how to start free + shipping shopify

How To Actually Start A Dropshipping Business (FREE Guide) many of you guys watching have probably,h

Sebastian Esqueda

Updated on Mar 26,2023

How To Actually Start A Dropshipping Business (FREE Guide)

The above is a brief introduction to how to start free + shipping shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to start free + shipping shopify

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how to start free + shipping shopify catalogs

How To Actually Start A Dropshipping Business (FREE Guide)

many of you guys watching have probably,heard of Shopify dropshipping but are,just wondering how the heck do you,actually do it and I completely,understand you drop shipping is one of,those business models we have tons of,people online talking about how,profitable it is and how you can make,thousands of dollars every single month,while living at home just on a laptop,and it's true but to be honest there's,an overwhelming amount of new people,coming into the space having a little,bit of success who really have no,business sharing information on Drop,Shipping and Shopify as a whole and in,turn it leaves a lot of you guys,clueless and unsure as to exactly where,to start with the business model and I,completely understand the frustration so,since I'm such a nice and generous guy,I'm going to show you exactly how to,actually start your very own Shopify,business right here right now and the,best part is it's completely free I've,been Drop Shipping since 2017 I've,generated millions of dollars with the,business model and so I know a thing or,two about it it's not like I just had my,first hundred dollar day and I'm coming,on here to make videos it's not like,that by any means now there's also going,to be a huge announcement at the end of,the video so make sure you stick around,it's going to be in an insane,opportunity where you could potentially,win thousands and thousands and even,tens of thousands of dollars for simply,just starting Drop Shipping and having a,successful store but I'll wait to,explain that till the end of the video,so just stick around take notes and then,by the end of the video you're gonna,have an insane opportunity on your hands,that I think is like one of its kind so,just sit tight and hang on get a notepad,ready because we honestly have a ton of,work to do so let's get into it first,things first we need to make a Shopify,store so I will have a link below but,this is essentially the backbone of your,business and this is exactly where,you'll be housing your website so once,you put an email in I created a simple,one that sounds very clever subscribe to,seb's channel if you're watching this,subscribe might as well I'm showing you,guys how to start a Shopify business so,then once you do that just click Start,your free trial and then this will,essentially take you through a ton of,stuff that you don't honestly even need,to do so just click Skip Skip,and Skip you don't even need to put a,store name in you can change it at any,time so it does not really matter you,will need to select your country so,select that I'm currently in us and then,for create a shopping ID I just continue,with Google and then select my email and,then that's kind of it your Shopify,store is now being built and it's not,like it's going to be completed but,you'll have the account now so now you,can actually lay the framework and start,building out the store I'll quickly go,over though how to actually set all this,stuff up and how to use your Shopify,store so this is the home page this is,where you're going to start seeing all,your orders and stuff essentially like,it's not going to show up right now,because we haven't picked a plan and,done anything so it's going to try and,like force us to do tons of stuff like,add some apps make products do a name,customize the theme domain all that,stuff and tons of other good stuff so,that is the home page but once you have,this all set up it will show you the,orders you have today the visits and,stuff like that and then orders this is,essentially once people place an order,this is where the info will go and then,for the products tab this is if you guys,want to guess this is where all the,products show up so I'll show you guys,exactly how to add products to your,store and how to fulfill them even like,when you get orders in and your,customers actually place an order and,they show up here how to Auto fulfill,them so you guys don't need to use,AliExpress ditch that old stuff it,doesn't work anymore there's other,better ways to fulfill your orders with,Shopify and so I'll show you how to do,all that stuff how to add products and,then customers finances analytics is,actually very important this is going to,show you sales sessions returning,customer rate your conversion rate so if,100 people land on your site and only,one person buys it will be a one percent,conversion rate it even breaks it down,further and just tons of good stuff so,this is the backbone of your business,but more importantly what we need to do,is go to apps so what we're going to do,is just type in what's called Zen drop,so type that in and this is going to be,where you actually fulfill your orders,and once customers Place orders they are,going to be the company that is helping,you out with getting the product from,their warehouse into the customer's,hands automated so there's a way to do,it completely automated where you,literally don't even have to click place,order or fulfill order they handle,everything we've done thousands of,orders per day with zendrop they are an,amazing supplier and Company I want have,an affiliate link I don't want to scare,you guys off and think like Zen drops a,scam and I'm just doing this video to,help them out I'm not at all but for,password we will just put in