how to tell shopify magento

Magento vs Shopify : Which Is the Absolute Best? hello guys and welcome to our in-depth,comparison o

Tech Pro Journal

Updated on Feb 25,2023

Magento vs Shopify : Which Is the Absolute Best?

The above is a brief introduction to how to tell shopify magento

Let's move on to the first section of how to tell shopify magento

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how to tell shopify magento catalogs

Magento vs Shopify : Which Is the Absolute Best?

hello guys and welcome to our in-depth,comparison of shopify versus magento,you'll find the links to the products in,the description and you can use the,links to check user reviews and the,latest prices make sure you watch until,the end of the video to know my final,verdict on which e-commerce platform is,better,so the main difference between these,e-commerce platforms is their pricing,shopify is a hosted platform this means,that all the hosting costs are included,in your subscription magento on the,other hand is a self-hosted platform and,you have to pay for extensions domain,security and other services this might,make shopify look cheaper at first but,there are extra charges for themes and,apps unlike magento where the cost,incurred only depends on your,requirements though shopify is expensive,at the end of the day i found the,pricing to be simple and straightforward,i also appreciate the convenient cost of,using,magento themes,aside from the pricing these two,platforms also differ in their themes,shopify has a couple of free themes,which i found to be convenient because i,didn't want to spend any money on my,first try the premium themes only added,to the initial cost and were not as,flexible as the ones on magento the,themes on magento are a little high in,the price but they can be personalized,in several different ways,you can even create a theme from scratch,if you have the funds and coding,knowledge with shopify themes they're,all mobile optimized this means that,they'll work effectively on any device,via desktop or mobile phone you can edit,their color palettes and images and add,social media feeds when it comes to,magento it all depends on your,technology the themes are flexible which,means you can add features to them that,are not on other templates,ease of use,the usability of shopify is way easier,than magento's you don't need any,experience to use it magento on the,other hand requires you to have advanced,knowledge of coding and technology to,set up your online store even though it,gives you complete control over your,website i found the whole process too,hectic shopify is built for everyone and,it only gave me my business to worry,about and not the website as well this,does not mean that it's as automatic as,it sounds it would be best if you,learned how to use it effectively the,difference is that the learning curve of,magento is a lot steeper than that of,shopify,extensions,shopify has over 4 200 apps that enable,you to add features and boost the sales,of your products some of these apps are,paid which is an additional cost to the,initial subscription they're easy to,install from the app store and are,continuously developing to expand the,functionality of the website through,email marketing and accounting to,mention but a few magento extensions are,over 5 000 which allow you to promote,your products and can be accessed,through the magento marketplace the,extensions don't need any coding,knowledge to implement which i found to,be relieving for a change the extensions,help a lot in improving sales,for example the pre-order automatically,sends emails of available products to,potential customers,how do the two e-commerce platforms,compare in terms of specification,designs,winner shopify has free themes that give,beginners a trial opportunity,usability,winner,shopify is a lot simpler to use,performance,winner with shopify stability is assured,coupons and discounts,winner,coupons and discounts are an added,advantage in magento,from the table the two platforms are,head-to-head but shopify is the obvious,winner with free themes easy usability,and unstable performance compared to,magento,similarities between shopify and magento,while these two platforms may seem,distinct they have a couple of features,that make them similar they both have,similar store functionalities like,shopping carts product pages checkout,modules and promotion tools and though,you have to get an app for shopify to,access these functions the outcome is,pretty much the same at the end of the,day they both can be used to open,functional online stores to showcase,products to the online audience so in,case you're wondering if you can use the,platform simultaneously for the same,store you might consider picking just,one they both have online themes that,add a personal feel to your products the,themes can be customized depending on,what your store is selling they also,have seo capabilities to make your,website more visible,things you should know before setting up,a shopify before starting an online,store on shopify there are things you,should take into account one you will,spend a lot more on shopify than you,would on magento although you will pay a,monthly or yearly subscription there are,added costs along the way like,installing the apps and purchasing,themes there are also different versions,of shopify like lite plus and pos light,is cost efficient and mostly for small,businesses but you'll likely miss out on,the discounts and coupons shopify plus,has more features and functionalities,while pos point of sale is more suited,for physical stores looking to expand,their outreach when using the light plan,i noticed that at one point it could not,accommodate all my products so i had to,upgrade to a higher priced plan the same,happened to the new plan and i realized,that the platform does not offer,unlimited products so you might want to,purchase a plan that suits your products,and you can know which during your first,14 day free trial the features that,stood out for me were the abandoned cart,recovery and shopify community,you can send automatic emails to,customers who left your website,mid-purchase which enables you to,recover lost sales and can also interact,with other e-merchants on shopify and,experts and discuss issues on the sites,in an informal and conducive way,what we liked,it is user friendly,has responsive themes that can be used,on different devices,has advanced functionality features,what we did not like,it is,expensive the themes are limited in,terms of number and customization,things you should know before setting up,a magento before deciding to start your,online store on magento you should know,that despite the installation and setup,process being free it requires advanced,knowledge in coding to start my store i,had to hire a web developer to do the,basics there is a monthly payment to the,web hosting the cost is however still,low compared to shopify subscriptions,you have the freedom to choose your,desired web hosting and the process is,made easy with lower costing monthly,payments magento also has themes that,you can customize by adding animations,and newsletter options aside from the,available themes you can also create,your own from scratch,these features are most convenient for,enterprises and it might be wasteful to,set up a small business on this platform,you have complete control over your,website when using this platform and,also has a perfect inventory system that,allows you to access revenue reports and,have visitor counts the payment gateways,are higher than in shopify which,guarantees a better payment processor,the platform's performance speed depends,on the web host and this might pose a,challenge magento has a community and an,enterprise plan the community plan is,not as advanced but the enterprise plan,targets big businesses that earn high,revenues and already have global,audiences,what we liked,it is scalable it has a large variety of,features,its themes are customizable,what we did not like,it's expensive,it's not suitable for all users since it,requires coding knowledge,verdict,so which is better shopify or magento,everything considered i have to say,shopify is the winner in this case,magento is more of a platform for big,businesses that have already developed,while shopify offers a platform for,everybody a beginner or an enterprise to,open an online store and sell their,products shopify is also easy to start,and use which is a big advantage it has,against magento's coding requirements,for installation though shopify has high,prices there are a lot of advantages,like the 14 day free trial and the free,themes which cancels out the cost if,you're running a small business and,you're looking to obtain online,customers then shopify is the way to go,for a large business with good funds and,a marketing team magento is a good,option but shopify can do the work just,as well,if you like this video please give it a,thumbs up and subscribe to the channel,for more also let us know what you would,like us to compare next thanks for,watching

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