how to turn off the email notifications on each sale with shopify

How to Turn Off Shopify Transactional Emails? how can you turn off transactional,emails inside of sh

Flowium - eCommerce Email Marketing

Updated on Feb 26,2023

How to Turn Off Shopify Transactional Emails?

The above is a brief introduction to how to turn off the email notifications on each sale with shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to turn off the email notifications on each sale with shopify

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how to turn off the email notifications on each sale with shopify catalogs

How to Turn Off Shopify Transactional Emails?

how can you turn off transactional,emails inside of shopify,if you use other platform or,email service provider like clavia,active campaign mailchimp or so forth,and you want to use those platforms to,send transactional emails,meaning order confirmation shipment,confirmation fulfillment,out for delivery and other email you are,able to do it but,first just to make sure not to send,double emails,from shopify as well other esp first you,need to,i mean first you need to build those,emails inside the other platform,and turn off inside of shopify,unfortunately,you are not able to turn off,in shopify order confirmation unless,you're on shopify plus and you have to,contact support you have to go through,some hoops,to disable order confirmation on,regular shopify you are not able to turn,off order confirmation it,must be on before we continue with the,video i have a short announcement to,make we,are growing and we have a few spots,available for,new clients and i would like to tell you,about our partner program,give thousand dollars get thousand,dollars how does it work,if you know anybody in your network who,are,e-commerce brand online retailers please,refer,them to us and if they sign up with us,you will get thousand dollars,and they will get thousand dollar,discount toward their credit,or if you are ecommerce brand and you,would like to work with us we will give,you two thousand dollars towards your,first month,of the retainer just visit,partner and see,the details of a partner program and we,have a template there,email template which you can send it to,your friend or somebody you know in,e-commerce space,okay so when you log into your shopify,account,on you click on settings and click on,notifications,and this is the order confirmation you,are not able to disable but the,everything else as you can see there's,check marks and right now,on this specific account those emails,are enabled,meaning people are receiving,transactional emails from,shopify not their esp email service,provider so,if this person this client wants to,use clivio because they use client if,they want to use,clavio to send out transactional emails,they need to disable them here not to,send,double emails to their clients if you,want to,disable any other like order,confirmation cancel order and so forth,you need to talk to shopify support,and ask them to disable but again order,confirmation,you are able to disable only on shopify,plus not,regular shopify i hope it helps in case,you have any additional,questions please let me know thank you,you

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