uh,something random and then let's do this,let's hope I remembered it I think,that's it for phone number I'm gonna do,a basic one hopefully that works we'll,see a text message and then let's see if,that works yeah cool that works so we're,good to go the accounts made I didn't,put my real phone number in so don't try,calling me but once you get into the,account this is where the fun begins so,now you can just kind of surf around,four cool products and see essentially,what you want to sell you can do this,there are tons of other ways to find,products now I kind of already know,products that sell well but if you guys,want more in-depth details on product,research and stuff I will have a link,below for a free Drop Shipping course,it's completely free it took me a few,weeks to film and I released it for free,with one of my business partners,Sebastian Georgia so again the course is,free we're like giving you everything I,do on a daily basis for the Drop,Shipping business for free so again all,the link below for that like I did,mention I already know some products,that are working well so we can just do,like there are a few I'm seeing right,now that do well we can just kind of,pick one of them I always like to sell,problem solving products so we can just,say like this hot and cold gel therapy,mask it's a good product I've seen it on,Tick Tock a little bit so we'll just,click it and then essentially all you,have to do to get the product from,zendrop onto your website you don't need,to go on here and then go to products,and create a product it's nothing like,that and this is completely ditching,AliExpress all you do is again add that,app click add to import list go to,import list and then right here all,you'll need to do is edit your,description if you want to edit the,variants so one of the things you'll,need to do is edit the sale price for,myself I would want to have at least,like a 3X markup so we'll just say nine,dollars plus six dollars is going to be,15. so we can sell this for 39.99 that's,a decent enough margin and then just,plug that in for every single color and,I'm just copy and pasting it just to,make my life easy and then from there,we're profiting to twenty five dollars,per sale so if we get 10 sales we will,be profiting 250 dollars next you need,to select the photos so make sure you,are not selecting photos that look like,they came from AliExpress or came from,somewhere bad because if you guys do,that it's gonna look scammy I saw other,videos where people were trying to show,you guys how to make a website and the,photos all look like this and like this,and like this and like this and like,this that's not what actually works and,take this from someone who actually,knows what they're talking about don't,do that don't do that don't do anything,in regards to those images because it,doesn't look good on your website at all,like no one wants to actually look at,this and say like oh yeah I'm gonna buy,it because I have all that stuff it's,like they know that it's salesy and,people literally they just want to see,the product and use so always keep that,in mind like this would have been a good,image but they just blew it up with all,those dumb little logos and stuff so,people would much rather just like to,see someone using the product rather,than it be super salesy with tons of,deck so keep that in mind when you're,making your store make the photos look,natural and appealing to the audience,and they will likely be more inclined to,buy from your store and then from here,they're basically just saying please,read got it don't display it again and,we'll confirm and then now this product,will be in our store in a second it,takes like a minute or two but once it,actually goes through it will load and,yeah there it is I think it's still kind,of importing some stuff but let's check,it out and see so yeah okay all right,and just like that the product is there,we are good to go now it is time to,start setting up the fun stuff which is,going to be what I like to call the,exoskeleton which is your theme that's,going to be home page coloring and,basically setting up everything so that,way people can look at your website and,they actually want to buy because I'll,show you what Shopify gives you it isn't,much it looks pretty bad so all like you,know this is not anything anyone should,be letting slide and even the products,page it looks like trash and it's not,good at all so I will show you guys,exactly how to set up a good one and it,doesn't even take too long like I'm,going to walk you guys through the whole,thing so first things first I don't use,the dawn theme I personally explore free,themes and I scroll down to What's,called the sense theme right there it's,a super simple theme it looks amazing,like it has the potential to get so,branded if you know how to set it up,which the sense theme is kind of our, we've done quarter million dollar,weeks with this theme so we know what,we're doing when I set this up so I'll,show you guys how to set it up to where,it looks very trustworthy and your,customers are going to love you and,you're going to have a really good,conversion rate with this theme so now,that it is here all we need to do is,before we get into editing the home page,and editing all that stuff we just want,to go to footer and then you want to go,here and then you want to go to powered,and then all you need to do is delete,this,little line right there and click save,and then what we will do is preview the,store and essentially that just removes,the powered by Shopify logo down here,that usually would show so usually it,says 2022 my store powered by Shopify we,removed that because we don't want it to,say powered by Shopify it then links to,your web to Shopify and stuff and that's,really not important so we just wanted,to remove that and