how to track your shopify metrics

Shopify analytics- Top 5 Shopify Metrics You Must Track to Level Up Your eCommerce Store Performance

Rihab Seb - eCommerce Coach

Updated on Mar 06,2023

Shopify analytics- Top 5 Shopify Metrics You Must Track to Level Up Your eCommerce Store Performance

The above is a brief introduction to how to track your shopify metrics

Let's move on to the first section of how to track your shopify metrics

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Shopify analytics- Top 5 Shopify Metrics You Must Track to Level Up Your eCommerce Store Performance

i know that dealing with shopify,analytics might be a little bit,overwhelming,however if you want to succeed you must,be reading these analytics,and most importantly you must be,analyzing them,hi there i am rehab and on this youtube,channel i share with you videos related,to e-commerce,entrepreneurship and more and in today's,video i'm going to show you the five,metrics that you should be tracking on,your store,in order to be able to improve your,store performance and boost your,business,before starting with our topic and,before discussing these five metrics,you should first understand how a true,successful e-commerce business works,in order to create a successful,e-commerce business this business should,be able,to attract the traffic convert a part of,this traffic into customers,and retain those customers if your,e-commerce business is not be able to do,any of these three steps,it's very difficult to succeed and it's,very difficult to convert your business,into a sustainable business,that can live for years if you are,aiming to create such a business,and if you are aiming to apply this into,your business i highly recommend you,to check my free workshop in this,workshop i show you exactly how you can,attract,convert and retain your customers to get,this free workshop you just have to go,down,to the description and to take this,workshop it's 100,free and you don't need to pay anything,the metrics that we are going to discuss,in this video are related to these three,steps some of them will show you how,much,traffic you are attracting some of them,will show you,how much of this traffic you are able to,convert into customers,and some of them will show you how much,you are able to retain your customers,so before watching this whole video i,recommend you to take my free workshop,and watch it because this workshop will,greatly help you to understand why these,five metrics,are extremely important and why you,should be always tracking them and,following them,in order to be able to improve your,business so i will assume that you took,my advice you went down and you took my,free workshop,and i will start with the first metric,and it is related to traffic,before starting let me explain the,difference between visitors and,sessions visitors are the people who,visit your store,sessions are the visits which mean each,visitor can make several sessions or,several visits,in order to check this metric you need,to go to shopify dashboard,and under analytics you go to your,online store sessions,and here you can click on a view report,in order to see the full report,or you can change in here the period of,time,when you are checking this this number,so for example in here i'm checking this,number,in the last year if i click in here i,can choose for example last 90 days or,less 30 days,or last 7 days i'm going to keep it as,it is,and in here i'm going to click on view,report when i click on view report i see,the full report for the online store,sessions okay and in here i'm seeing the,results by month,which means i'm seeing each month by a,month,here for example in february i've,received 2710,sessions in here in march i received,2178 sessions,if you scroll down in here you can see,the results also,in this table before talking a little,bit about how to analyze these metrics,it's very important to know that in here,you can add,columns to your table in order to,understand more these metrics,and in order to start taking conclusions,out of these metrics,in here there are many things that you,should be analyzing,first you have to know which channel is,the channel that's,bringing you the most of your traffic,second you have to know,from where you are receiving this,traffic and third,you have to know if you are improving,the number of traffic you are receiving,or not so how to do that you go in here,and under edit,you go you scroll down and you add the,source so in this way,we will know from where this traffic is,coming,when you add this column you will be,able in here to see the,source of that traffic for for example,in here this means that i'm receiving,a lot of direct traffic for example,i can easily notice that google is one,of my best,channels okay compared to instagram,or to facebook for example i can also do,that i can click in here in order to,organize the numbers by the source name,that the,traffic name so for example in here i,can see that i'm receiving most of,my traffic from google as you can see in,here,so if i'm doing some kind of google,marketing or seo,this means that i'm doing well in this,area however,for example instagram is better than,facebook but it's worse than google so,this is also something that,that i can be thinking about as well in,here pinterest for example is,somehow similar to instagram this means,that maybe i should be putting also some,effort on pinterest,and so on in addition to analyzing your,traffic data and details as i showed you,it's also very important to see if you,are improving the amount of traffic you,are receiving,or not and in order to do that you,should be comparing,for example this period to a previous,one so i'm going in here,to click on year to date and i'm going,in here,to try to compare it to something,previous,so this store is a new so i don't have,previous data in the last,year but i'm going to choose for example,last 30 days,and i'm going in here to to choose to,compare it with the previous period and,i'm going to click on apply,and as you can see in here i'm seeing,two different kind of lines,one is for the previous data the one in,gray and the one is green is my,current data for the last 30 days so in,this way i can see if i'm proving my,numbers or not,i can easily notice that i'm not,improving my numbers,they are still almost the same i didn't,improve the amount of traffic i'm,receiving,it didn't decrease a lot but still i,didn't improve it,so if you are doing for example,something to drive more traffic to your,store you should be noticing,improvement in here if you didn't notice,improvement this,is a sign that you should be changing,things so this is it for the first,metric,now let's move to the second metric and,it is the conversion rate,as i have been saying for a long time on,this channel