how to split product description shopify

Split Collection/Product Description Into Multiple Sections on Shopify Using Liquid hey guys because

Jesse Hanley

Updated on Mar 13,2023

Split Collection/Product Description Into Multiple Sections on Shopify Using Liquid

The above is a brief introduction to how to split product description shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to split product description shopify

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Split Collection/Product Description Into Multiple Sections on Shopify Using Liquid

hey guys because a few people have asked,I decided to film a quick little,tutorial on how to split your,description into two parts top piece of,content for perhaps an overview and a,bottom piece of content then you may,want to put underneath your individual,product listings you see this on sites,like top Tower which essentially have,you know their headline overview,listings and then a large long-form,article this helps them with search,whether or not this will help you for,search is another thing but for this,we're just going to talk about,tactically how to get this done on,Shopify so setup wise the first thing,that we do in our collection is we,create two pieces of content within the,description the first is the top piece,of content and then the bottom content,and then we create a separator this can,be whatever you want you know you can,you can actually literally type in what,is it,separator if you want but we're not,going to do that we're just gonna do,three dashes because that's super easy,to implement we're then gonna hit save,check our collection and notice that,that works all nicely now that we know,that this works all nicely we want to,edit the theme to actually split this,into two parts we're gonna go to your,theme metadox that's online store themes,and then find the file where your,collection is being essentially built,out for me in this kind of like demo,theme this is under collection -,template liquid others that might be in,collection liquid it just really depends,how your developer or whatever theme,you've purchased has set things up but,really what I'm looking for is I'm,looking for somewhere that's called,collection description right once I once,I have that I'm more or less kind of,good to go and start editing away so,right now let's actually I think it's,there's a few mentions here so a,collection dot description here we go,yeah there's a few of these here from,memory this one's the ones I gotta edit,so you may actually have to edit what,I'm about to show you in a couple of,places but yes I'll leave that to you,guys to work out because everything is,different and fairly unique so uh okay,cool,I've got the collection here um I don't,want to just print it so right now with,this liquid tag it's just going to print,the text I don't want to do that instead,I want to,well a bit of a thing I want to assign a,new variable so I'm gonna do a sign and,I'm gonna call this SEO content and then,I'm going to say that this equals,collection description and then I'm,going to split this out and I'm gonna,say this split is gonna be three dashes,okay done so now I have a brand new,variable if I actually just print that,variable so SEO content and hit save and,go back to the website you can see it's,now printed both parts with without the,little separator in there that's a,really good sign it means we're more or,less caught up to work if I just want to,print the first one because this is,essentially an array so a couple of,objects in here I'm if I just want to do,the top piece I just do the first bit in,the array so I click Save i refresh the,page and then you see I just have the,top content if I want to print the the,bottom content all I have to do is grab,this snippet find somewhere in my theme,that I want to paste it I'm gonna,actually place it underneath the,pagination objects and I'm just gonna,hit one once I hit save I'm gonna,refresh the page and now I've got the,bottom content here so we have achieved,exactly what we wanted you can basically,split as many objects as you want one,two three four five different objects,again all you have to do is just add,this separate us if we do third content,so let's let's actually test this second,content first content here we go I'm,gonna get save I'm going to refresh this,page you see first content second,content and then pull it all the way,down the bottom let's make this the,third content again if that's confusing,why the third piece of content is two,it's because all arrays are gonna start,at zero I'm gonna hit refresh and there,we go we've got our first piece of,content our second piece of content and,then our third piece of content so CLE,this a tactical video was helpful they,need you to follow along too if you've,got any questions just ask below in the,comments,Cheers

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