how to cancel your Shopify subscription,or close your store hello guys welcome,back to my channel I hope you guys are,doing amazing so in today's video I'm,going to show you how you can cancel,your Shopify subscription or close your,store they're almost you know now kind,of same thing so first of all what you,have to do is you have to open your,Shopify your Shopify home and you have,to come here on the home as you can see,that I have a I have an online store as,well and this is my Shopify you know,this is what it looks like in my home it,is asking me to add a domain and pick a,plan and etc etc so first of all what,you have to do is uh you know it's very,easy it's gonna be a step to step guide,and so that you don't feel any kind of,thing you know which I don't want to,leave anything behind where I don't want,to leave anything out for you to create,any confusion for you guys so first of,all what you have to do is after opening,up your so after signing in,and after logging in or whatsoever this,will be the page that he will land on to,and it can be different for you,depending upon the you know depending,upon your store or if you have a store,or not if you don't then it will ask you,to create a store if you already have,then it will ask you to update it or,something like it totally depends upon,what where you are and your progress on,Shopify so as I have a store but it's,not very updated Etc it's asking me to,add a domain and everything so this is,the home page for me so first of all,what you have to do is go into this app,setting here and here you can see that,these are the apps that I have linked or,installed to my Shopify and from here I,can do some Drop Shipping Etc and if you,uh go into this setting app and sales,channel settings it will open up you,know the and all other settings Etc and,here you can see what you have to do,first is you want to remove all those,apps and uh you know can be uninstalled,without selecting uh selector location,shop location and you know just delete,it and if you want to come here to,others pocket you want to do that do it,as well you have to select this location,like if you can delete it from here or,you know you can just transfer it to,your shop locator because it's necessary,you cannot just directly delete it like,that so it's just you know you want to,delete it from this Shopify account or,you know subscription so you want to,delete it remove this as well and,um you know just there's another one,which is an online store and I,understand the risk of installing this,sales channel before you delete make,sure you have fulfilled all orders from,online stream processed any returns or,refunds if you have anything you know to,return or to refund or there are any,orders that you haven't fulfilled right,um yet so you have to do that first,before deleting your account or before,deleting your store so you have,successfully deleted online store and,this is how your app send uh sales,channels looks like now and you're all,clear so the next step is that you here,as you can see it is asking you to add,some more apps because you don't already,have one so when you come here these are,the settings and as you have seen that,this is a this is my store so on by, so this is uh you know,showing the basic information about my,store and everything and this is the,information that I have provided so what,you have to do is you have to come here,in the plan section and this is your,next billing date and payment method and,everything so you have to come here and,deactivate your trial because I'm a,trial mode right now and this is how uh,my subscription will be canceled for you,it might be different if you have,already subscribed to a payment plan and,if you have already bought your,subscription or something then it will,ask you to close your store or something,like that if you have done nothing right,now if just a simple store you have,created nothing or you haven't chose any,plan right now then it will simply give,you an option of closing your store and,it will ask you a reason for it while,you're closing your storage stuff you,just have to given that and you just,have to uh you know given your password,and that's how you will close your store,and close your profile for all if as you,can see that I already had a store and I,already choose a payment plan and I,choose the free trial version of it so,this is why I am deactivating my trial,version and they actually restore and,cancel your subscription to the trial,plan yes please what is the main reason,of choosing closing the store I was just,testing Shopify out I will just you know,add this anything you'd like to add no I,will just continue and now I have to,enter my password in order to actually,activate my store completely and I will,just simply add in my password and I,will just say deactivate now after,adding in your password you will be able,to deactivate your store completely and,as you can see here after a deactivate,your store you will no longer have,access to Shopify admin including your,sales data reports or product and,customer information if you if you,decide to give this another try we'll,retain this information so you can kick,start your store with ease so this is,what it says and this is how you'll be,able to deactivate your store I don't,know how to do that so I'm not going to,actually add in my password here I was,just I was just showing you guys how you,can do that very easily and I will just,go back and you know cancel everything,out and and here is are some other,options that you can use as well if you,want to uh you know deactivate your,account it's just going to this manage,account setting it will give you an,option to completely delete your account,as you can see if you come here and,security your password to stop,amplification and devices Etc after you,have successfully ended your,subscription of your store on Shopify,then you will be given the option to,close your store in this General section,and from that there you can add a reason,of closing the store and then you can,add in your password like you added for,closing the subscription and that's how,you can close your store on Shopify and,this is how you can you know close your,Shopify account and this is how easy it,was after successfully you know closing,your subscription and deactivating your,subscription on Shopify you can get an,option here in the general section of,closing your store and once you select,that section select that option you will,just you know asked about why are you,doing this and then you will be asked,about your password and that's how you,can close your your Shopify account as,well this is how easy it was and this,was uh all for today I hope this video,helped you guys and this is how you can,close your Shopify account and if you,have any queries you can comment them,down in the comment section below and I,will surely respond to them and until,the next video please like share and,subscribe my channel take care and bye,bye
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