then one more thing,and I know I may be talking a little bit,fast so if you guys need to play this on,like 0.5 or whatever be my guest but,that is pretty much how you remove the,Shopify logo on the bottom of your store,now you can just click customize and it,is time to start setting this all up and,you'll notice that it says my store we,will change that I'll show you guys how,to change that but first we need to set,up foundational stuff which is the home,page the colors the color scheme and,just every single piece of content on,the home page to make sure it looks,decent and presentable that way you guys,can make money because you know that's,kind of why we're all here so first,things first let's get into the coloring,all right so I do pure white I don't do,off-white so I'm going to swap that,solid button label to Pure White and,then what you want to do when you're,changing all these colors make sure you,know what you're changing otherwise you,could change something weird and then it,could mess up your theme coloring and so,just like when you're changing stuff,make sure you know what you're doing so,I always come to the product page to,ensure that I'm actually changing the,right stuff if it's something where I,don't want to actually change it or I,change the wrong thing I'm always,looking just to see exactly what I am,changing so yeah keep that in mind but,for this store I'm going to do some sort,of blue just because blue is a color,that's associated with trust and being,calm and stuff and so I want to do a,nice simple blue so we're going to grab,this code right here and then this is,essentially the blue we're going to run,with so let's just plug that in right,there and make that the color that we,run with for accent two gradient we will,also do it right here all we need to do,plug it in there and then what we're,going to do here plug it in there do it,a little bit darker and that is going to,be a gradient,and then pretty much everything else we,can try this blue and see how it looks,for this background we'll go to the home,page to kind of check it out in a second,and then for this gradient this is going,to be blue and then I believe it is this,pink we will change it to,um let's redo that yep there we go we'll,change it to a blue like that,and then we will do that and do a little,bit lighter blue so that way it looks,good and looks nice and trustworthy so,let's check that out let me so now that,we've done all those Blues I'm just,going to go to my store and check out,exactly how it looks so it looks good to,me everything looks nice and simple but,it still looks naked and no one likes,naked unless we're talking about other,stuff so all I did was click free images,all I've done was click this free images,tab and then typed in sleep I think,that's a very simple term that you can,just search up and find a lot of good,images this is naturally what I'm going,to associate this product with so you,can kind of just pick one of these,images like that's a cool image right,there you can select it and the pink,kind of goes with the blue it's a nice,little combination and they complement,each other so that's good right there,but don't over complicate the home page,I know we're setting up this store,specifically for this product but if you,guys are doing a general store like just,make this image something general like,someone smiling or playing like it just,it doesn't matter as much as people,think it's just needs to be something,simple and you have to have stuff there,like right like there's tons of stuff,that's still blank don't leave any of,this on your theme even if you're,extremely lazy just delete some of the,stuff rather than leaving it blank so,that's my two cents but yeah for this,you can just say relieve,your tension,and that can be the text and then for,this we can just say the,um let me just kind of read this product,real quick and make sure I know exactly,what it is because you want to learn a,little bit about the product so it is,essentially a hot cold gel therapy,migraine relief cap so it kind of,alleviates pain and stress and suffering,and so from that relieve your attention,the hoco there's a trash truck that,keeps driving by so excuse that noise,but essentially what I would title this,product is the hoco relief band or,relief cap so hoco is hot cold relief,cap that's a brilliant name holy she,leaves tension and reduces,migraines caused by,stress headaches,migraines,and any other,issues caused some stress,and uh,cause and any other issues all right so,pretty much all I have for the homepage,the hoco relief cap relieves tension and,reduces headaches migraines and any,other issues don't really need to,overthink this so here's where a lot of,dropshippers I think mess up a lot of,you guys when you're watching this video,you guys are trying to learn exactly how,to do everything and what I'm doing,right here is just linking up the,product but a lot of you guys set this,store up and will set up a store and,think that everything matters so much,when like obviously you know setting up,your store matters but like set it up,test the product if the product works,and if you get sales profitably then,come back here and be like okay maybe I,should change this sentence like maybe,this sounds like or maybe it,sounds amazing and I should just reword,the relieve your attention or something,but when you're testing the product,don't nitpick every single thing because,again it doesn't have to be perfect,you're just testing a product out so,just keep that in mind when you're,running this store and even setting up,your home page it is not as important as,you think also the home page background,looks kind of bad so I'm just going to,do Pure White I didn't want to do that,little nasty off-white color so yeah,looks a whole lot better and then all