so is it possible that you can use,shopify for selling handmade goods and,crafts as you can see on the screen in,front of you the answer is going to be,yes i'm going to be showing you some of,the perks features and examples when it,comes to people who have successfully,done so as you can see on the screen,make it easy for shoppers to buy your,handcrafts build your handcrafts,business with training tools and support,designed to help you succeed aside from,that in case you didn't know shopify,does come with a free 14-day trial and,you don't even need a card to get,started i'll put a link down below in,case you'd like to get quickly started,you can set up your shopify store and,even start adding some of your products,to it continuing on now they have quite,a few things when it comes to launching,your store you get free guides a lot of,professional tools of course their,support is really great when it comes to,shopify and of course creative marketing,where you can integrate with social,media to keep your customers thinking,about your handmade goods and so on and,so forth now some of the very popular,questions when it comes to selling,handcrafts where can i sell handmade,items online you can sell them online,via your own store built with a platform,like shopify on third-party marketplaces,like amazon and ebay with niche sites,like etsy and big cartel and on social,media sites like instagram and facebook,you can also sell handmade items,wholesale to other businesses can i sell,handmade items on shopify what you came,here for right yes you can sell handmade,items and crafts on shopify it's a great,place to sell your handmade items,because there are no marketplace fees,and you own your customer list while,having more control over your business,now this is a good one what kind of,crafts sell best keep in mind shopify is,a huge company so they probably have a,lot of data in terms of like the,research and numbers that they're coming,up with well not the numbers but what's,going to be best selling,items include apparel accessories,jewelry art food candles subscription,boxes and skin care so how do i price my,handmade items to price handmade,products total all the costs associated,with creating your item and bringing it,to market set your profit margin on top,of those expenses and list your prices,you can change prices over time to,increase sales or profit margins now,this was a really good article when it,comes how to sell handmade goods it's a,little older but either way they,interviewed a few people who had some,successful shopify stores and i'm going,to show you those examples also link,this deeper into the description in case,you want to check that out the first one,is going to be by coralie raider i hope,i pronounced that correctly but overall,it's a very simple store which i really,like white background you know,information on top nice little free,shipping on all orders for us only but,you can see some of the popular and new,things and you can also move this over,to get even more,they have necklaces earrings bracelets,obviously a lot of jewelry stuff going,on and you have two sections where you,can subscribe now earlier when i opened,up the window uh there was also a box,that pops up where you can actually get,emails as well which is very good that's,going to be great for getting a customer,base or you know we could follow up with,them in case they didn't purchase or if,you have anything new that you want to,remind them about,next is going to be modern leather goods,okay this is,this one's cool there's a video here i'm,not going to play it because it's going,to overplay but as you can see they have,keychain card wallets which is pretty,cool if you ask me buy last choose well,and make it last,some other stuff when it comes to travel,new personalized gifs,about fitzy,once again newsletter which is great,going down there's some blog stuff,and just some information and of course,the subscription on the bottom as well i,believe this site also had the pop-up,when it comes to getting emails another,you know good thing that you want to do,last but not least original modern,design so walnut original modern designs,handcrafted leather goods this is cool,they have some games here bicycle gear,drawer pulls,office everyday carry whiskey beer and,wine they got their newsletter who they,are,some more stuff going on there another,video,their values what customers have said a,lot of great values that's good social,proof that's always something good to,have you know when you're just starting,out you might not have that but you know,as you go you can ask for testimonials,and look for sections like that so so,those are three great examples when it,comes to selling crafts and handcrafts,online using shopify i hope you got some,inspiration or value out of that like i,said feel free to try shopify out for,yourself the link down below can get you,started very easily in terms of being,able to build up your store add your,products and of course go from there,thanks again for watching and have a,great day
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