how to shorten shopify product url

How to edit your shopify product url evening um so this is my first tutorial,and got to say I'm pret

The Prince Of Ecom

Updated on Feb 10,2023

How to edit your shopify product url

The above is a brief introduction to how to shorten shopify product url

Let's move on to the first section of how to shorten shopify product url

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How to edit your shopify product url

evening um so this is my first tutorial,and got to say I'm pretty nervous but um,let's jump right into it I'm so today,I'm showing you guys how to edit your,product URL you know sometimes you'd,like to you know create a custom URL for,each product say got this 10 pack of,Flintstones no it's pretty nice product,the URL for it can sit here in the Meta,Description it's you know long and it's,not pretty so what you can do to edit it,is basically go up in your products menu,pick the product you want just like,we've done here and then scroll down to,search engine and list in preview then,click Edit website SEO here it gives you,the option to change the product page,title and the meta description you might,want to do these for SEO purposes and,then the URL are and URL and hand I,should say so this is the stock you are,it's very long not very pretty,what you can do now is this to beat all,of this extra here and just type in,whatever you need like and super ten of,course you can't have any species in the,second use dashes or dashes are good to,super ten pack IRA just click save here,so we've changed the URL for this,product itself so we can check it by,copying here pasting it here and click,in see what happens and voila you have,edited your product URL to you know,quite beautiful so instead of the stock,ugly URL you can now go out and edit the,URL as much as you need to

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