we,will need to do is let's make sure this,text is black as well and outline,buttons is also black and yeah it looks,a whole lot better so now talk about,your brand you can add stuff similar I'm,just going to remove the section for,this you can add stuff if you want I'm,going to remove this section and you,guys get the gist I'm going to remove,everything because it is all not,important you're sending ads and sending,traffic to your product page it's just,important that you have something on,your home page it doesn't have to be a,Picasso art piece it just needs to look,okay and then what you can do is just,add a featured product right here and,then all you'll need to do is just,select the product you guys just,imported from zendrop so just select,that and now relieve your tension,subscribe to our emails and that's that,and then let's swap this and do this,down here let's swap the emails and put,them at the bottom that's always needed,and then now that's pretty much the home,page we can show you exactly how it,looks like on mobile so there it is,relieve your tension here's the product,which again I will edit all this stuff,I'll show you guys exactly what I'll,name the product product description,we're going to get into all that stuff I,just needed to lay the basic groundwork,set up the theme so now at the home page,and colorings all set up let's get into,the product page and I'll get into this,after I just want to set up the product,page that's more important than the,footer if I'm being completely honest so,click save and then let's get into,setting up the product page all right,now that we're customizing the product,you guys can do it all on your own or,you can just go ahead and Google the,product and then look at what the most,popular sellers are selling it for so I,know that this is a good website because,they have multiple listings if you are,like familiar with Google ads if you can,have multiple listings as number one,that's an amazing sign it probably means,they're doing well so what I'm going to,do is come onto their website and just,see exactly what they're saying about,the product and the benefits and stuff,so 360 degree headache and migraine,relief gel cap for ice cold hot therapy,so we'll just copy that and throw that,in here so I'm not one for saying like,completely copy stuff but take this plug,it in here 360 degree headache and,migraine relief gel cap for ice cold hot,therapy so that's a little wordy I know,they're running Google ads so that's,probably why for the title we'll do 360,degree headache and migraine hot cold,relief gel cap that's the name and you,can even make this more concise you can,do something as simple as relief gel cap,or something along those lines however I,wanted to get those keywords in there to,really make sure people when they're,reading this title they read it and,they're like oh my God I need this I,have headaches I have migraines and then,they buy so that's my whole thought,process for why I threw those words in,there so now let's get to the,description all right product,description surprise surprise I'm gonna,do something similar so we will study,what competitor are actually saying,about the product so they're saying slip,on this comfortable cap for instant,relief let's take this copy and then,let's plug this in right there,and then what we will do is we will look,to see what sort of I don't really like,their images and they are it looks like,they're a bigger store so that's funny,let's check out this and see if they've,got any better images it doesn't look,like it they have this but this is not a,gif we can take so,we might need to look for another,website,all right so all I'm doing is saving a,lot of these images from here and just,gonna basically throw them on my website,the reason I'm doing this is that's a,funny gif,I don't know if she's multitasking but,I'm doing this because these are all,generic videos that these people have,taken I don't know if you can tell but a,lot of them don't have the logo on but,they are selling the product as if it,has a logo but I don't even think it,does because that looks kind of edited,so with that in mind all we're going to,do is start to plug this stuff in and,then basically we'll form a product,description so I'm going to kind of,start like taking some of the stuff that,they are saying about the product and,plugging it into my description until we,come to a conclusion but my computer is,going into power drive mode I don't know,if it's trying to hack into the Pentagon,or something but the fans are running so,I'm basically going to write the product,description I'll update you guys when I,write it just keep in mind when you're,writing your description write based on,the product benefits and why a customer,should want the product not based on,like oh the uh like it's a cool color,it's pink it's blue people don't care,about that they only care about the,benefits usually like they want to buy,the product because they want their,headache to be resolved they want,migraines to go way so keep that in mind,when you're writing your product,description and overall any sort of,website you set up make sure you're,selling it to your target audience and,make sure you're selling based on the,benefits of the product not the,physicality so with that being said I'm,going to get into some in-depth writing,for this product description and I'll,show you guys what I come up with in a,second all right so since it is the,sense theme I actually just headed to,edit theme I may rearrange this and do,it a little bit of a different way and,plug these in like so so what I can do,here is Select this GIF and then start,to set up the website like this instead,of doing a very traditional product,description so I'm going to see exactly,how it'll look let me just hide some,stuff