how to transfer domain from wordpress to shopify

Shopify Migration: Transfer your WordPress website to Shopify hi guys and welcome to the video today

Ryan Griffiths

Updated on Feb 22,2023

Shopify Migration: Transfer your WordPress website to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to transfer domain from wordpress to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to transfer domain from wordpress to shopify

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how to transfer domain from wordpress to shopify catalogs

Shopify Migration: Transfer your WordPress website to Shopify

hi guys and welcome to the video today,i'm going to show you how to redirect,your website urls without losing that,seo juice,so redirecting it from wordpress or big,commerce or nito neto,whatever your cms is into shopify,so with this video i'm going to show you,two different ways one to do it manually,which takes a little bit longer and then,the other way to do it via a csv which,is,extremely easy extremely fast so let's,get to it now the reason why i wanted to,do these redirects first and foremost is,that if i'm ranking for a keyword i,don't want to lose that search juice,that,all that work that's gone into the seo,in the past and i don't want to lose,that so i basically want to get the,search terms,for,so hand planes body surfing now it has,600 volume and as you can see here this,is the url,what this is going to do right now is,it's going to redirect because i've,already set up the redirect this url is,actually the old website so if i click,on this,it's redirected to this brand new page,on my brand new website on shopify which,is fantastic that's exactly what i want,to happen,so what i did,is you come over to your online store,and you click this,and then you click navigation,okay and now you click on view url,redirects,and as you can see here,this is the path that it was,originally on neato and this is where i,want it to redirect to so this is a,permanent redirect and this is exactly,what i want to happen because now when,people search body surf hand planes,they're going to go straight through to,this and google is going to be happy and,there's going to be no fluff it's not,going to go to the home page it's not,going to just say page not found or 404,it's going to go to the page that i want,and that will be rewarding for me as a,site owner because,it will not i will not lose out to the,other competition so,that's what you need to do if you have a,simple redirect so let's go through the,process so,right here create url redirect now you,want to redirect from a previous,uh product so this is ahrefs this is the,software,that is good for seo,but what i'd suggest is that you export,your list of urls from the back end of,your wordpress website,and what that will do is it will show,you a list of all of the products all of,the pages that are that are ranking,and then all you need to do is do,exactly this with the url,so for example let's see what we can do,on this list,i exported this list in particular,because these were the pages that were,ranking for me so all i needed to do,from here was export this and it,basically sent me a list of exactly what,you can see here on the screen,so i don't want to lose,any seo juice for surf jewelry it's only,a hundred volume but you know what i,really want that and as you can see i'm,moving up i've moved in to position two,position two for surf jewelry and there,was actually a sale yesterday for surf,jewelry,so what i want to do is i want to,actually,get this url so i'll click on it,and as you can see it's a 404 so this is,what we don't want what we want is we,want to copy,right there,and copy that,and then what you need to do is you need,to come over to your redirect section,and paste that in,now where do i want it to redirect to so,what i do is i right click on the,products,and i find my new collection that i want,to redirect to,so click on collections,and you can do this a number of ways if,it is a product you click on the product,and then you view the product,exactly the same way so let's just go,do,surf jewelry so i made this,collection specifically for the new,website and then i click view,so what that's going to do is it's going,to show this new ir url it doesn't have,any products on there yet that's up to,me to get moving but you can see here,this is the new url,so what you do is you copy this section,copy,then you go back to your redirection,section and paste that there,so before it was accessories jewelry now,it's collections surf jewelry so i went,after surf jewelry to get position one i,probably didn't need to because it's,obviously in position two on that old,website but i want position one pole,position another good reason to to add,the right url is that it's really good,for your google shopping campaigns and,just google advertising in general,so,save redirect,okay so that's been saved now let's go,back to view redirects,okay for some reason it's not,propagating here yet let's refresh the,page,still not propagating but let's just go,to here now and let's just see if it,actually worked so i'm going to click on,this old url,and there you go it's as simple as that,so as you can see now that that old url,is pointing to this new url i need to,add the categories to this surf jewelry,section so then the sales keep on coming,through,so that's how you do it,on a sorry that's the next step that's,how you do it from creating url,direct,manually so as you can see now i just,refreshed the page you can see now,accessories jewelry is going to,collection surf jewelry,perfect now,to do it via csv,let's go so what i'm doing now is i'm,actually getting the original urls that,i exported from,my,sheet here,so all of those urls,are basically i copied those,and i pasted them all here on the left,now it says redirect from and this is an,example so you can actually download an,example here let's go to import,and then as you can see here you can,download this sample csv template okay,i don't need to do that but if you need,to do that you can do it and what it,will do is it will basically download a,csv just like this redirect from here,and,products whatever your example is so,this is great what i'm going to do now,because i don't need this is i'm going,to delete rows 2 to 4,and we're starting from here so it's,going to redirect from this old url to,this new url let's just make this a bit,bigger there we go,okay so salty shadows now this,will be a 404 for sure so i click on,that,here is the url it's not found surprise,surprise so what we're going to do here,is we're going to see,this url,and then i'm going to find,where salty shadows is in my collection,so salty,i don't think i've created one yet there,we go so i've got to create a collection,let me just do this quickly,okay i'm gonna copy that just put that,in the description for now and then copy,it there so it goes into the tag so the,tags really important so then every time,you add that product it will be there,okay so,that's how you create a quick collection,with nothing in it,however,this has been created now,and what i'm going to do is i'm going to,grab this new url that i've created,because this is where i'll add all of my,salty shadows products,got to go back to here here we are,and i'm just going to paste that in,there,that's how easy it is so all you need to,do once you've done this is save this,url,this excel,csv,and all you need to do then is click,import,then you add that file,okay,so i might,do that just for you guys now,so what i'm going to do now is i'm going,to save and download this i actually do,this through google sheets but you can,save it however you want and it has to,be a csv,so,there we are it's just downloaded for me,and i'll show that in my finder,and i will say,i'll just call this url,re,rex,and then um,i'll just say half because i'm going to,go ahead and finish this off when i'm,done but for example there it is and,then what i need to do is i come through,to,the url redirect section import my csv,so i'll add the file,there we are,and then upload the file,there we go your import contains 20 url,directs preview there's a preview so,it's basically a preview of what it's,going to look like,and then import redirect,18 redirects have been done you directs,have been updated with the new target,url okay so,okay so i've just refreshed my section,of url redirects and as you can see here,it has eliminated the original,part of the redirect which is the main,domain name so that's fantastic it's,really really clever shopify is,unbelievable,i'm so happy with shopify i used to be a,massive woocommerce fan and i still am i,still am,woocommerce has its place for different,companies and different products but if,you're a,moms and dads or just a new kind of,ecommerce uh let's say,adventurer then this is the perfect,software for you there we go so it's all,redirecting now let's check it,so i'll come back to here because this,is the old urls as we've spoken about,before,now i definitely did this one before and,i,want to see if this redirects,there we go so when it says sorry,there's no products,that's good for me it does not say 404,it is already redirecting from the old,url to the new url,this is extremely easy to do if you have,any problems please ask me in the,comments,like and subscribe,all of that good stuff and i'm happy to,to help out with any other videos if,you're struggling with anything to do,with shopify please hit me up happy to,help thanks

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