how to start a shopify store under 18

HOW TO RUN A SHOPIFY STORE IF YOU'RE UNDER 18 what's up YouTube it's Sebastian here,I've got my mons

Sebastian Esqueda

Updated on Jan 26,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to start a shopify store under 18

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what's up YouTube it's Sebastian here,I've got my monster it's freaking lit,but ice actually spilt it a second ago,but what I basically want to discuss in,this video is something that a lot of,people have been asking me and it's a,simple question but it's a kind of,complex answer and so that's why I'm,making a video on it it's how do you run,a shop of my store if you're under 18 if,you you know don't have a board yeah,well just start there if you're under 18,so a few things you have to notice,Shopify doesn't allow payments to go,through to a bank account that's under,18 or that a person who is under 18 um,individually owns they don't sorry,you know the monster and as well as when,you receive payments with PayPal PayPal,doesn't allow anyone under 18 to run a,PayPal and you'll have to verify so,that's like there's no way getting,around of that unless you're gonna take,the advice I'm giving you and before we,kind of get into this I want you guys to,understand I'm not legally you know I'm,not a financial adviser or not I don't,have all the I don't have any,credentials to actually like give you,guys advice and say fellas to the tee,I'm just like basically explaining what,I'm currently doing what I've done in,the past and how it's worked for me and,you guys can take my advice from it,where you cannot just you know that I,just kind of had to make that little,disclaimer so you guys understand that,or so I'm not you know caught in any,trouble legally in the future if this,you know anything happens but all right,let's get into this so basically you,guys have to understand again we're not,legally allowed to you know individually,run a PayPal individually run it a,Shopify store individually run a bank,account that's linked to Shopify none of,that we can individually do and keep in,mind I'm saying individually so there,are a few ways that I've kind of found,out - let me adjust this a little a few,ways that I've found out how to kind of,get around that and they made they're a,little tricky well not tricky but,they're a little gimmicky I guess that,I'm actually how I'm doing it but it's,worked for me I haven't had any troubles,it's working for me,and maybe it will why it will work for,you guys but you know again like I said,be it like do it at your own risk again,I'm not legally allowed to give you guys,you know I'm not legally allowed to say,what you can and can't do like for,I don't know business we tax reasons I,don't know I just want to make sure that,I'm putting out that that out there but,basically how I did this so with my,Shopify store it's basically set up as,my parents account but what I'm doing is,I'm basically just managing the account,and doing all the work for the business,and therefore I'm collecting all the,rewards for the business with my PayPal,account it's my parents PayPal and I'm,just you know managing the funds putting,them into each bank account and stuff,like that and I did I'm the only one who,uses the PayPal really I mean my parents,don't really ever use it but that is how,I take care of that side so now I can,collect PayPal payments and if they want,me to you know verify that it's actually,me I can actually send in my parents you,know what is it social security or,business or not business ID and stuff,like that I've already done that so I've,had this PayPal for years so that's,taken care of um I understand if you,guys do set up a PayPal and you're under,18 and they ask you to verify and you,don't they'll lock your they'll lock the,money in your account like they locked a,thousand dollars of my own money in my,account like a year ago when I was like,all I had and it sucked completely shut,down my business for like a few weeks,and mentally shut me down so it kind of,sucked but and that was when I was,buying and reselling iPhones like heavy,heavy heavy like that's all I thought my,only source of income but another thing,that you have to keep in mind your bank,account can't be an individual who's,under 18 yes it can't include that which,is what we're gonna get into but you,can't just go to the bank have a high,school checking you know account setup,and then run it and expect to receive,payments I mean yes you may but if you,if they ask you to verify or anything,you'll be screwed because you're under,18 so how we do this basically the same,person that you're using to have your,Shopify linked and your PayPal linked,you go and create a joint bank account,with your you know whatever parent or,you know brother or sister that is so,I've created a drunk bank account with,my mother so now she's on the account,and I'm on the account for legal reasons,I'm now allowed to run the money from,Shopify to my bank account or from,PayPal to that bank account all the time,and then I have another personal account,that I basically just grabbed the funds,from and put it to another one that's,like for when I need payment like you,know my hundred dollars every single,week because that's what I give myself,no matter how much I make whether it's a,thousand dollars in a week or ten,thousand dollars in a week I only put a,hundred dollars in my bank,for me to spend because I'm only 17 I,don't need to spend that much but that,is seriously how I'm taking care of all,this stuff and how I'm honestly able to,you know run a Shopify store under 18 a,lot of people don't understand that you,know you have to do those things and,take those precautions because I mean,for me I didn't know I was gonna make,thousands of dollars you know weekly,with my Shopify store so now like I'm,I'm very thankful that I've actually,taken care of this stuff you know Creed,you know pre making all the money and,not after because after that could it,could potentially screwed me I mean if I,had all the money sitting there and it,was in a PayPal account that was you,know not even legally allowed to be ran,by me I would have been screwed so you,know if you guys have not you know done,this and you're under 18 and you guys,are want to start Shopify or you're,already starting Shopify seriously I,would suggest I mean if you guys aren't,too ahead or anything or even if you are,just redo a Shopify count and restart it,as your parents and a PayPal account as,you know like I explained in this video,and do all that stuff and just to be,safe because you never want to I mean it,would suck having your business get shut,down just for something as small as that,um and so this is kind of just my advice,a little a few things that I would,recommend the bank I use I use Chase,Bank,I just got a withdraw so here's a well,envelope I use case Bank and then a,freaking awesome I love them,they made it super simple for me to,actually go and you know get a get a,drawing account with my parents and,stuff like that and know I'm not,affiliated by Chase I'd be awesome if,they you know hit me up with that,affiliate marketing though or the kind,of failure program don't know I'm just,kidding but that's you know that's kind,of the bank I use or that is the mink I,use and you know again they're very,simple to use and to work with so it's,awesome but yes this is basically just a,video on how to run a Shopify store if,you're under 18 and how to take care of,all the legal aspects of it as for us,you know the getting around not you know,how you're not allowed to run a PayPal,account under 18 how you not allowed to,send payments to a bank account on,Shopify if you're under it if the bank,account owner is under 18 so that's,basically it for this video if you guys,do want to check out Shopify my link is,in the description and you guys can you,know click that use that you get a 14,day free trial and it's freaking awesome,Shopify is awesome seriously Shopify,drop shipping as change,my life it's insane the numbers like,I've hit and I don't know it's just it's,awesome I love the concept of not having,much money or not having to have much,money and making it to a lot I mean my,first day I hit I had 47 dollars in my,bank account I put in $10 or $7 in to,influence or promotion and then I turned,that into five hundred and thirty three,dollars in my first day just with you,know influencer marketing and she'll fly,drop shipping now those results may not,happen to you right away but if you you,know stay consistent it will happen,eventually so hope you guys have a great,rest of your day if you enjoyed this,video give it a like give it a comment,and subscribe if you guys are new I'm,posting content as fast as I possibly,can which is I'm trying to do one a day,and I'm gonna be hopping on livestream,tonight later I'm going to see the movie,it it's freaking it's about to be so,scary but once I come back up on,livestream for you know maybe like 30,minutes to an hour so that will be,awesome but other than that I hope you,guys have a great rest of your day,again if you guys have not started,Shopify yet why are you waiting like,seriously we're so blessed with the,opportunities we currently have I don't,know why people push things off so again,if you want to get started,links in the description yes it's my,affiliate link but you know who cares,everyone's I mean why not if you're,already gonna start why not use my link,so other than that hope you guys have a,great rest of your day and I will talk,to you guys tonight,see ya,everything changes

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