your conversion rate is one,of your most important metrics,because it shows how many people you are,being able to convert into customers,so in order to follow this metric and in,order to analyze it,you have to go in here to the same,dashboard you scroll down in here,and then here you have your online store,conversion rate,and you have three different types of,conversion rates,first you have the number related to,edit to cart,second you have the number related to,reach checkout,and the third is the session converted,and this is the most important one,because it reflects how many people you,are able to convert into customers,as you can see my online store,conversion is not good,and as you can see that this conversion,rate is,going down as far as i move forward in,the funnel so,37 sessions of people have added the,products to the card,only 20 percent of them reached checkout,and only nine of them,converted so in order to improve this,conversion rate,the final one and all of them actually,you have to watch,one of my previous videos where i have,talked about how to improve and optimize,your store in order to improve,your conversion rate however you must,know,that seeing this difference between the,conversion rate of people who added to,cart,and who actually bought at the final,step is very normal and that's why we do,email marketing,and we send recovery emails for people,who left the products on the card,or initiated checkout without buying in,order to,convince them to buy from us because,those are people,who already took steps serious steps,toward buying from us,in addition to aiming to improve your,conversion rate it's very important to,analyze these three numbers,and see if you can spot a problem there,so for example if,many people are adding your products to,the cart but very few of them are moving,to the checkout phase,this might mean that there is a problem,in your cart page,or if for example many people are,reaching the checkout phase but they are,not buying your product,maybe you have a problem with your,shipping fees so you have to analyze,these numbers,and see if you have a very big problem,in some place and you have to fix this,problem now reaching the third metric,and it is a,very very important metric and it is,your average order value,i have talked before about the average,order value on this channel and how to,improve this number,but this number is extremely important,and it reflects,how much a customer is spending during,one purchase on your store,and why improving this number is,extremely important because it means,that you will be improving your profit,out of the same client during the same,visit,so if you are paying money in order to,get your customers to your store,which means if you are running ads in,order to acquire clients,when you convince those clients to buy,more from you,you are directly improving your profits,and you are directly improving,your ads return on investment so in,order to track this number you have to,go,to your shopify analytics dashboard and,in here you call,you go to average order value and in,here you can see you can see your,average order value,and you can compare it with your,previous average order values,so it's very important to always spot,the difference and see if your,efforts are doing well so for example if,you have seen my previous video where i,have showed you how to improve your,average order value,and you are applying one of the,techniques i showed you,on that video you should be coming in,here after some time maybe one month,maybe two months to store,and see if this number is actually,improving because in this way you will,be able to judge if what you are doing,on your store,is actually effective or not the more,you can increase your average order,value the better,because when you increase this metric,you can easily start to absorb shipping,fees,and thus you can offer better shipping,fees and this will directly improve your,conversion rate,now after checking the average order,value the next metric we are going to,discuss,is your store total sales and this,metric is actually a combination of your,conversion rate,and your average order value but this,metric is very important because it,shows if you are making more money and,it's very,important to see if you are improving,your sales with time and if you are,improving your profits,so this number will show you how much,money you are making out of your store,but it will not show you,how much profit you are making because,in order to calculate your traffic you,should consider how much you are,spending on,marketing on ads and so on however it's,very important to keep track of this,number,because it will show you if your store,is growing on sales and this is,something very positive,now moving to the final metric and it is,the most important metric,ever and it is your returning customer,rate,this metric is very very important,because it shows,if your previous customers are satisfied,and happy with your products,and it shows if your customers are,willing to come back to your store and,buy from you,if you have a low returning customer,date this can,mean many things it might mean that your,customers,don't like your products or your,services and this is something very bad,or it might mean that you are not doing,any kind of remarketing or,any kind of back-end marketing system so,if you are not reaching out to your,previous,clients via emails or via sms or vre,targeting on facebook,they might not be going back to your,store and buying from you,and if you are not doing any of that,which means if you don't have,any follow-up emails if you are not,doing any retargeting campaigns on,facebook,you have to fix that now as well because,your previous customers,are your most valuable assets they are,people who love you they are people who,trusted you before,so they are most probably willing to,come back to you,and buy from you in order to improve,this number and approving this number is,very important i highly recommend you to,watch,the free workshop i'm currently offering,in this workshop i,show you exactly how you should be,creating,your business and i show you exactly the,different marketing strategies,that you should be applying in order to,be able to attract,convert and retain your customers so if,you want to create a strong e-commerce,business,if you want to grow your e-commerce,business i highly recommend you,to go down and to take this free,workshop it's 100,free so you don't need to pay anything i,hope this video will help you to,understand more shopify analytics,and i hope it will help you to improve,your business thank you for watching,this video and if you loved it,please don't forget to like it and to,subscribe to my channel,see you next week bye bye,you

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