on here so essentially if we are,going to do this we're going to need to,hide a lot of these little tabs just so,that we can show them the product,benefits as soon as possible so we're,going to have that as it like that so,I'm going to start working on this and,you guys can kind of follow along but,I'm going to Zone in because I need to,do some thinking so okay so I basically,just wrote leave tension get rid of,those nasty migraines with the hoco cap,it's simple to use and more importantly,natural so you can kiss the medication,goodbye I'm not saying you can say this,I'm just saying if I were selling this,product that's probably what I would say,so that's a good way to start to mention,the product benefits now I haven't done,research on medical claims and stuff and,I don't recommend you do medical claims,but I'm just simply saying now this is,what I would personally probably do if I,were selling the product you have to,obviously tippy-toe around the policies,if you're selling on Facebook or Tick,Tock or wherever so just make sure when,you're setting this up it's within the,parameters of whatever platform you guys,are selling on you don't want to be,breaking the law and the next thing you,know your store gets banned and your ad,accounts get banned or anything like,that so just make sure when you're,setting up your Shopify business make,sure you're not like over promising,results and all that stuff obviously I'm,setting and writing all this text with,it in mind like that the product,actually works and I'm just speed,running the whole thing if you guys are,actually going to do this just make sure,you do proper research go on YouTube,learn about the product product overall,just make sure you're not bsing but for,the case of this video I have to kind of,you know accept some stuff which is why,I'm kind of just writing like the,product is what it is so yeah I'm gonna,get back into all of this and finish up,the product page and show you what I've,got all right next immediate relief in,just five minutes chill out after a long,day with personal at-home Spa relief,treatment wear it as both a cap or an,eye mask continue your productive day,without the pain ruining your focus so,there we go that is the second section,and then what we can do is a similar,section like this so just freeze it and,heat it so we will copy this we'll add,another section and we will do the same,exact thing and then our website or,product page will be pretty close to,complete let's first set up the overall,accents and make sure the coloring is,good and then we'll select this one,right here plug that in we'll also plug,all this text in to make sure it looks,nice and professional and then it should,be good to go so let's check it out,and see exactly how it looks so and then,since these all have buttons just make,sure you hide the button label all right,so this is generally what the product,page will look like now there's a few,little things we have to do like for,example this little announcement bar,right here we can remove that if we want,or you can say free shipping,shipping until midnight you can do,something like that or free shipping,over 50 orders over fifty dollars orders,you can do something like that and then,click save and make that's pretty much,the overall setup and that will be that,from there though that's pretty much the,product page as you guys can see there's,still some little things I need to,change the product price I'll change,that in a second and then for colors,only do three colors if you're selling,something like that so you can do pink,blue and you can do purple so do that or,if you want to do gray to keep it,neutral and sort of manly if you want to,sell the men so do pink blue and gray,and then all this looks really good but,there are still a few more issues for,example there's no reviews down here the,footer page is not completely finished,and lastly when people scroll down,there's nowhere for them to buy the,product so if they're very hooked and,they're like oh my God you just freeze,it and heat it this is amazing I want,the product so bad there's nowhere for,them to click purchase or click buy you,have to scroll all the way up however we,can do something different to make sure,that that is fixed so I'll show you guys,how to do that and then this Shopify,business will be complete so first let's,get into reviews because this is crucial,when people scroll down they want to see,social proof they want to see that,people have bought the product and have,trusted this website and I'm going to,show you guys how you can easily set up,reviews it doesn't take too long so,let's get into it so all you'll need to,do is go to apps and then just do alley,reviews this is the app I personally use,it's very simple to use and it is pretty,much free unless you do an insane amount,of reviews so just click add app and you,will be good to go and then we can start,syncing up reviews from an AliExpress,listing this is the only part of the,video where we will actually use,AliExpress only because they have a lot,of reviews on their product and so,that's kind of the only way to get tons,of reviews unless you want to write them,manually but we don't have time for that,so we're just going to grab them,directly from AliExpress so one thing we,will need is coloring which means we,need to come into our theme and then go,to the colors and then snag that color,code that way we can have the same color,reviews as our overall website so let's,do that so you can do a list a grid a,carousel we'll just do a grid and then,we'll click next and this will be,exactly how it'll look once alley,reviews is installed go to import,reviews and then for this you'll want to,click import on the product now it's,going to say paste URL of AliExpress,product what you want to do go on,AliExpress