how to speed up load time shopify on safari

iPhone Safari NOT LOADING Pages 🔥 How to Fix? hey guys how are you doing and in this,episode we are


Updated on Mar 17,2023

iPhone Safari NOT LOADING Pages 🔥 How to Fix?

The above is a brief introduction to how to speed up load time shopify on safari

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iPhone Safari NOT LOADING Pages 🔥 How to Fix?

hey guys how are you doing and in this,episode we are going to see how to fix,Safari browser not loading web pages or,not working properly when you try to,view any website or try to download any,specific file from a website and the,download is happening super slow for,some time I'll be suggesting few,troubleshooting steps so do try them one,by one for some people the Second Step,may be working for some people the,fourth step may be working whether it is,mobile data or Wi-Fi it doesn't matter,it is important to switch Network as the,first troubleshooting step and check,whether the problem is Network related,or not if you have trouble viewing,specific websites on your Wi-Fi,connection then try to switch it to,mobile data and see whether the same,response is what you see on the Safari,browser in your iPhone or iPad so here,you can see I have opened to,check my browsing speed not the file,download speed but just the browsing,speed and to make sure that both the,download and upload is matching with,what my ISP actually promises for mobile,data it always fluctuates based on the,area you are in based on the network,condition and how much Tower points,signal receptions you're getting but,with Wi-Fi most of the time we get the,speed as our ISP promises and here you,can see the Ping value and the download,and upload speed overall while checking,with for some people when they,open or you know,they may face slow page loading problem,for a specific time it could be you know,sometimes the website related problem,otherwise the second troubleshooting,step that you have to do is remove any,entries from your Wi-Fi settings,navigate to settings Wi-Fi tap on the I,icon and then scroll to the bottom of,the Wi-Fi network that you have,connected and tap on configure DNS under,the DNS section and if it is set to,automatic then it is absolutely fine if,you want to try any DNS servers then the,one I normally recommend is go Google,DNS servers it is of course optional but,you may check and see whether it is,helping to fix the problem of certain,Google services or Google websites,loading faster or in general any,websites to load faster and bit better,so here I have changed the Google the,DNS to Google DNS or you may use,cloudflare DNS also you can get the both,primary and secondary DNS IP addresses,from Google search we can change the,Google DNS servers or any DNS servers,only for Wi-Fi connection not for mobile,data the next important troubleshooting,step that you have to do is navigate to,settings then Safari and scroll to the,bottom and see clear history and website,data if any Safari settings or any,temporary cache data that we have,already have in our safari browsers,affecting the website performance or the,page load speed then it is important to,perform it as a basic troubleshooting,step clear the history and website data,and remember to you know take the copy,of currently opened website links in,your Safari browser if you have a,bookmark then it is absolutely not,affected if you have iCloud sync it is,safe but if you have any Pages opened,you know left open in the Safari app it,is important to move them to the nodes,by copy pasting it and then you can,perform the clear history and website,data just in case if anything goes wrong,you know all your recently open tabs,goes deleted to prevent that it is,important to do that the last important,troubleshooting step is performing,network settings reset navigate to,settings General and then you can see,the reset option at the bottom then tap,on reset network settings this will,clear out any network settings for both,mobile data and the Wi-Fi so whether you,have problem with Wi-Fi connection or,with the mobile data it doesn't matter,this will flush everything and then you,have to try opening the website that you,have problem with in your Safari browser,either in iPhone or iPad and for some,people the last troubleshooting step,actually worked when they had similar,issue you of Twitter and YouTube,websites are not opening you know the,important thing that you need to,understand is apart from our side you,know uh like the iPhone the Safari,browser the internet connection there,are possibilities that the website that,we try to view also have some server,load issues or any applications could go,crash and you know may result in poor,page loading or when we try to download,a file a movie a music or something from,a specific website it must have worked,the last time you checked but today it,could be facing some traffic condition,issues or a traffic bandwidth related,issues if you have tried all these,troubleshooting steps and still you have,problem with specific website viewing or,downloading a file then it is advisable,to wait for some time to get such,problems fixed I hope this video helped,you to figure out why the Safari is not,loading web pages or letting you to,download files faster and if you have,any questions related to iPhone don't,forget to search our Channel with one,word to find the answers faster and for,more useful iPhone tips and tricks don't,don't forget to subscribe to our Channel,thank you and have a wonderful day

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