how to turn on printify as shipper in shopify store

Printify shipping process EXPLAINED...thorough BREAKDOWN | Plus Shopify Shipping so,you're trying to

DefinedBy Alex

Updated on Mar 02,2023

Printify shipping process EXPLAINED...thorough BREAKDOWN | Plus Shopify Shipping

The above is a brief introduction to how to turn on printify as shipper in shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to turn on printify as shipper in shopify store

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how to turn on printify as shipper in shopify store catalogs

Printify shipping process EXPLAINED...thorough BREAKDOWN | Plus Shopify Shipping

so,you're trying to figure out how you are,going to set up shipping and really,trying to understand the ins and out of,your print-on-demand shipping,specifically for printfy what is up,define squad welcome welcome welcome and,welcome back if you are not new here,it's your girl alex and defined by alex,where we are defining our lives and,building our dreams in that order i hope,you guys are staying safe and you are,well out there thank you for tuning in,so,you guys know that i love making my,t-shirts okay that is my business and as,of recently i switched from,fulfilling everything myself and my at,home business to printify the print on,demand method now with using printfi or,print on demand platform there's going,to be some new learning curves that,you're going to have to understand so,that way you can run your business,successfully and have a peace of mind,with doing that in today's video i'm,going to be breaking down principle,shipping and i'm going to really explain,with you guys so that way you know when,you want to get started you have a full,understanding of how principle shipping,goes and you can run your business honey,in your sleep let's get into it okay,guys so in today's video i have my phone,so if you just catch me looking down i,just really want to make sure i have,really thorough notes so that you guys,can retain this okay like i want y'all,to get this and you could just take off,all right so when it comes to,shipping let's just talk about a few,things so that you can understand what,you need to look out for to really,optimize your profit and your customer,experience and your business experience,too you guys because,you know using a print on demand,platform having someone else fulfill,your products for you you have to make,sure that you really know like the nuts,and bolts when it comes to how that,business runs so that way you can run,your business okay so let me go ahead,and talk about some key things that i've,just learned over the time and i've,really ingrained in myself so that way i,know how to talk to you guys about it,and you can understand this as well okay,so,when it comes to,print on demand and shipping keep in,mind of how much they're charging for,sad products okay,so i'm gonna go ahead and use t-shirts,as an example keep in mind when it comes,to t-shirts different suppliers will,charge you different prices as far as,production prices when it comes to how,much does it cost to get this shirt made,things you need to keep in mind and all,that fancy stuff okay so i always say,this and i'm going to keep saying it,throughout this video i don't mean to,sound like a broken record,but everything is going to come down to,your budget okay you guys so what you,may see me show here in just a second,when i share my screen it's not going to,apply to everybody and always stay on,your budget whenever you're using a,print-on-demand source because it's,always important that you do what you do,for your financial goals but when it,comes to your products and the products,that you're choosing to have made,just keep in mind how much they're going,to cost on that print-on-demand platform,so for example if you know a t-shirt,it's gonna be like nine dollars and your,shipping is going to be like four,dollars you know that might be a good,threshold for you to get started because,now you know okay it's going to cost me,around 13 and some change to get this,product going is going to cost me on my,bank account and things like that what,you don't want to do in the beginning,especially if your budget is tight,is go for the most expensive products,because now you're going to run into,having to offset that and charging more,to receive a nice profit okay so that's,the first thing i wanted to talk about,is just really diving into knowing how,much your products are going to cost you,when it comes out of your bank account,which i'm going to get to in here in a,second but knowing how much products are,going to cost you when it comes to the,fulfillment and the whole process okay,cool let's move on to the next point,okay so,once you,pick your product for your t-shirts or,whatever and you understand and accept,like you're gonna be charged this set,amount what you also want to keep in,mind is how long this print provider,typically takes when it comes to,fulfilling and producing your shirt okay,so you want to make sure that you,understand like their average business,time their average order time their,turnaround time,all the time okay you want to make sure,that you know how long it's going to,take the print provider to fulfill your,shirt get it to your customer and all,that stuff too so i wanted to point that,out because you know although i'm here,to talk about shipping and the fees this,is also in conjunction with it so i want,you to know that you have to look out,for this because you want to make sure,that these providers aren't taking too,long i should say to fulfill your shirt,and you have an understanding so that if,a customer is inquiring about oh where's,my product i bought this a week ago i,was expecting it,you need to know how long it's going to,take to make that product okay so just,keep that in mind as well so now i want,to talk about the most important piece,of this video which is going to be the,money the budget the fees,all that good stuff when it comes to,shipping because this is going to be the,meat and potatoes of this video and what,you really need to ingrain when it comes,to running your business using,print-on-demand specifically printfive,so let me just say this again okay,because i mentioned it before and i want,you guys to understand this your budget,is important make sure you know where,you are,when you start a print-on-demand,business you guys and take it for me,i've learned the hard way i've messed up,it cost me money that's what happens,when you don't educate yourself you're,going to lose money okay so i say that,to say when it comes to printify pretty,much i'm not sure if all of them goes,like this but i know prince if i does,this when you are using a another you,know service to fulfill your shirts of,course they're going to charge you their,fees