I already typed in hot cold,relief cap and so I have the search term,up there and then this one has around 2,000 orders so I'm just going to grab,this link and it's not working so we're,going to need to refresh AliExpress,AliExpress has been bugging out for the,past few weeks so you know disregard,that that's why I don't use them to,fulfill orders and then that's pretty,much what you'll do you'll plug the link,in and then exclude the last seven days,we can not exclude that we can just do,all time and then apply and then reviews,per import we can oh I guess we can only,do 10 with the current plan so we'll,just do 10 for now and then let's do,that so that looks pretty good okay cool,Imports all right now that the reviews,are imported we can then manage the,reviews and see if there are things that,we actually like liked or didn't like so,unfortunately I did not pick a good,product as far as reviews go like,there's a lot of bad reviews however,that's not really the importance of the,video like I'm not showing you guys how,to pick the best products it's just kind,of going over building out the site but,the reviews are set up and like I,mentioned there's one more thing we need,to do we need to add a sticky add to,cart so what we'll do is do sticky cart,by uplinkly I'm not sponsored by any of,these platforms I have no affiliate,links I'm just sharing with you guys the,apps I'm currently using so that's kind,of the gist of this so sticky cart I,love this app because when you set up a,sticky add to cart button with this app,you can actually set it up to where it,shows even if they don't even touch the,screen so if they click on an ad that's,your product they land on your website,even if they don't move the screen a,sticky cart pops up where it says hey,add to cart and so I think it's amazing,because you can actually go in and set,up this sticky cart that shows right,when people again land on your site and,it looks really good so we'll just do,that animation none bottom left left the,screen,visitor Scrolls this is where you change,it visitor Scrolls past regular you can,do it to Page load so that it's always,displaying and then for style you want,to come here do not do automatically and,then for colors you want to sync it up,with your theme so if it's a blue and,then I do white text that's pretty much,it and then you'll just do enable and,now the sticky cart will be on your,overall website so then you'll need to,go here ensure you guys actually publish,the proper theme so like I mentioned I,do sense theme you want to publish it,and make sure it's all set up and then,that will be pretty much your store so,now you can preview it and it's not,finished so don't go anywhere yet we've,got a few more things to do but then it,will be good so let's quickly just see,if the sticky car is working properly so,we'll go here and then just go down to,the overall product page now as you guys,can see you can just scroll through and,even if you don't scroll it shows the,add to cart which is amazing because if,they're all the way down here and,they're like oh yeah I want to buy the,product boom just add it and now boom,it's in your cart then you can click,checkout and you're are good to go and,it's not available because it's a,private store but we have a few more,things to do and then the store will be,done so let's first build out a new logo,let's make a good logo and then let's do,the footer page and then I'll let you go,you're on your way your store is done,and most of the hard work is going to be,out of the way so for me I just create,logos on canvas so we will just do a,logo which is 500 by 500 actually let's,do it a little bit bigger let's see what,we've got,um we can do a presentation it's going,to manually try to make us save it as a,PDF or something just make sure you guys,save it as a PNG or JPEG and so now all,you need to do is go and see what your,overall product name wants to be however,I already said my product name is going,to be the hoco,cap so you can just do it like this hoco,cap and then what we'll do is we will,pick a nice little font I don't have the,paid version on this computer so we will,just be at the mercy of canva and pick,hopefully a good,um a good font that they have so let's,go through it and see what they've got I,actually liked this one or no this one,hoco cap that one's pretty cool so let's,make this a little bit bigger and then,all you guys honestly need to do is do,something like this,uh let's do elements and let's do fire,all right that's pretty much the logo I,had in mind was just something very,simple and again made with canva so boom,there you go there's the hoco cap and,then on here all we'll need to do is,upload the logo right there click select,and now we're good to go we can make,this a little bit bigger that way it,looks good and that's pretty much it for,setting up the logo very simple it looks,good if you guys don't get what I was,doing it's a fire on top and then a,little snowflake it doesn't look perfect,however it's fine like it's gonna work,and it's completely fine so then we'll,just click save and now all we really,need to do is the footer and the Little,Pages like the contact us page the,catalog and all that stuff make it look,all clean and then that's pretty much it,so let's quickly go back exit and then,we'll go to navigation we will start to,edit all of this stuff so footer menu,this is where you guys add policies now,I'm not going to set them all up and,actually edit them and stuff but all you,need to do is go to policies click,create from templates and then for all,of these click create from template,create oops create from templates for,all of these like I just mentioned,however I don't have all of my,information plugged in here it's just,literally you know name email and no,address and then