how to setup a development shopify store

1 - Shopify For Developers - Unlimited Free Stores for Developers hello and welcome to the first vi

Code Inspire

Updated on Mar 16,2023

1 - Shopify For Developers - Unlimited Free Stores for Developers

The above is a brief introduction to how to setup a development shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to setup a development shopify store

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how to setup a development shopify store catalogs

1 - Shopify For Developers - Unlimited Free Stores for Developers

hello and welcome to the first video on,Shopify development this is going to be,the first chapter of the series and I'm,going to teach you how you can create a,Shopify team from start to finish so,this course is going to be completely,free and the requirement for this course,is just knowing HTML CSS and JavaScript,you don't have to know anything about,Shopify so in the previous videos I,talked about Shopify and how much,developers are making money out of,Shopify I'm not talking about the ads,the drop shipping some of the rzm I seen,on Facebook Instagram how much money,people make no I'm not talking about do,stuff but they're from developer,perspective people are going to make a,lot of money out of it why not one of,them should be you in the future that's,why I'm going to teach you how you can,create shop for themes and how you can,sell them in the future so you'll learn,a lot in this course this is not going,to be easy but I'm sure I will make,everything step by step and everything,should be easy for you to understand so,after completing the course I expect you,to know everything about how you can,create a Shopify team from its start to,finish and then you can create your own,team and then you can sell it also as I,talked I have a challenge for you if you,can complete the challenge you can be,one of the three winners who can win 400,300 and another $300 for the person who,can make the best team for Shopify so I,will talk about the rules and regulation,in the future video but in this video I,will talk about the pricing and how you,can get an unlimited like Shopify store,for developers so let's talk about this,one I will come to the shop fight come,here just quickly if you go to the,Shopify website you just see your page,the landing page where they ask you for,the email address and you can extort for,the trial you are a developer you are,not going to start from here because if,you start from here they are going to,give you 14 days free trial after that,you have to pay for this tool so talking,about the pricing how much it cost and,do you think people are going to pay for,it yes Shopify basic is going to be $29,per month USD,they have a and the sulphide for,business 79 and at one stop Phi which is,two hundred and ninety nine dollar,that's not all do you think people are,going to pay for it you may not believe,the arrests of five plus and people are,going to be moved in two thousand dollar,for each license or shot-for-shot five,plus and businesses do that because Java,is so easy for the businesses and the,growth of them one of the big companies,I have seen who switch to Shopify is GB,hifi who is selling computer stuff they,just switch you shall fight because sofa,is too easy and that's why people are,switching to it and they are bringing,new updates to their platform and it is,really really easy to start selling,something online,I know $29 is a lot compared to,WordPress e-commerce and WooCommerce,which are completely free almost like,not completely but some of the plugins,you have to pay for them but for,developers you do not see these anymore,so what you can do is you can scroll to,the bottom of the page and you will come,here and you'll start creating a shop a,personal account they have a personal,program they have app developers they,have affiliate programs so I'll go to,the portal program what is the partner,program you can create unlimited,development in store for yourself that,is going to be completely free you do,not have to have like 14 days trial all,you have to do is just start creating,your store add the product unlimited,product and the other stem restriction I,will talk just in a few minute so I'll,come here click join now because you're,in shop for partner page it will send,you to this part under Shopify dot-com,here now enter your business here your,email address because I already have it,so it is showing my email of us here as,fill here so also your website it is,optional also give them the or your,errors and other details after that once,you complete this one you can directly,go to the dashboard so since I already,have a software partner I don't have to,do this one this is going to be easy,stuff so after you complete everything,make sure you click on the agreement,check,box here and then it will send you to,the Shopify dashboard so I do have an,account so I am NOT going to do anything,here I'll come back to the software,partner page and I won't click join,because you are a developer you on your,journey for the first time just join,from here I will login because I already,have my account once you log in this is,your dashboard so in this dashboard they,asked me to enter my payment information,I'm not going to do that one it is,completely optional for now because you,don't have anything to sell so you will,come to you restore and it will show all,these tools you have you will come to,the apps it will show all the apps you,have created and it will go to the,affiliate links it will show you all the,affiliates pull around like if you refer,someone to Shopify they can give you a,lot of money out of it for example some,people or software partner and did bring,some stuff I plus to the shop why so,shop Y Plus clients are going to pay,more than two thousand for the for their,shop so those people are getting a lot,of commission out of it so you can be,one of them you can fill their form and,if you have a lot of customer submit,your form and they will approve your,your submission and you will have a,unique link for the shop for affiliate,links so what I am going to do is I'm,going to come to the themes I don't have,any themes here so what you can do is if,you have anything who is selling with,that you are selling and Shopify store,it will be listed here and when you are,selling your theme you will get 70% of,each cell they say your team is going to,cost $100 and for each cell you will,give $70 out of it the other 30% Shopify,will get it,30 part like $30 that's a lot but they,have to make it because they are going,to review your theme and they are going,to check a lot of things about your team,so I will come to these stores here this,is where you can create all your store,you have development store you have,managed a store which are going to be,for your clients so a non-oil store you,will see all these through you have you,can create your store what I will do is,and that in the next video but for now,from here you can create you restore,these all of the wall of this is Telugu,is going to be free you can connect your,domain and you can do whatever you want,so in the next video I will do it for,you so hope it has been informative,thank you for watching and I will see,you in the next video

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