that money comes out of your,account your business bank account or,your personal whatever you're starting,off with so that money is going to come,out of your account physically your,account in fact printify has a place,where you can set up what payment method,you want to use you can integrate and,link your paypal,or you can add a debit card bank card,whatever you want to use because that is,going to be the way that they charge you,now if you do not have the funds on your,card when a customer orders then that,order is just going to be in the queue,okay,it's not going to get cancelled but if,principal,doesn't get their money then your,customer don't get they product,okay i hope y'all are getting what i'm,putting down okay basically you got to,make sure the money is in the bank,account,or your customer will not get their,product okay so when it comes to fees,when it comes to your budget when it,comes to your money you got to have it,you got to make sure it's there because,you got to think about your customer,experience okay,so,now that i've talked about that i hope,that would say it the way that i needed,it to be said,but i wanted you guys to understand that,that's what i mean when it comes to your,fees and your budget and just making,sure you have everything in order,because once principal takes that money,out of your account then their job can,get started okay so now they can go,ahead and put you know your your design,do the dtg method make sure everything,is good to go so i wanted to really,stress that because now what i'm about,to do is hop into my computer and really,show you guys what it's going to look,like when it comes to,what you're going to be charged your,revenue your profit and i'm also going,to share some things with you guys about,the shopify platform and how you can add,a shipping fee so that way your customer,is paying for the shipping that printf i,is charging you,let's hop right on here all right,everyone so i really wanted you guys to,succeed this so i am in one of my orders,in my shopify store,and i pretty much just have my printify,app open so that way you guys can really,see it for what it is and understand it,better okay,so now i normally know that we read from,left to right but i'm going to switch,that up because i want to talk about the,billing piece first so over here,in my right hand corner you're going to,see the billing,so again this is where i really want you,guys to understand the numbers,you know kind of see how much you can,make in your products of your profit as,you guys can see here my profit is,showing so this is all for you to learn,and understand better,so for my billing,what this basically means here,is that i have been charged 13.61,okay,so that means that my production for the,shirt that the customer bought was 9.61,so the production you guys is simply is,going to be charging you for the t-shirt,and the application which for most of,the print-on-demand suppliers it's going,to be dtg which is direct to garmin okay,now there's plenty of videos out there,you guys on,dtg and what that is i'm not going to,get into that right now so my focus is,just going to be billing shipping,printify all that stuff okay,so when it comes to,billing production this just means that,i'm being charged 9.61,for the t-shirt and application process,excuse me application process for my,shipping,that just means that this supplier,charges four dollars to ship throughout,the united states okay,and then the design fee one thing i want,you guys to know if you didn't there's a,design fee y'all and what that means is,that let's just say,if you want to make a product that has,designs in the front of the shirt as,well as in the back and on the neck okay,well some suppliers are going to charge,you extra because that's more designs to,print you know what i'm saying it's,going to take more time so basically,if you ask me,and if you listen to me,stick to just the front stick to just,the front of the shirt,you know because that's going to eat up,a lot more of your revenue if you want,to really get into,all the design space of a t-shirt if you,know you just want to design and you,want one put it on the front okay,because it's going to cost you more in,the end so i just wanted to put that out,there so you guys can know understand,and my recommendation now i am not,saying don't add designs you know in,more than one spot i'm just trying to,help you with you know not spending more,than what you want basically okay so,that's billing now out of my bank,account this is what i was charged now,this is a real order it's not a sample,order so i get to see more details so i,know out of my account which i already,checked so i know it's legit 13,and 61 cents came out of my account okay,cool so that is the billing you guys so,this is the full breakdown very easy,it's going to pretty much let you know,that your production is this your,shipping is this so what prince if i,charges you is this okay cool,now let's move on to the middle now the,middle section,this is where you guys is going to take,a little bit more brain power and behind,the scenes understanding to know what's,really going on here,but as i said i'm going to also show you,something in my shopify store so that,way you guys can really put the pieces,together and know what all this means so,we went over billing that's pretty much,really intuitive cool now let's talk,about this middle section here my,revenue,what this revenue is is what i'm,charging for my t-shirt okay so this,means the customer is paying,25.95 for the shirt,however there's more to this piece you,guys,so when it says costs that's the,production cost same as it is in your,billing section okay so you see these,numbers are the same what you don't see,is your shipping,your shipping is not going to be in like,more of the customer folio i should say,just because it's going to,it's going out of your account okay so,the shipping isn't going to be included,in this middle section but then what you,guys can also see is how much profit,i've made off of one shirt so i know,that for future orders when customer,orders this particular shirt,i'm going to make 16 and 34 cents every,time okay,so that's what it is now,just to explain this on what you guys,don't see you guys don't see the taxes,okay because you have to of course have,taxes,you guys don't see the taxes,of the of the order,you don't see the shipping,that i've included as well which good,thing to know,is that because these print providers,are going to charge you shipping it is,wise,to also charge your customers the same,price okay and i'm going to get into,that here in just a second but before i,move on i wanted to share with you guys,basically to see,the possibilities of receiving a good,profit from your t-shirt now i also want,to say this