um,i want to quickly look at my pixel,if i just show you,yesterday,but um,yeah so we got a decent amount of orders,yesterday about,um but when i'm checking my pixel i'm,looking even just looking at today's,results like this is showing me,nothing really and the other day i was,getting the same thing um,i had no add to cart showing at all on,facebook but i had like three hundred,after class,this was crazy um,so i was going to quickly take a look at,the pixel to see if it felt right so,then i could,possibly set up search,and then how to use it so that i can,actually see everything that um,yeah comes in,let's do it,literally,today was a decent day,very profitable,um and,a few of ourselves have come from the,app as well and the app doesn't get,tracked on,facebook,right um,so it wasn't a bad day,like it looks normal,when i look at everything but for some,reason nothing's tracking that like,actually it gets worse than,yeah obviously after ios,it was bad but yeah man tracking is,terrible these days,yeah what's up yeah um let's see,uh just go ahead and click on your,purchases,i mean now just from you know just,looking at the data overall i mean,i mean it looks fine right now but let's,see view details,and yep let's just check i mean yeah,that's all fine,meeting best practices go to data,freshness,yeah,all right yeah see this is the thing,it's not in real time you see that,search is going to be in that green bar,that's what you need yes we're just,going to put you in the green it's going,to move that arrow over for you,okay how do we do that we've um search,yeah it's going to put you back in the,green you're going to have data coming,in real time and it'll all get sorted,out see how it says delay are harder to,attribute your events even sent with the,delay or harder to attribute your ad,performance it may impact how your ads,get delivered so serge is going to put,it up in real time and then,you're going to be able to basically see,your data come in and then you can,optimize a little bit faster that way,okay,okay it doesn't mean your results aren't,going to be tracked it just means,they're going to show up like multiple,days later and that's just too late for,like traffic yeah it's too late yeah,when i'm trying to because at the moment,the product i'm running i'm actually,going to stop running it soon so by the,time,i just turn those ads off it's just too,late yeah see,yeah that's a huge issue so those will,be good so we'll just go to search real,fast have you set it up,uh no no yeah okay,yeah so you'll go here,you'll set it up by,registering if you haven't registered,yeah,it's going to be based off of page views,um,just start out on the bolt pro,plan,yeah,no and then what you can do is hit,create business,yeah,you just can tile it yeah,um and then you click on,yeah that's gonna bring you in here,and then you can connect,you're just going to integrate your ad,account,pretty smooth,yep full year of development and still a,lot of stuff is coming on the way,good good,whatever makes it easier,yeah,all right that steps done now just go,back to your account in the home section,um yeah yep and then you'll just click,on that,and now you'll click connect again in,here,um,you know just hit connect and then now,we'll integrate when you select your ad,account,just select that ad account right there,this one yep,over to the right the button oh yeah,and then choose your account,all right that's done and then click on,tracking,you're gonna click on it's inactive,right now just hit on yep step one,and you're gonna copy that first line,there and then go to your shopify,theme liquid,um,yup and then go to theme liquid,yeah,and,yeah and you'll scroll down to the,bottom and then you're just gonna,scroll up a little bit all right right,there above that body line you're gonna,paste it right above that body right,there,that says slash body right next to html,it's the very last one there this one oh,yeah right above it one above,yep there you go,line in front,paste,boom it's in,and then scroll left,scroll left,and then hit save,yeah,and then,that's done and,now go back to that code scroll down,copy that next piece of code and drop,that in your,checkout script so you'll go to the,settings and then go to your checkout,page or whatever it's called,yeah click on what yep settings and then,check out,and i just got the pricing back,essentially 200 000 page views is going,to make sure that,you'll have as many page views as you,need that's actually about 20 000 extra,based off our math,yeah all right scroll down here you're,going to paste this,at the,yeah,yeah order status page,yeah,oh area yeah,take this out all right,uh what is that,i have no idea,is that needed or no,i love anything again,no i don't know,yep and then scroll up and then let's,see here that post purchase page it,looks like you have a post purchase page,yeah yeah all right scroll down let's,see,is it post purchase page is the same as,the order status,um,well what happens is they get about 10,minutes after and it comes with another,order,so it's a different page,yeah yeah okay then you paste it there,yeah,all right cool and then hit save,and then,yeah and then scroll up it should be,green now let's see if it is refresh,boom it's green active,all right now go to your uh,performance dashboard,that's the little performance thing,below,the ui just updating that home button is,down there i did the same thing,and then all right here you are this one,yeah yeah you're in there and then,let's go ahead and click on,the generate facebook utm button,and now you're going to place these ads,in the uh,actual,um,you have existing posts are you using,dynamic,some existing let me check,i'm just going to place those scripts in,there and then,existing actually i'll do in this,campaign,yeah so this was the original all of,these would be existing posts to this,one,okay um so we'll just edit we're just,going to edit all the ads and just paste,the parameters in there uh do hit the,view setup real fast i want to see if,you have any parameters first,web,uh,yeah just hit the view setup toggle next,to the columns,it's a right under the word ads it's in,blue it says view setup it has a little,toggle button right below it it's on the,right oh sorry yeah,okay um scroll left,all right nothing go the other way,yeah you're good all right so let's just,edit these,and then,we're gonna get your tracking all in,order here,you're gonna scroll all the way down,and then you're gonna paste the,parameters right there,yeah yeah but go to the tracking with,that so we can copy them so since these,are existing we'll just copy those,bottom ones yeah right there okay so,this one here yeah,and they go in,everything moving forward that's going,to be existing everything,and then if i set up something brand new,uh you'll use that other one but you'll,paste the link in there,okay,so this is cool yeah,all good to go on that um,is that every single one of your ads,yeah you just published that