how to show quantity on shopify

How to show inventory quantity on the product page on Shopify hey everyone this is coren from the,sp

SPEEDFLY - Shopify Theme

Updated on Mar 13,2023

How to show inventory quantity on the product page on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to show quantity on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to show quantity on shopify

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How to show inventory quantity on the product page on Shopify

hey everyone this is coren from the,speedycom team,and i'm bringing you today a new,tutorial in which we are going to see,how you can display,the stock in your shopify product pages,you will find in the description of this,video the link to the written tutorial,where you will have access to the code,that we will be using,before we begin i suggest you make a,copy of your theme files,that way you don't lose your work in,case you make any big mistakes,so it's fairly easy all you have to do,is click on actions,then duplicate and once it's done go,back to the tutorial,and let's copy the code,there you go then once again we come,back to the store,click on actions then edit code after,that you will have to open the sections,folder and find,the product template that liquid file,let's see,there it is once you've opened this file,you will have to look for the line that,contains the word,price to make it easy i'm going to use,the search bar so you can open it with,ctrl,f or command f if you're on apple,so then you type price,you scroll a bit let's see there you go,you will have to find,a line similar to this if you're on,debut theme this is exactly what you,need,but in most of the themes that's going,to look something similar,so once you've found this line you will,create some space and you will paste,the code that you just copied then of,course always,click on save and now it's all done,let me give you a quick tip before we,continue if you're not sure where you,have to place,the code you can try to add a random,word somewhere in the code itself so,let's say,i don't know you add a word here you,just add,test or whatever you want then you will,have to go to your product page,and see where that word is displayed if,the word is exactly where you want to,put the stock then you have to just,replace the word,by the code if it's not then you keep,trying until you find,the exact spot where you want to add the,code,so right now i know i have added it to,the right place,so we are going to go to the product,page and see how it looks,alright so let's open the store and find,a product page,there you go and you can see that i have,displayed the leftover stock,exactly where i wanted it to be right,underneath the price,and to finish things up i'm going to,show you how you can add a couple of,customizations,so for example you go back to the code,itself,and here you can change the text you can,see,there are then there is the quantity,and then units left in stock so you can,customize this text however you want,and of course aside from the text itself,you can change its color,by modifying this color code you can,change its,font size this is the font size you can,change the spacings,you can change the icon itself this is,the source,of the icon here this is the link you,can change it with any icon you want,and i think this is pretty much anything,you can or need to,modify this is a fairly easy tutorial,and you will have something really cool,that will display the stock left i,should i think remind you that,this is not really useful for,dropshippers because,in most cases dropshippers don't have,any,stock so it's i don't know if you can,if you want to show any scarcity maybe,you can use this,but you will have to manually change,your stocks in the product,files all right so this is it for this,tutorial,i really hope you enjoyed it and found,it useful if that's the case please,like the video maybe leave us a comment,if you have any ideas for,other tutorials and don't forget to,subscribe to the channel,because we will be adding a lot more,tutorials in the coming weeks,you

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