because again i'm here,dropping gems for y'all and i want y'all,to really get this when it comes to your,revenue and how much you charge for the,shirt you guys have to look at the,competitors,you have to see who's charging for what,what's going on so that way you can,receive a profit that's livable,right like let's just be honest you got,to receive a profit that's livable you,got to make sure that you can live off,the profits that you're making from your,t-shirt business because now you're,using a service or services,to make your stuff so now of course,they're gonna charge you so you gotta,make sure you're making money for that,you see what i'm saying okay so now what,i'm gonna do is show you guys,the shipping profiles on my shopify,store so that way you can understand it,more but basically y'all this is it this,is a really good breakdown of what's,happening behind the scenes when a,customer purchases from you and you're,using printfi or any other print on,demand you know platform,so now i got to move my face out the way,because i can't see what i'm doing here,all right so let me go to my settings,and i'm going to go to shipping and,delivery now what i'm going to show you,guys is super simple but whenever you,are,you know when you start your print on,demand business,and you are trying to figure out what to,charge and stuff like that you know just,to add your shipping profiles you're,going to always go here so as you guys,can see here i have two different,profiles for my products because i have,t-shirts and sweatshirts now sweatshirts,i know costs more,so my shipping profile has to be,separate and all these products are,under my sweatshirts profile so that way,i know nothing's getting mixed up i know,t-shirts is one profile and i know,sweatshirts are another profile so what,i'm going to do is i'm going to show you,my rates under my black mantras,principal t-shirts that's what i just,named it so i know what it is,and as you guys can see,all of my t-shirt products are under the,shipping profile we're gonna make it,real simple real easy if i go through,you're going to see all of my products,okay so that's that but as you scroll,down this is the part that's going to be,important for you guys to know because,you're going to have to figure out,how you want your customers to,to have shipping you want them to have,free shipping you want them to spend a,certain amount of money to get free,shipping all that plays an effect okay,so,if you guys remember on my screen where,i was in my printf i order,the supplier charged me four dollars,so which i what i did,i added a shipping profile or a shipping,zone that for us shipping,the customers are also going to pay,four dollars for their for their shirt,okay so on top of the 25.95,that my product is,now customers are going to pay an,additional four dollars,29.95 okay,that's just what it is for shipping when,they buy one item at least one item now,what i also did,to encourage free shipping because i,know that that really is important for a,lot of customers i kind of did like this,incentivized method or condition,um according to shopify and what i,basically did was in order for customers,to have free shipping,they had to spend fifty dollars or more,okay now you can do this if you like you,know a lot of people do this y'all some,people some people stores you got to,spend a hundred for for you to get free,shipping so you know you definitely make,it what you want but,i just wanted to show you guys this in,depth because this is what happens for,you and your business so you know,customers are pretty much got to pay for,shipping at least match what the print,suppliers are providing you because,that's fair right like i'm just being i,want to be fair y'all like i don't want,to come here and charge seven dollars,for shipping and i'm not paying seven,dollars for shipping you see what i'm,saying so you gotta make sure like be,fair trust me it's gonna go a long way,y'all don't get caught up into trying to,get the profit and you charge an,astronomical price for shipping like no,make sure it's fair okay so that's what,i did and so this is it you guys so,basically,once i set up my prices for my shirt i,understood how shipping works how the,production cost works all that stuff you,guys then i came over here in my shopify,settings and i made my shipping profiles,and that is it that's all you have to do,when it comes to shipping and when using,printfy,understanding the numbers and that way,you know that your process and the,customer's order process is easy peasy,okay y'all so now that you guys have,seen an example pretty much a good,description of how printify shipping,works production costs shipping how you,can add it to your shopify profile let,me go ahead and do a recap so that way,you guys can really understand this and,start your print on demand business,today okay so you guys know that you,have your production your production is,going to be your t-shirt and the,application process and that's going to,vary depending on the print provider and,what they charge you're going to also,have to think about the average order,time like how long is that going to take,for a set provider to make your products,and ship it out to your customer what,you also have to keep in mind,is how much money is going to cost you,once a customer places an order okay,then you want to make sure that you set,your prices,at a profit margin that's going to have,you walk away with a good profit that's,livable all right because again i mean,you got to eat you got to pay your bills,okay,so after that you're gonna also want to,make sure to be fair to your customers,which is what i recommend that you add,the same shipping rate,that your print supplier imprintify is,charging you to your shopify shipping,rate so that way customers are paying,you know basically paying what you're,paying or they're paying for that,they're paying for the shipping okay and,then you get to see the totality of the,product cost your production cost and,your revenue because now you set all,your numbers in order and your metrics,are running smoothly so that is it for,today's video my friends on a printed,five shipping explain the ends and the,out of the fees some good just mental,points you need to know as far as how,much money you need to have to start out,with you guys your budget keep all that,stuff in mind okay,so thank you guys so much for watching,today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it,don't forget to like leave me a comment,connect with me you guys so i can see,what you guys think about this video and,if you liked it okay but as always don't,forget to drink your water mind your,business and i always choose yourself,first and i'll be back in my next video,bye y'all

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