that's good,that's that's all of them in this,campaign yeah,nice a bit slow,nice,yeah so,go ahead,so if i'm doing um,a new ad you'll paste the url right,there,just here,yeah so like whatever link you're going,to send them to,oh okay okay,okay that makes sense,even and even if i'm doing existing,posts if i do,one post and then i'll stop it's you,well if you're making a zigzag post you,just use the ones at the bottom,yeah,it's just personal preference honestly,but for existing posts if you turn them,all into existing posts just place the,utms at the bottom,if you're gonna like use dynamic ads or,just create new ads you can use that one,above but it's both the same script the,only difference is one includes the link,it doesn't,okay,um,but what for example if,okay,so if i am going to run,to,this as uh,here but i've got multiple pictures okay,this one hasn't got it,then what do i use because i send them,to different um definitely put it at the,bottom yeah it's gotta get it go at the,bottom the yeah,yeah because that's gonna append it to,all of those,okay you know so if you,is this one active,yeah okay so yeah certainly so like yep,so paste this at the bottom and then we,could even test it just to see if those,are different products and stuff,yeah go right there there you go,you know like that,cool so,because this this actual um this one,that does quite well,so i know this is getting the sales but,it's not tracking anything,yesterday,yeah your tracking frequency is like,delayed by a few days that's why,so so when um surge starts tracking,these cells does it read it back to,facebook that will basically be able to,or do i just need to,know how to optimize it using that,information yeah just optimize based off,like so it's going to come into search,first basically all the purchases will,pull into search first as they come in,it happens in real time if you get a,cell on your site they'll tell you,immediately if it came from a facebook,ad in search,now,facebook won't tell you because,immediately,every time it could take up to a few,days but facebook's then going to,eventually report on that data and then,you're going to see like a big,like,like flow of purchases all of a sudden,pop into your account from facebook's,side because it finally arrived into,your account yeah but you've already,made the optimizations you needed based,off of the data you got from search,quickly yeah yeah,now you can scale faster instead of,having to wait,yeah exactly,so when they start coming up here,in this area hey refresh in here,or did you already do that,let me try again,there you go,and then the search coms,right there,the search purchases you see that column,oh yeah yeah,that right there is where the tracking,will happen so like obviously you,haven't the search hasn't tracked 21,purchases that's from facebook that's,just pulling in your data over there but,moving forward from like,this,like literally like the moment those are,live from this second forward,you know if like purchases are coming,through you can start to see that data,sure wait okay cool,and then all the search rows will start,to show up i can show you on my end when,it starts to look like now go ahead,you're gonna,show your screen yeah,yeah so like,you can see like for instance let's just,do here's the random date,you can check these things daily like,for instance like this one got one,pulled in,um it will actually show you and then,you'll have the return ads been in,values,yeah and you can go based off every day,um as purchases come through,yeah,this one's tracking a little bit higher,and then like once you actually have,data it'll pull in over different,periods,yeah,facebook's reporting 11. surges,reporting five,um but the row is still higher because,like the problem with this account was,that,um it's not that they weren't tracking,every purchase it's just that facebook,wasn't sending us the conversion values,which is annoying oh yeah,so how comes facebook's tracking more,sales here than those on this one,it's from the,uh delayed attribution plus the view,through search doesn't track views so,like if they viewed this ad,like let's say dude like if you send out,an email blast,and,a ton of people see it and like,purchase from that email and then they,go to facebook or instagram and then all,of a sudden all your retargeting ads,show up facebook can basically take,credit for that and that's a issue,oh they take credit a post okay yeah so,it seems like a post purchase because,they viewed it and made the buy but,technically they bought from your email,list but they just got served an ad but,because you have the view,conversion set up that counts,okay,but then like in for instance there's,also cases this is why facebook's,starting to be messed up with their,tracking because,for example let's try to find a date,where facebook sends like a ton of data,or something,let's see,there's going to be days where you have,like a big spike in purchases because,all that data will flow through from,apple,like for instance there's like four,purposes here only one track by surge,literally zero conversion value track by,facebook see that's a huge issue for us,that's why we were like pissed off,yeah we need to move in,when we go here like you see how it only,says one sale that day,that's this is the shopify data that you,can see this right here this brings in,your shopify data,oh okay,but like,it only has one cell from that day,but facebook says four,oh because it pulled in late yeah it,came in late so it's not that it's,tracking more,these,three other purchases are probably from,you know ones from yesterday and the,other two are from two days ago or,something right yeah yeah so like it's,just been it's this is really should be,distributed over the correct time period,but it was stacked all in to this day,because that's when apple finally pushed,through that data,yeah,it all just piles up in here that's why,it comes in like sets of twos and fours,and stuff and that's why things look,like doubles all the time do you ever,notice any accounting,thinking my pixel is messed up because,it looks like that sometimes and i'm not,what why are you doing that like we'll,hit the accounts and it'll be like two,two two two and we're like there's no,way people are buying in sets of twos,yeah yeah it's just literally processing,it right as the data is coming through,from,uh apple's side and it puts it all in,there at once it's kind of silly,but that's why we use this because this,does come through real time so you can,just basically say like if you're if,you're getting a lot of purchases like,each day you're checking you're seeing,them come through just optimize based,off that,and then like when you look at your data,over a longer time period,you'll start to see the purchases,finally start piling in,and you can just you know measure that,and based off of what optimizations you,made,yeah that makes sense,cool
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