for shipping policy you,can honestly if you just won say,for standard,shipping and then for shipping policy,you can just type in this for standard,shipping please allow two to three,business days for processing before,expecting movement on your tracking,number shipping takes 15 to 19 days you,can do 20 you can do 15 to 17 you can do,10 to 15. just be sure you guys are,being honest zendrop does do pretty fast,shipping times like I don't know if you,guys can see 10 to 15 day shipping and,then one to three day processing time so,whatever you guys are using to fulfill,the orders just input their information,and do it just like that and then I,always say if it's been longer than 30,days since ordering your product and you,still have not received anything please,email us at blank and then put your,email and when you guys are entering in,all this stuff and all these different,policies make sure you go through it and,read what you guys are agreeing to like,stay on your website because some of the,times you guys say some weird stuff in,here and Shopify gives you some crazy,stuff some of these things also are,things that you need to delete like,there's just open like you know insert,if using Shopify audiences like there's,just stuff you need to delete and,there's also addresses that we'll plug,in on here so just be careful when,you're setting this up for now I'm going,to click save and then that will be the,policies then all you'll need to do is,go to navigation go on to footer and,then start to add all of these different,pages so then you'll just go here you,don't need to type in a name just go,policies and then start to click through,your policies so contact information you,can go to the next one which will be,privacy policy and just keep adding all,of these policies until they're all on,the footer these aren't needed to run,your business so do not skip this part,or you can get in some deep trouble for,not mentioning all these policies I've,seen it happen before so definitely,don't make that mistake but then once,that's all done just click save you can,obviously edit the names if you want but,I'm just going to leave them blank,because it doesn't matter too much and,then lastly just do main menu you can do,home and then do shop now because it is,one product if you guys are doing a,general store do catalog or do even shop,now still and then that's where you,select the product and then for contact,it's already going to be synced up with,the con contact page you can do contact,us contact is fine though and then just,click save now this will look like this,and this is essentially your website,hoco cap home shop now contact and then,that's pretty much it that is the whole,section and I just realized I did not,edit one more part so we've gotta go in,here and edit one more thing so that's,pretty much it I did notice all these,things like our promise image and our,store all that stuff's not needed on the,footer menu so then you'll just click,save and then lastly because we've,already came up with a name for our,Shopify store all you need to do is go,on to settings and if you ever need to,change your store name you just click,edit and do hoco,cap and you can do TM if you want just,to make it look a little bit more,professional there you guys go save and,now your store is set up now you can,click refresh all this looks good says,hoco cap at the bottom and your,website's done and it did not take us,too long I don't know if you guys watch,this whole video but shouldn't be too,long and yeah that's pretty much it that,is the overall product page there's the,product reviews I know reviews sucked,but yeah that is how to start your very,first Drop Shipping business and it was,actually not too hard so yeah there it,is all right that was a long video even,for me to film and I do this on a daily,basis pretty much like Drop Shipping is,my life and I'm exhausted and I can,imagine you guys are as well so you know,just chill out for a bit pat yourself on,the back you guys did the bulk of the,work building on a store is draining and,I am with you guys now comes the fun,stuff marketing but I am not going to,even attempt to go over that in this,video because I'm absolutely drained,however if you guys are interested in,something thing insane this is the,announcement that I had for you guys,essentially myself and Sebastian Georgia,are giving away over one hundred,thousand dollars in the next 60 days,which is absolutely insane but,essentially all you have to do is start,a Drop Shipping Store make 500 in sales,profitably and you will be entered in to,win some serious cash like thousands of,dollars and it sounds insane saying this,but it's completely true there's a link,below to join and it may sound crazy and,interesting but you guys might not know,exactly where to go for marketing and,stuff don't worry we thought of that and,we have a whole free course for you guys,to actually go along with this challenge,that's completely free to join and we,also are going to be doing weekly calls,with this challenge basically forcing,you guys to be successful with this,business and I think it's a great thing,that we're able to do this so I'm very,excited to be announcing this challenge,just because we've been working on it,for so long and we plan on giving away,some insane amounts of money to some,lucky people so I'm hyped about it,hopefully you guys are as well if you,want more information I'll have a link,below or just go to the the, and check it out and,it's not like Shopify is paying us the,money to give away we are literally just,giving away out of our own pockets and,hopefully you could be someone that we,actually give money to so hopefully you,enjoyed this video got value from it and,I will see you in the next one

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