forth uh it'll go back to,the usps,office and they'll redirect it to your,post office uh,mailbox okay so locations update that,make sure you do that then let's go into,shipping settings okay shipping and,delivery,if you have questions about location,guys let me know down in the comments,what issues you guys might have,regarding locations and i'll be more,than happy to answer it so we're going,here to where it says shipping and,delivery,and right here we're going to go where,it says manage rates uh we have we might,have something,set up here and what we're going to do,is we're going to wipe this clean,so what i'm going to go ahead is get rid,of these default values that sometimes,shopify goes ahead and adds those out,so right here because we register the,business in the us,we went to domestic and we erased all of,that,now this business that i'm building uh,that we're building this for,is not a business that's going to,entertain the rest of the world,meaning that we don't want to sell,internationally,we just want to sell domestically inside,of the united states,and so what we're going to do for the,rest of the world is we're going to,click on these three dots right here,and we're going to go ahead and click on,delete we're going to delete,that entire area and let's press,save this allows us to go ahead and,continue at a clean slate,so no international orders just domestic,orders that's where we're at here,now let's go ahead and add a rate okay,so i want to remind you guys let me show,you this screenshot right here,our client went ahead and told us hey we,want to use something like this because,there are good rates that she gets,like she gets very very good rates and,she's like you know i don't care if i,profit two or three dollars on top of,whatever these rates are,but i wanted to emulate something like,this well after looking at this,these rates and kind of like testing out,the weight values and all that,i realized that she was right that she,does have very good rates these are,actually very good rates let me know,down in the comments if you're,interested in finding out who gives you,the,the cheapest usps rates and then,depending on how many comments i get,i'll go ahead and make another video,give you guys the secret,but i want to know if you guys need it i,want to make a video for no reason,so these are her rates when i seen these,rates i realized hey you know what,shopify also acts as a usps broker,uh just to explain what the usps broker,means okay,if you go to the post office you are,going to pay,the most retail price for shipping,right just as a walk-in you're going to,get the walk-in price and the walk-in,price is typically the most expensive,you could go to and you could,see what those values are,maybe if you go to you'll see,an online special price,but typically that's how it works a usps,broker,is a business who cuts a deal with usps,and says look we're going to give you a,lot of orders,but we need you to give us discounted,prices so that we can give,our clients you guys discounted prices,that's called being a broker that they,have a special account,that they create with usps and then give,you the benefits,you are now looking right now at a very,low discount price because,this company here is using is a usps,broker and is giving the merchant,these values i looked at shopify's,prices and shopify's prices are much,higher than what you see here,and so we were like hey you know what,then let's do the calculated pricing so,this video we're gonna we're going to,integrate,usps calculated pricing,and let's go let's let's get back into,the scenario here so how do we do that,we come back over here,and we're going to go ahead and add a,rate okay,so from right here instead of setting,our own rates we're going to use,a carrier we're going to use a carrier,and then from this,here we're going to click on this drop,down and we're going to use usps,discounted rates from shopify shipping,remember,shopify is acting as a carrier right or,a broker,now every business is different from,this here,okay so depending on what you are,selling,you might be only you know you might be,able to only ship out using a specific,service,okay but i know for a fact,that when it comes to this particular,business and again going back to the,previous uh,the previous screen here i just want to,make sure you understand what i'm,talking about,you know they're offering express with,regular mail,and so on and so forth okay so they want,to offer from the lowest to the medium,to the highest that's what they want to,do,so let's go here this is one,right here this is one this is,two okay and ground,is three okay so we're gonna select,these three,okay and we're not going to add any more,money,to this okay we're not going to charge,any more money,why because remember we have a brokerage,account,right we have a brokerage account we're,paying less money,but shopify is going to charge a little,bit more so we're not going to add,anything here,i'm going to go ahead and press done and,then don't forget to press,save i'm going to go ahead and do that,and notice the top bar,profile updated so we have discounted,rates,from shopify shipping with three,services,and these three services are at such,okay so i think,we are ready to go we are ready to test,this out let's go ahead and test this,out,um let's go over here i already have,something kind of in the cart,i have this right here some vessels so,on and so forth,so let me go ahead and add my,information in here,and let me go ahead and pause this video,and fill this out okay added information,here let's go ahead and calculate,shipping,and there it is so we have the three,calculated shipping depending on how,much the weight value is,again none of this would have worked,let's make sure that you guys can see my,screen,because some of you guys are watching,this video on your mobile device and,you're like yo ed,i can't see your screen um okay so,what we added right here is just the 10,ounce,right the 10 ounce case of 12 and,as you can see we have three different,shipping options,one doesn't differ from the other as far,as prices is only like,a few cents and then after this we have,one business day which is 58 30. so the,customer gets to choose,um what's very interesting about this is,that we could go ahead and play around,with the numbers so let's go back to the,cart,let's add three of these and let's go to,the checkout let's see how all of this,just automatically calculates and there,you have it,you can see how that raised the price,slightly especially when it came down to,the priority express,and that's how it's done it's pretty,much it,that that's pretty much it so go ahead,and let me know if you like this type of,video if it actually helped,um also let me know if you need a video,where,it doesn't talk about calculated,shipping right,it's not related to calculated shipping,it's just you doing the shipping,yourself,uh you setting the price yourself let me,know,shipping scenarios in the comments say,look,i want to ship it so that it's free,after,x amount of dollars but you know,underneath,you know x amount of dollars i want to,charge this much and then after that i,want to charge this much,so give me your shipping complication in,the comments and then i'll try to see,the best way to explain that to you,shipping,is a very complicated subject for many,and that's why i'm doing this video,i'm sorry i can't pack everything all in,one video,uh because shipping has so many,different scenarios,that i'm waiting in the comments to see,what you guys are having problems with,so i can make a video for that type of,shipping,other than that thank you again don't,forget to subscribe,press that blue like button that's how,you support this page and thank you once,again see you next time

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